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单词 partway
释义  part·way /ˈpɑːtweɪ $ ˈpɑːrt-/ adverb informal  SOME/A FEWfor some of the distance or after some of the time has passed (到)中途;一段时间过后 → halfway I got the bus partway. 我在半路上了公共汽车。partway through/along/down She left partway through the two-year contract. 两年的合同没有到期她就离开了。Examples from the Corpuspartway• Cyril opened his eyes partway.partway through/along/down• One telling night came in Montreal Nov. 4, partway through a lackluster 4-1 loss to the Canadiens.• The race had been called partway through because of rain.• Then suddenly a long-legged figure raced from the wood partway down the bank.• Unfortunately, partway through the festivities, Louisa was taken ill with severe pains in her stomach.• I walked partway along the trail, closing my eyes from time to time, imagining myself blind, unable to see.part·way adverbChineseSyllable  some distance Corpus or the of some for after




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