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单词 pathological
释义  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatry, Illness & disabilitypath·o·log·i·cal /ˌpæθəˈlɒdʒɪkəl◂ $ -ˈlɑː-/ adjective  1  BADpathological behaviour or feelings happen regularly, and are strong, unreasonable, and impossible to control 〔行为或感情〕非理智的,无法控制的,病态的 a pathological hatred of women 对女人的病态憎恨 a pathological liar 病态说谎者2  MPMIa mental or physical condition that is pathological is caused by disease 由疾病引起的,病理的 pathological conditions such as cancer 癌症等疾病3. MIrelating to pathology 病理学的 —pathologically /-kli/ adverb Stephen was almost pathologically jealous of his brother. 斯蒂芬几乎是病态地嫉妒自己的弟弟。Examples from the Corpuspathological• I knew perfectly well that I had anorexia, but I did not see it as something pathological.• What is pathological behaviour in a man is required of a woman.• Several divergent but characteristic pathological changes have been previously shown within the pouch mucosa.• The pathological changes of mucosal prolapse deserve particular mention.• a pathological fear of being alone• Some say there is an on-line addiction that resembles pathological gambling more than it does alcoholism or drug abuse.• pathological gambling• The crude and splenetic expression and presentation of such views suggested irrational pathological prejudice rather than a coherent ideology.• The types of pathological processes known to cause epilepsy are numerous.pathological conditions• Myofibroblasts have been implicated in fibrous reactions in a wide range of pathological conditions, including fibrosing conditions of the large bowel.path·o·log·i·cal adjectiveChineseSyllable  regularly, unreasonable, behaviour pathological happen strong, feelings Corpus and are or




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