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单词 packet-switching
释义  Related topics: Computersˈpacket-ˌswitching noun [countable]  TDa method of sending information stored on a computer, usually across the Internet. Long messages are broken into pieces and put together again when they are received. 包交换,分组交换〔一种通过因特网传送计算机数据的方法,即把长信息分割成片段传送,收到之后再组合〕From Longman Business Dictionarypacket-switchingˈpacket-ˌswitching noun [uncountable]COMPUTING a way of sending a large amount of DATA (=information stored on a computer) between computers by dividing it into small pieces which are each sent separately and put together again when they are receivedCanada’s Northern Telecom Ltd. will equip the Czech Republic with data packet-switching equipment for a public network. —packet-switched adjective45% of the company’s packet-switched computer traffic comes from its Minitel terminals.ˈpacket-ˌswitching nounChineseSyllable   Business of method on information sending a stored




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