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单词 birth control
释义  Related topics: Birthˈbirth conˌtrol noun [uncountable]  MBthe practice of controlling the number of children you have 节育;避孕 SYN contraception a safe method of birth control 安全的节育方法Examples from the Corpusbirth control• Have you discussed birth control with your daughter?• Many feminists were also interested in birth control as an issue although discretion dictated a public silence.• They include birth control pills, other ovulation suppressors and long-acting hormones.• Today's methods of birth control make it possible for a couple to choose whether or not to have a child.• During the inter-war period birth control was discussed more openly than ever before.• Average age at last birth is about 40 years in populations not practising birth control.• Meanwhile, the birth control movement was becoming more respectable.• There are, moreover, other barriers to using birth control.ˈbirth conˌtrol nounChineseSyllable  the the of Corpus of you have controlling children practice number




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