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- Christianity-topic minister
- Christianity-topic minister
- Christianity-topic ministerial
- Christianity-topic ministerial
- Christianity-topic ministry
- Christianity-topic ministry
- Christianity-topic minster
- Christianity-topic minster
- Christianity-topic miracle
- Christianity-topic miracle
- Christianity-topic missal
- Christianity-topic missal
- Christianity-topic missionary
- Christianity-topic missionary
- Christianity-topic mitre
- Christianity-topic mitre
- Christianity-topic moderator
- Christianity-topic moderator
- Christianity-topic Monsignor
- Christianity-topic Monsignor
- Christianity-topic Morning Prayer
- Christianity-topic Morning Prayer
- Christianity-topic mortal sin
- Christianity-topic mortal sin
- Christianity-topic Mother of God
- Entertainment
- Asian
- Monitor
- Boot
- Illustrate
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- Maker
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- Evaluate
- Dominate
- 有过则改之,未萌则戒之。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 有过彭泽者,值盛夏,风涛拍天。及其反也,则隆冬矣,坚冰可履。问旧馆人:“此何所也?”曰:“彭泽。”怒曰:“欺我哉!吾始过彭泽,可舟也,而今可车;始也水活泼,而今坚结,无一似昔也,而君曰彭泽,欺我哉!”
- 有过是一过,不肯认过又是一过。一认则两过都无,一不认则两过不免。彼强辩以饰非者,果何为也?
- 有过由改不失正道》原文|译文|赏析
- 有过知悔者,不失为君子;知过遂非者,其小人欤
- 有过而讳言,适重其过,因言而遽改,适彰其美
- 有进用,有退用;有虚用,有实用;有缓用,有骤用;有默用,有不用之用。此八用者,宰事之权也,而要之归于济义,不义虽济,君子不贵也。
- 有远大志向,人生才有方向
- 有远见卓识才能“先人一步”
- 有远见的智者愿意吃亏,而减少是非
- 有远见,人生才有未来
- 有远见,人生才有财富
- 有造境,有写境,此“理想”与“写实”二派之所由分.然二者颇难分别,因大诗人所造之境必合乎自然,所写之境亦必邻于理想故也.
- 有道之世,以人与国;无道之世,以国与人
- 有道之君,以乐乐民;无道之君,以乐乐身
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