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单词 persist
释义 Word family  noun persistence adjective persistent verb persist adverb persistently  per·sist /pəˈsɪst $ pər-/ ●●○ AWL verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]CONTINUE/NOT STOP to continue to do something, although this is difficult, or other people oppose it 坚持;执意persist in (doing) something He persisted in his refusal to admit responsibility. 他坚持不承认负有责任。persist with She persisted with her studies in spite of financial problems. 尽管经济拮据,她还是坚持学业。 ‘I don’t think it’s right, ’ John persisted. “我认为那不对。”约翰坚持说道。n GrammarYou persist in doing something: She persisted in asking the question. ✗Don’t say: She persisted to ask the question.2  [intransitive]CONTINUE/NOT STOP if something bad persists, it continues to exist or happen 继续存在[发生] If the pain persists, you must see a doctor. 如果一直痛,你就必须去看医生了。► see thesaurus at continue→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspersist• "It does matter, " Jill persisted.• It is a miracle indeed that in a hostile Universe this planet should provide conditions where such fragility can persist.• Vogelstein thought the test would be pointless, but the friend persisted.• See your doctor if the symptoms persist.• I have used Marin Oomed, but the problem persists.• But the thought persisted, and wouldn't go away.• Yet they persist anyway-at least they do as long as they are leaders.• If the pain persists, call a doctor.• We have to persist, creating the dialogue that moves public opinion.• In most cases, these symptoms persist for a couple of days.• The White House persisted in its efforts to pass the bill, despite the opposition of Congress.• American students of Spanish often persist in pronouncing words such as "presidente" in the same way as similar English words.• He persisted in smoking even after having a heart attack.• If adverse weather conditions persist, the game will be cancelled.persist in (doing) something• Why in hell did Alice persist in asking?• Why does Alice persist in believing she doesn't need any help?• We persist in grasping at neat, simple answers, when we should be questioning everything.• Despite denials, she persists in her entreaties.• This opinion can seem persuasive for a time, but we can not persist in it.• How long does disused knowledge persist in memory?• Why do self-oriented intents and deceptive behaviors persist in organizations?• Thankfully she did not persist in pursuing her mad idea.• For the rest he has persisted in wearing the guise of a vassal before his overlord.Origin persist (1500-1600) French persister, from Latin persistere, from sistere “to stand firm”per·sist verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to do although to continue Corpus something,




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