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单词 perjure
释义  per·jure /ˈpɜːdʒə $ ˈpɜːrdʒer/ verb  perjure yourself SCT law to tell a lie after promising to tell the truth in a court of law 〔在法庭上〕作伪证 —perjured adjective perjured evidence 伪证 —perjurer noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusperjure• And Mr Mitchum wouldn't perjure himself.• It was true that I would never perjure myself.Origin perjure (1400-1500) Old French parjurer, from Latin perjurare, from jurare “to swear”per·jure verbChineseSyllable   Corpus tell tell to the after to a lie promising




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