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单词 PC
释义  Related topics: ComputersPC1 /ˌpiː ˈsiː◂/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  TD (personal computer) a computer that is used by one person at a time, either at home or at work 个人计算机 People can use their PCs to do their banking from home. 人们可以在家通过个人电脑办理银行业务。2. British English (police constable) a police officer of the lowest rank 警员〔级别最低的警察〕Examples from the CorpusPC• Sales of PCs were down for the second year running.PC2 ●○○ adjective  x-ref (politically correct) used to describe language, behaviour, and attitudes that are carefully chosen so that they do not offend or insult anyone ﹝语言、行为、态度﹞政治上正确的,政治得体的 It’s not PC to describe people as disabled. 说别人残废有歧视之嫌。From Longman Business DictionaryPCPC noun [countable]1COMPUTINGpersonal computer; a small computer that can be used by one person, or connected to a NETWORKIBM compatible PCsAlthough US companies dominate the world PC business, they have less than 10% of the Japanese market.2 (also pc) written abbreviation for PER CENTThe country’s overall industrial production fell by 0.3 pc during the last month.PC1 nounPC2 adjectiveChinese  used Corpus that by Business computer a is one




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