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单词 migrate
释义 Word family  noun migration migrant adjective migratory verb migrate  Related topics: Biology, Computersmi·grate /maɪˈɡreɪt $ ˈmaɪɡreɪt/ ●○○ AWL verb  1. [intransitive + from/to]TRAVEL if birds or animals migrate, they travel regularly from one part of the world to another 〔鸟或兽〕移栖,迁徙 → migratory2. [intransitive + from/to]LEAVE YOUR HOME/COUNTRY if people migrate, they go to live in another area or country, especially in order to find work 〔尤指为找工作〕移居,迁移 → emigrate3  a) [intransitive, transitive + from/to] to start using a different computer system, or to arrange for people to start using a different computer system 〔计算机系统〕更新 b) [transitive + from/to] to move information or software from one computer system to another 〔计算机系统之间〕转移〔信息或软件〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmigrate• The first Americans migrated across the Bering land bridge more than 10,000 years ago.• How do birds know when to migrate, and how do they find their way back home?• The answers to the second question, of how animals find their way when migrating, can be more various.• This means that now he has no need to migrate if he can work his own land.• In the wild, they can often be sighted migrating in bevies of a hundred or more birds.• But he eventually migrated to Chicago, where he acted in independent films and theater.• Where there are areas of high unemployment, workers tend to migrate to other, wealthier parts of the country.• More than 2 million ducks migrate to the lake each fall.From Longman Business Dictionarymigratemi‧grate /maɪˈgreɪtˈmaɪgreɪt/ verb [intransitive] to go to another area or country, especially in order to find workIn the years ahead, tens of thousands of workers looking for high-paid, technical jobs could migrate abroad. —migratory adjectivemigratory workers who follow seasonal jobs → compare emigrate, immigrate→ See Verb tableOrigin migrate (1600-1700) Latin past participle of migraremi·grate verbChineseSyllable  migrate, animals if regularly Corpus birds travel Business or they




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