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单词 pedant
释义  ped·ant /ˈpednt/ noun [countable]  RULE/REGULATIONsomeone who pays too much attention to rules or to small unimportant details, especially someone who criticizes other people in an extremely annoying way 拘泥于规则[细节]的人;学究,书呆子 ‘That’s not exactly what it means.’ ‘Pedant.’ “不完全是那个意思。”“书呆子。” —pedantry noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuspedant• It is the work of a pedant, and shows no originality.• Anyway, Oliver's a pedant.• He's a great pedant, Oliver.• He claims that he was a little pedant, even as early as the age of five.• A right little pedant she can be, when it comes to an intellectual argument.• True pedants add the proviso that an edge can not also be a node.Origin pedant (1500-1600) French pédant, from Italian pedante, perhaps from Latin paedagogus; → PEDAGOGYped·ant nounChineseSyllable  too Corpus much to someone who attention to or rules pays




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