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单词 perishing
释义  Related topics: Natureper·ish·ing /ˈperɪʃɪŋ/ adjective British English spoken  1  DNCOLDvery cold 〔天气〕非常冷的 It was perishing in the tent. 帐篷里冷得要命。 Let’s go indoors. I’m perishing! 我们进屋吧,我好冷啊!2  BAD[only before noun] old-fashioned informal used to describe someone or something that is annoying you 讨厌的,该死的 Tell those perishing kids to shut up! 叫那些该死的孩子闭嘴! —perishingly adverbExamples from the Corpusperishing• Not so long ago the water used to steam away like a perishing engine on these tables in hot weather.• Get rid of the perishing lot.• Henry wished now that he'd not made such a fuss about the perishing uniform.per·ish·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus cold very




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