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单词 Hard-pressed
1. The region's hard-pressed consumers are spending less on luxuries.
2. Community projects are being axed by hard-pressed social services departments.
3. You would be hard-pressed to find a better secretary.
4. Hard-pressed junior doctors want shorter working hours.
5. This year the airline will be hard-pressed to make a profit.
6. Because of shortages, the emergency services were hard-pressed to deal with the accident.
7. Pity, therefore, the hard-pressed driver of the Sauber-Mercedes.
8. They were hard-pressed even to get a hotel room.
9. Trouble was brewing elsewhere too[], as the hard-pressed William Collins went down to Rupert Murdoch.
10. For example, one is hard-pressed to find an example of a visionary leader who was not also adept at using language.
11. For hard-pressed business people, courses will run during the weekend.
12. Since then, residents have been hard-pressed to find nearby stores that offer quality products at reasonable prices.
13. Hard-pressed gravediggers are burying as many as 100 people a day.
14. So she was hard-pressed to turn down the near constant requests to buy from those sales associates' kids.
15. While hard-pressed police were occupied in rescue work, the heartless thieves descended on local shopping centres.
16. Alternatively, a hard-pressed sector may seek to persuade its government to invoke anti-dumping measures.
17. Axe hacks' snacks One hard-pressed organisation seems determined to keep up its standards despite its financial problems in these hard times.
18. The clinic provides help for hard-pressed families with young children.
19. The latest education reforms have put extra pressure on teachers who are already hard-pressed.
20. The new exams will only add to the workload of already hard-pressed teachers.
21. Finally, I think the tests will simply overburden an already hard-pressed system, and prove unworkable.
22. Homeworking / teleworking Homeworking used to conjure up images of hard-pressed workers licking envelopes or schoolwork that we never wanted to do.
23. So, delay will benefit no one and may add to the financial burdens in already hard-pressed regions.
24. Most are heavily subsidised and represent excellent value for hard-pressed school budgets.
25. It had an educative purpose, and it brought in some cash to hard-pressed regions.
26. Meantime the Trojan camp, fortified only by earthworks and deprived of its leader and its best warriors, was hard-pressed.
27. If the economy falters in 1996, corporate earnings will be hard-pressed to match the performance of the past few years.
28. Funding the pay rise will be more difficult and we fear that hard-pressed services will suffer further.
29. The next few days could decide the fate of thousands of hard-pressed workers, home owners and firms.
30. Indeed, in the midst of gleaming, snorting cappuccino machines, you are hard-pressed to find a decent cup of tea.
1. The region's hard-pressed consumers are spending less on luxuries.
2. The latest education reforms have put extra pressure on teachers who are already hard-pressed.
3. Community projects are being axed by hard-pressed social services departments.
31. For one thing, drivers who do not have a garage, or at least a house with an exterior electric outlet, would be hard-pressed to find a place to plug in for several hours a day.
32. That type of data leaves consumers reluctant to let loose, which means that holiday sales could be hard-pressed to match the rebound seen in 2009.
33. But without a step change, China will still find itself in the bottom half of the middle-income class, and households will be hard-pressed to turn from savers to spenders.
34. In this recession hard-pressed employers are not just laying off workers but cutting wages and implementing "furloughs"—unpaid, compulsory time off.
35. Today you would be hard-pressed to find a leading character who smokes in any top 10 box office movie.
36. The significance of the German capital itself could hardly be overlooked, for if the fighters could reach that far, their effect on the morale of the hard-pressed bomber crews would be considerable.
37. Reimposing central control at a time when bills are rising to pay for new power stations and other infrastructure risks attracting the odium of a hard-pressed public.
38. You'd be hard-pressed to identify their positions on any relevant issue -- whether it is raising the debt ceiling or just the gasoline tax.
39. With less than two weeks to go in the third quarter, companies will be hard-pressed to fulfill earlier, more optimistic expectations.
40. You'll be hard-pressed, the reasoning goes, to find anyone who doesn't think grasping the language of the world's fastest-growing economy is a good idea.
41. Scroll the fashions on and you'll be hard-pressed to find much evidence of the British luxury label's iconic beige, black, and red check.
42. Lunar geologists had been hard-pressed to explain how very high density, titanium-rich magmas could have ascended through the moon's low-density anorthosite crust.
43. John McCain's tax policies are designed to create jobs, increase wages and allow all Americans -- especially those in the hard-pressed middle class -- to keep more of what they earn.
44. The result has been a Gordian knot of preconditions for resuming talks that even the most ardent expert would be hard-pressed to figure out.
45. Due to the strength of this year's fiscal stimulus, though, such outlays will be hard-pressed to carry GDP forward in 2010.
46. In essay after essay, waving aside evil as "merely privative, " Emerson justifies optimism and declares a holiday for the hard-pressed American soul.
47. It should also deregulate the agricultural sector, which could create new jobs and businesses in hard-pressed rural Japan.
48. In fact most Christians today would be hard-pressed to name a handful of the 613 commandments that form the backbone of the Torah.
49. Farmers were frequently not paid the full world price for their crops, because governments were determined to keep local prices low in order to relieve hard-pressed consumers.
50. Although negotiators are optimistic, the details are complex enough that they may be hard-pressed to get a deal at all.
51. But environmentalists will cheer that, at last, there may be some respite for the world's dwindling resources and hard-pressed ecosystems.
52. But without doors or windowpanes, Neolithic farmers would have been hard-pressed to control the breeding of cats even if they wanted to.
53. Without a meaningful pick-up in bank lending, businesses will be hard-pressed to grow at rates typical of a post-recession environment, analysts said.
54. The path to each decision is so short and irresistible, more like an electric pulse than like a weighing of options, that the reader is hard-pressed to explain what happened.
55. But that is a dangerous game; they may be hard-pressed to de-escalate future crises of a more serious nature.
56. You may be hard-pressed to recall events after a night of binge drinking, but a new report suggests that low to moderate alcohol consumption may actually enhance memory.
57. Since it is oversold bounce, no doubt the two most worthy of the name plate, and one of a number of high-quality varieties, the main distribution of funds will not be hard-pressed to live.




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更新时间:2025/3/10 22:46:29