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单词 jammed
释义  jammed /dʒæmd/ adjective [not before noun]  1  MOVE/CHANGE POSITIONstuck and impossible to move 卡住的,动弹不得的 Ben had got his finger jammed in the door. 本的一个手指被门夹住了。2  FULLfull of people or things 挤满的,塞满的;拥挤不堪的 SYN packed The place is jammed. We’ll never get in. 那地方拥挤不堪,我们绝对进不去。jammed with The town was completely jammed with traffic. 该镇完全被车辆堵塞了。 → jam-packed3  if people are jammed in a place, there are a lot of them there, so that there is no space between them 〔很多人〕紧紧挤在一起的 We were jammed together, shoulder to shoulder, in the narrow corridor. 我们在狭窄的走道里肩靠着肩挤在一起。Examples from the Corpusjammed• Emergency supply pump No. 2 jammed.• The stupid lock's jammed again.• The place was already jammed an hour before the game.• Colin gave the wrong advice about getting floppy disc out when jammed and then I deleted the stuff off the hard disc.• It has reverse action which is basically used for removing debris and jammed drill bits.• The drawer's jammed - I can't get it open.• The paper has got jammed in the printer again.• The guards have gone and all the doors are jammed open.• Never use the jammed rope as your sole support when climbing back up.• The door stayed jammed shut, and he didn't shout back or answer her in any way.• His left arm was jammed tight against the side of the seat.• The streets were jammed tight with narrow shop fronts and grimy cafés.jammed adjectiveChinese  to move Corpus impossible stuck and




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