单词 |
part company (with somebody) |
释义 |
part company (with somebody) part company (with somebody) → part company (with somebody) at part2(2)part company (with somebody) |
随便看 |
- rat sb out
- rats leaving the sinking ship
- rat somebody out
- rat somebody ↔ out
- rats' tails
- rats'-tails
- rats'tails
- rattan
- ratted
- rattier
- rattiest
- Rattigan, Sir Terence
- rattigan,-sir-terence
- ratting
- rattle
- rattle around
- rattle cage
- rattled
- rattle off
- rattle off something
- rattle off sth
- rattle on
- rattler
- rattlers
- rattles
- Rustless
- Of a sort
- Expiatory
- Software package
- Wingtip
- Agatha christie
- Walk-on
- Manner of speaking
- Lose courage
- Dead water
- 善是人性的一种美好
- 善是性,性未必是善;秤锤是铁,铁不是秤锤。或曰:孟子道性善,非与?曰:余所言,孟子之言也。孟子以耳目口鼻四肢之欲为性,此性善否?或曰:欲当乎理,即是善。曰:如子所言,“动心忍性”亦忍善性与?或曰:孔子系《易》,言“继善成性”,非与?曰:世儒解经,皆不善读《易》者也。孔子云“一阴一阳之谓道”,谓一阴一阳均调而不偏,乃天地中和之气,故谓之道。人继之则为善,继者,禀受之初;人成之则为性,成者,不作之谓。
- 善有善报·恶有恶报是什么意思
- 善有善报,恶有恶报;不是不报,时辰未到
- 善有章,虽贱赏也;恶有衅,虽贵罚也
- 善服药者,不如善保养。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 善权和尚诗序》鉴赏
- 善根中才发萌蘖,即着意栽培,须教千枝万叶。恶源处略有涓流,便极力雍塞,莫令暗长潜滋。
- 善欲人见,不是真善;恶恐人知,便是大恶。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 善歌者使人继其声,善教者使人继其志