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单词 peddler
释义  Related topics: Drug cultureped·dler /ˈpedlə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. x-refthe American spelling of pedlar pedlar的美式拼法2. old-fashionedMDD someone who sells illegal drugs 毒品贩子 → pusher, dealerExamples from the Corpuspeddler• I am Omar Duvall, this morning a peddler through these emerald mountains.• Classical philosophers refer to them with contempt, as peddlers of absolution for a modest fee.• Save him for the Old Bailey and whichever penal dustbin they locked dope peddlers in.• Their list peddlers are hawking the names of 21,000 attendees, the lists with exhibitors excluded.• Neither are there any ghetto blasters or peddlers or time-share pests.• Smithson had been a rose peddler in Portland.• Or is he a smut peddler who is using it to enhance the sale of his magazines?• The peddler in disguise showed Snow White her beautiful, colorful laces.• The shrewdest of the shrewd race of Connecticut Yankee peddlers, he understood the people in their multiple desires.Origin peddler (1300-1400) pedder “peddler” ((13-19 centuries)), from ped “basket” ((13-19 centuries))ped·dler nounChineseSyllable  pedlar spelling American the of Corpus




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