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单词 partner
释义 Word family  noun partner partnership verb partner  Related topics: Business basicspart·ner1 /ˈpɑːtnə $ ˈpɑːrtnər/ ●●● S2 W2 AWL noun [countable]  1  marriage etc 婚姻等SYMARRY one of two people who are married, or who live together and have a sexual relationship 配偶;〔同居的〕伴侣,情人 → husband, wife Discuss your worries with your partner. 和伴侣谈谈你的忧虑。 Only 29% of lone parents receive financial support from their former partners. 只有29%的单身家长得到他们前配偶的经济资助。 a sexual partner 性伴侣► see thesaurus at married2  business 生意BBWITH one of the owners of a business 合伙人,股东 She’s a partner in a law firm. 她是一家律师事务所的合伙人。 The senior partner has retired. 高级合伙人退休了。 → sleeping partner3  dancing/games etc 跳舞/游戏等WITH someone you do a particular activity with, for example dancing or playing a game against two other people 〔跳舞、玩游戏等的〕搭档,同伴 Clare’s my tennis partner. 克莱尔是我的网球搭档。 Take your partners for the next dance. 挑选下一支舞的舞伴吧。4  country/organization 国家/组织PGPPG a country or organization that another country or organization has an agreement with 伙伴 Nigeria is our principal trading partner in Africa. 尼日利亚是我们在非洲的主要贸易伙伴。 The group is a junior partner (=less important group) in the PLO’s governing coalition. 该团体是巴解组织执政联盟中的一个小派别。5. partners in crime WITHtwo people who have planned and done something together, especially something that slightly annoys other people – used humorously 〔尤指恶作剧的〕同伙,共犯〔幽默用法〕 → sparring partnerExamples from the Corpuspartner• Have you got a partner for the dance on Saturday?• The firm was so successful that she took on a partner.• Previously, Ellsworth was a partner at the accounting firm of Deloitte Touche.• Running with a partner can keep your work-out from being boring.• At this point Youhana had only 37, but he found an adhesive partner in Saqlain.• Let's have a game of cards -- you and Frank can be partners.• Manson and I were business partners, but not friends.• The office party is on Friday, but partners aren't invited.• When I saw her again, she was dancing with a different partner.• Sweden allows gay partners to receive many of the benefits awarded to heterosexual married couples.• Have you met my partner, Ray?• Are we allowed to bring our partners to the staff party?• We called a meeting with Russco, our partners in the construction project.• The sale of the firm could make each of the senior partners into millionaires.• People who have many sexual partners are more at risk from AIDS.• The survey found that only about one of every four men had had ten or more sexual partners over their lifetime.• Its main strategic partner is Cisco Systems.• Joint sessions with the partner or close relatives are often the best means of dealing with these problems.• Japan is a major trading partner of the US.• Try not to step on your partner's toes.• Honesty is vital - honesty with yourself about your feelings and honesty with your partner.• Your partner has to guess the name of the product.former partners• Goldman Sachs's shares fell 5 % after it announced the sale of 40m shares held by former partners.• Her former partners are not paying child support, although one has helped raise the two kids he fathered.• Most lone parents - both men and women - have been married and are separated or divorced from their former partners.• Maintenance and child support Bradshaw and Millar found that only 29 percent of lone parents received maintenance from their former partners.• Matthew Broderick and Meg Ryan are two jilted lovers who combine to seek revenge on their former partners.• The women either screamed abuse down the line or remained chillingly silent when their former partners answered.• As selection goes on there emerge biological principalities that are reluctant to trade with their former partners.senior partner• The firm currently has both a managing and senior partner, and its board is organised along departmental lines.• And the guerrilla strategy for influencing senior partners never got off the ground.• All the senior partners in his law firms had flirtations with coronary incidents except him.• Here in Congress, Newt will be the senior partner.• In this era of lawyer-bashing, he hardly fits the stereotype of the senior partner in a big, big firm.• Though Gooch was the senior partner in length of stay, he let Smith and Lamb play the major parts.• At first Mussolini was the senior partner, a position which gave him the feeling of power he clearly relished.Take ... partners• As we pointed out, many new firms take in partners to share the costs and the potential partner• We offer: advice about trading partners, finance shaped to your requirements and highly efficient payment and collection systems.• So is obtaining a relatively cheap military technology for its modernization efforts, and diversifying its trading partners.• Kalchu's trading partner, his i, from Wangri stayed in the house for several days.• Each year the trading partners exchange millions of invoices, checks, purchase orders, financial reports, and other transactions.partner2 verb [transitive]  WITHto be someone’s partner in a dance, game etc 〔在跳舞、游戏等中〕做…的同伴[搭档] I used to partner him in tennis matches. 我过去常在网球比赛中与他搭档。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspartner• At the American Ballet Theater, Cynthia Gregory was partnered by Fernando Bujones.From Longman Business Dictionarypartnerpart‧ner1 /ˈpɑːtnəˈpɑːrtnər/ noun [countable]1COMMERCEa company that works with another company in a particular activity, or invests in the same activityBritish Airways is actively seeking partners for joint ventures.The company and its equity partners have invested in six energy projects. → lead partner → merger partner → strategic partner2COMMERCEsomeone who starts a new business with someone else by investing in itLike all new business partners, the three founders of the company hoped for smooth teamwork. → sleeping partner → working partner3a member of certain types of business or professional groups, for example partnerships of lawyers, architects etcDonald Andres, a tax partner at accountants Ernst & Young → general partner → junior partner → lead partner → managing partner → senior partner4 (also economic partner), trade partner, trading partnerECONOMICS a country that invests in another or is invested in by another, or that trades with anotherChina is an important economic partner and provider of oil for North Korea.Exports won’t boom this year because so many of America’s major trading partners are going through tough times, too.partnerpartner2 verb [intransitive, transitive] to be someone’s partner in a business projectCreative Labs have partnered another company to design and produce some of the best speakers on the market today.partner (up) with somebodyThe cellular phone company has partnered with a company that lays phone lines in urban areas to compete with local phone carriers.The company has partnered up with a number of stores to provide a flower delivery service.→ See Verb tableOrigin partner1 (1300-1400) Anglo-French parcener “heir sharing half”, from Old French parçon “share”; influenced by partpart·ner1 nounpartner2 verbChineseSyllable   Business are Corpus who people of two married, one




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