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单词 pentagram
释义  Related topics: Shapes, patterns, Magicpen·ta·gram /ˈpentəɡræm/ noun [countable]  CFROMa shape like a star with five points, often used as a magic sign 五角星形(符号)〔常用作魔法的标记〕Examples from the Corpuspentagram• She has clearly made a lot of sacrifices in her life-mostly involving goats and a pentagram.• It was draped with a black cloth and embroidered with a gold pentagram.• Cut an apple across the middle and the center will reveal a perfect pentagram.• The pentagram, left undisturbed in its place, radiates a zone within the room.pen·ta·gram nounChineseSyllable  star like five Corpus as with shape often a used points, a




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