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单词 Baton
1. They were driven back by a police baton charge.
2. The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd.
3. Each runner passes the baton to the next.
4. The President handed over the baton to his successor.
5. Five people were injured in the baton charge.
6. The orchestra played brilliantly under Previn's baton.
7. We can't dance to his baton.
8. The conductor raised his baton.
9. The conductor beat time with a baton.
10. Does this mean that the baton of leadership is going to be passed to other nations?
11. She twirled her baton high in the air as she led the parade.
12. The orchestra made the recording under the baton of a young German conductor.
13. It's halfway between Baton Rouge and New Orleans.
14. The conductor's baton with attendant symphony orchestra.
15. Karajan, it seems, always had a superb baton technique.
16. Then there was the police baton charge.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. A baton twirler carried the flag.
18. I've never been able to twirl a baton.
19. Do you know how to twirl a baton?
20. He saw the storm-troopers practising karate, crowd control, baton practice and their skills with the knife and knuckleduster.
21. But why carry a baton for sentiment when it should be a scepter?
22. When I come home she passes the baton to me so she can rest.
23. A few days later, Rabbi Loewy returned to Baton Rouge to testify before the state senate.
24. Today, orchestral musicians wish to assert their identities again, to escape the thrall of the baton at last.
25. Illus.1 conveys this well, not least by the way the baton is shown as held some way towards the middle.
26. They stood there naked and shivering, huddled together as a soldier walked round them, prodding them with a baton.
27. They mechanically weave into intricate patterns, twirling their 10-pound rifles with the swiftness of a baton.
28. It moves from department to department in a pre-arranged sequence like the baton in a relay race.
29. He could have been leading a parade, twirling the baton.
30. Such leaders are all members of a spiritual relay race handing on the messianic baton it seems.
1. They were driven back by a police baton charge.
2. The conductor beat time with a baton.
31. He told Heatley that he had been walking along the footpath when the police had made a baton charge.
32. I saw one man being struck by a mounted officer's baton, picked up by some shocked onlookers and given first-aid.
33. The conductor rapped the music stand with his baton and the violins stopped playing.
34. His supporters stress the sentimental and entertainment value of seeing him take the baton one more time.
35. This onslaught was driven back by a police baton charge in the course of which four youths were slightly hurt.
36. For some choral music - the Missa Solemnis we were watching on film - you don't use a baton either.
37. We were the baton in a relay race to war.
38. His leather briefcase contained scores and a baton, but no sun block.
39. She was running down Duke Street, away from the baton charge, when she was arrested.
40. Martin, arm raised and baton coming down again and again on Dobson's head.
41. It was left to the capital's campuses to take up the baton.
42. On Wednesday, he was in the custody of federal authorities in Baton Rouge.
43. The General tucked the baton under his armpit and clapped his hands softly as the small orchestra walked through his study.
44. There was a hostile crowd and to save himself and prevent Sweeney from escaping, Rose hit him twice with his baton.
45. Not the tapping baton of Conductor Richard Armstrong-although his powers over an able orchestra become evident soon enough.
46. In the 4x200 meter relay, he took the baton trailing two other anchors by 12 meters.
47. Have you requested extra baton training for her?
48. He nearly drops the Baton at changeover.
49. With his baton the conductor was beating time.
50. I always wanted to be a baton twirler.
51. The police made a baton charge.
52. They threatened to baton him to death.
53. The drum majorette twirled her baton.
54. Clarence in Baton Rouge Cajun and radio programs Zydeco.
55. Bantam Lyons'yellow blacknailed fingers unrolled the baton.
56. I didn't know you were a baton twirler.
57. A baton twirler led the brass band.
58. With the baton the conductor was beating time.
59. Its front page depicted Johnson's Olympic flag waving antics with the headline "Don't drop the baton Boris!"
60. He once again raised his baton and brought in the brass.
61. She raised the baton ; she tapped the music stand twice.
62. When the RV is fixed, we will go directly to Baton Rouge and pick up both of them at that iteration milestone.
63. In Louisiana, engineers are working to keep floodwaters away from two big cities -- New Orleans and Baton Rouge.
64. The girl on right is Lucille Dupuy of Baton Rouge, La. The others are unidentified.
65. The Monpac Straight Batons are another innovation from Monadnock to provide a cost effective baton that won't bend, warp or splinter.
