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单词 paddling pool
释义  Related topics: Outdoor, Swimmingˈpaddling pool noun [countable] British English  DLODSSa small pool or plastic container of water which is not very deep, for children to play in 〔供孩子玩水用的〕嬉水池 SYN American English wading poolExamples from the Corpuspaddling pool• There is a pool where deck-chairs can be hired, paddling pool, playground and restaurant.• There was also a huge paddling pool smack in the middle of the playground.• And he certainly isn't too bothered whether that water is in a proper paddling pool or a washing-up bowl!• Jane had spent the afternoon sitting by the paddling pool, with her feet in the water to ease the pain.• Brenda's children played in the paddling pool.ˈpaddling pool nounChineseSyllable  water is of which or small container Corpus not a plastic pool




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