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单词 permeable
释义  per·me·a·ble /ˈpɜːmiəbəl $ ˈpɜːr-/ adjective technical  CSmaterial that is permeable allows water, gas etc to pass through it 可渗透的,具渗透性的 OPP impermeable the permeable cell membrane 渗透性的细胞膜 —permeability /ˌpɜːmiəˈbɪləti $ ˌpɜːr-/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuspermeable• Besides, the boundaries of the leprosarium were permeable, and surveillance at the federal level was almost nonexistent.• If the soil is permeable enough radon can diffuse out before it decays.• Layers of rock that are porous and permeable enough to store water and let it flow through them easily are called aquifers.• The picture of the permeable family may lead one to think Elkind wishes for the return of the old model.• a permeable membrane• Such rocks are said to be permeable; sandstones and gravels are good examples of permeable rocks.• A membrane selectively permeable to gases separates the buffer from the blood sample.• The proximal tubule is freely permeable to water, and water freely follows the absorbed solutes.per·me·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  material water, allows is that Corpus permeable gas




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