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单词 Appellate
1) The appellate court affirmed the judgement of the lower court.
2) The appellate court, the department said Friday, was wrong.
3) The appellate court decision affects Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi.
4) Earlier this year federal appellate courts struck down the New York and Washington laws.
5) Congress may limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court even in constitutional cases. 3.
6) However, there has not been an appellate court case on this topic in the public schools.
7) Last May, an appellate court allowed the city to seize two buildings.
8) The appellate court may then make the order if it thinks fit.
9) Eighteen months later an appellate court reversed the convictions and criticized the conduct of the trial judge and the prosecution.
10) Last January,(http:///appellate.html) an appellate court said all proceedings could begin while Clinton held office.
11) If upheld in appellate court the case could form an important precedent in family law.
12) Brazilian civil appellate system is characteristic in Latin America.
13) What can an appellate court do?
14) The appellate court upheld the verdict.
15) The appellate court demanded the production of all documents.
16) What can an appellate judge do?
17) The Appellate Body shall hear appeals from panel cases.
18) Will appeal the WTO's appellate body to deal with.
19) I hear it's real handy in appellate work.
20) Appellate court - A court having jurisdiction to hear appeals and review a trial court's procedure.
21) California law does not recognize gay marriages, but state appellate courts have adjudicated gay and lesbian palimony cases.
22) A petition for leave to appeal is now pending before the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords. 2.
23) The Lowell couple are each facing nine to 15 years in prison if the three-judge appellate panel rules against them.
24) Too often a trial becomes a contest between the trial judge and the appellate court, and justice is forgotten.
25) Other documents must be filed and served as soon as practicable, subject to any direction of the appellate court.
26) Second, the Constitution gives Congress the power to establish the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
27) Does new clause 2 envisage that legal aid will be extended to representation before the special appellate system takes effect?
28) The forthcoming appeal against conviction of Lord Hardwicke will therefore provide an opportunity for the appellate courts to reconsider the position.
29) Hatch has rushed on, as well, to the further excess of denouncing appellate judges appointed by Clinton for dissenting opinions.
30) Sean Connelly, on assignment from the Justice Department, where he handles appellate work in the criminal division.
31) The constitution supervision committee exercises the appellate jurisdiction over the unconstitutional cases in accordance with judicial procedure.
32) Civil retrial procedure has been the heated topic of civil appellate theory and practice debate.
33) As the name implies, a court of last resort is a litigant's last chance to have his or her case decided favorably once the case has exhausted all other appellate avenues.
34) In addition to litigating cases in the Supreme Court, the Office of the Solicitor General supervises litigation on behalf of the government in the appellate courts.
35) Every legal system provides for review of the decisions of the trial court by appellate court.
36) Case law - ( Also known as common law. ) Law established by previous decisions of appellate courts.
37) The Amicus Curiae has become one of the most heated discuss topics in the DSU for the expert group and the appellate body treat the statement of Amicus Curiae as the source of seeking information.
38) This means appellate report will be adopted unless the prevailing party agrees not to adopt it, which is impossible and unthinkable in any circumstances.
39) In all the other cases before-mentioned, the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.
39) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
40) It also has an appellate jurisdiction over stamp duty appeals.
41) If he were wrong, there was the Appellate Division to which the defense could resort.
42) An Iran appellate court Teheran Mayor which suspension bandy-legged its prison term from five years is reduced is two years.
43) As the name implies, the courts of appeals have appellate jurisdiction.
44) My next stop was the federal Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) database, which contains U.S. District, Appellate and Bankruptcy court records.
45) An examination the appellate record, however , reveals that Boomer did not present a conventional pollution problem.
46) Persons serving on the Appellate Body shall serve in rotation.
47) The Senate possesses an effective veto over those choices, and the Constitution assigns to Congress the power to fix the size of the Supreme Court and to restrict the court's appellate jurisdiction.
48) The recent ruling, given by a three-man appellate bench in Colorado, strongly endorsed Mr Clinton's "roadless rule".
49) Giving the victim appellate right accords with the developing trend of criminal suit, can fully protect the victim's interests, and can restrict the abuse of court's jurisdiction.
50) The U.S. Supreme Court is the final appellate court in the federal system.
51) The Supreme Court is expected to weigh in with a decision on hearing the issue once the appellate opinions are made public.
52) The appellate court affirmed the judgment of the lower court.
53) Nevertheless the United States Supreme Court is not to have appellate review of every case.
54) The second tier of federal courts with general appellate jurisdiction consists of the U. S. courts of appeals.
55) Reported decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States and of most of the state appellate courts can be found in the official reports of those courts.
56) The appellate court ruling stemmed from a child welfare case involving two children who enrolled in a parochial school that facilitated home schooling and were educated at home by their mother.
57) Chapter two carries out a research on the legitimacy of the interpretation of the Appellate Body about the Amicus Curiae briefs.
58) Some artists like to daub their colors on with appellate knife.
59) District courts have no appellate jurisdiction; their decisions may be carried to the courts of appeals, organized into 13 circuits.
60) That defendant challenges in an appellate court and says I didn't have effective counsel.
61) The Court of Final Appeal is the highest appellate court in the HKSAR.
62) The second tier of federal courts with general appellate jurisdiction consists of the U.
63) The solicitor general's office represents the United States Government in cases before the Supreme Court and supervises the handling of litigation on behalf of the government in all appellate courts.
64) Remember, an appellate precedent carries more weight than a trial court decision.
65) A racially mixed jury in Miami convicted Lozano of manslaughter, but an appellate court overturned the convictions.
66) September 15, China to the WTO Appellate Body to lodge an appeal.
67) The court has both original, that is, first instance, and appellate jurisdiction.
68) Similarly, the solicitor general decides whether to seek Supreme Court review of adverse appellate court rulings.
69) Most states have a three-tiered judicial system composed of a trial-court level, an appellate court and a court of last resort.
70) Some courts have both original jurisdiction (that is, cases may be tried first in the court) and appellate jurisdiction.
71) China today lost its first major trade dispute at the World Trade Organization's highest appeals court, the Appellate Body (AB), over its additional duty of 25 per cent on imported auto parts.




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