66. Form into baton or boule shape and place them on a tray sprinkled with cornmeal.
67. All these are proceeding unalterably under the baton of money.
68. Church, who is 41 and has lived in Baton Rouge for nearly three years, has a theory.
69. Figure 1: Three milestones before the end of our iterative trip: Santa Fe, Baton Rouge, and Jackson.
70. When Mazer was conducting the Taipei Sinfonietta this September, he became so excited the baton snapped in two and stabbed his finger.
71. “Sugar is sugar, ” said Dr. Bray, professor of medicine at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La.
72. A 19 - year - old student was nursing his left leg, struck by a militiaman with an electric - shock - delivering baton.
73. Kungfu master Shi Dechao can swing his 10-kilogram 'monk's spade, ' an ancient Chinese shovel, like a majorette twirling a baton.
74. Kristy Chamberlain, a Baton Rouge, LA HR manager, suggests, “The best thing an employee can do to hang on to a job is to be irreplaceable.
75. The policeman used his baton to battle with the rascal.
76. One agent allegedly struck Hernandez Rojas with a baton, and then another agent shocked him with a stun gun. Hernandez Rojas stopped breathing and showed no pulse.
76. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
77. “In general, exercise by itself is pretty useless for weight loss, ” says Eric Ravussin, a professor at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La., and an expert on weight loss.
78. Mitchell Deslatte walked into a Baton Rouge, Louisiana, hotel and asked the clerk for a room.
79. Hundreds of regional and federal officials met in Baton Rouge, La., for an elaborate simulation exercise.
80. "Here's the mother lode, " he said. Clearing the sand delicately with his fingers, he laid bare a slender baton of bone, barely eight inches long.
81. Explanation of a spokesman says, professors should be in their 6 7 " pass baton " , this is the policy of Cantabrigian university.
82. She was born in Moscow, Idaho, where she was a champion baton twirler and once won a county fair prize for growing a deformed potato that had the profile of Jimmy Durante.
83. In an emotional ceremony at military headquarters in Rawalpindi, a tearful Musharraf handed the baton to a loyalist, General Ashfaq Kyani, saying, "I have loved this army."
84. So it was with Maria Sagot and Richard Stevens, of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
85. The RV is actually fixed in three days; we are on the road again, but because we're a little wary of the stability of the RV, we go directly to Baton Rouge.
86. One of them is found at the Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
87. Our next major iteration milestone is Cousin Sid in Baton Rouge.
88. In the gallery, the bandmaster, his baton poised, stood waiting FOR a signal.
89. Imagine that our stakeholders are Aunt Marian in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Uncle Cid in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and cousin Tanya in Jackson, Mississippi.
90. The forthcoming “Battle: Los Angeles” will be filmed mostly in Baton Rouge, Louisiana—a reversal of the tradition by which southern California stands in for everywhere else.
91. At Ambrosia Bakery in Baton Rouge, La. , owner Felix Sherman Sr. said the price of nuts is one reason he had to raise the price of a 9-inch pecan pie about 15 percent this year, to $12.95.
92. And 10, Son will relay baton to the next generation of successors.
93. The Morganza Spillway is about seventy-five kilometers upriver from Baton Rouge, the state capital.
94. Is more cantonal age tiny to all curiously stand on the wayside, looking at a that baton grand troops, hand over a head to join an ear every additional.
95. In the gallery, the bandmaster, his baton poised, stood waiting for a signal.
95. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
96. A city of central Louisiana on the Red River northwest of Baton Rouge.
97. On March 24, Consul General Gao Yanping met with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, Lieutenant Governor Jay Dardenne and Secretary of State Tom Schedler in Baton Rouge, Capital city of Louisiana.
98. Hoping that the foundation could pass on the baton, with the intention that the seeds of kind-heartedness could be planted in everybody's heart.
99. Count the capitals on Brookings list: Albany, Austin, Baton Rouge, Madison, Little Rock, Jackson, and Oklahoma City.
100. When compared to the serious injures a baton, a sap, or even a punch can inflict, this is definitely a logical and court defendable tradeoff.
101. Changeover: The passing of the baton from one runner to the next.




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