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单词 perpetual motion
释义  perˌpetual ˈmotion noun [uncountable]  the ability of a machine to always continue moving without getting energy from anywhere else, which is not considered possible 〔不需外加能量的〕永恒运动〔被认为不可能〕Examples from the Corpusperpetual motion• The cyclical exchange of payments for factors of production and payments for final goods becomes a perpetual motion machine.• And you were accusing me of being a perpetual motion merchant.• Then, my dear Summerlee, it is that most wonderful of devices: a perpetual motion machine!• This administration is a perpetual motion mess.• Within the Boundless, which is in perpetual motion, worlds, including our world, come into being and pass away.• It was in perpetual motion up to and including the moment they all sat in each other's seats.• The brash internet entrepreneurs of a year ago seemed to think they had discovered the financial equivalent of perpetual motion.• Earthquakes line the borders of the tectonic plates and are symptoms of the perpetual motion inside our planet.perˌpetual ˈmotion nounChineseSyllable  ability the machine to of always Corpus continue a moving




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