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单词 paranoiac
释义  par·a·noi·ac /ˌpærəˈnɔɪæk◂/ adjective  x-refparanoid 多疑的;患偏执狂的,患妄想狂的 —paranoiac noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusparanoiac• Sentence 9, on the other hand, can be seen as a sort of ironic hyperbole: Arthur is paranoiac.• She has welcomed the oppressed and disowned of the world to this paranoiac dreamscape for nearly a hundred years.• They shared with the rest of their race an almost paranoiac fear and hatred for the informer.• Most of my friends are thin, and sometimes I have this paranoiac feeling that they are using me.par·a·noi·ac adjectiveChineseSyllable  paranoid Corpus




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