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单词 overstock
释义  Related topics: Business basicso·ver·stock /ˌəʊvəˈstɒk $ ˌoʊvərˈstɑːk/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  BBto obtain more of something than is needed (使)进货过多,(使)存货过多 —overstock /ˈəʊvəstɒk $ ˈoʊvərstɑːk/ noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusoverstock• By the autumn, they were badly overstocked and suffering resulting cash difficulties.• After all, they are not overstocked at the center position.• Then, at the beginning of the next run we overstock it again, injecting slightly differ-ent species-our second guesses.• No stocking level worries Q. Have I overstocked my tank too soon?• Irresponsible cleaning material suppliers may play on this fear and even the more responsible are prone to overstocking their customers.• It is true that the archbishop's lands were already overstocked with knights in relation to the military service due from them.• Federal personnel data suggest that Commerce may have been overstocked with political appointees.From Longman Business Dictionaryoverstocko‧ver‧stock /ˌəʊvəˈstɒkˌoʊvərˈstɑːk/ verb [intransitive, transitive]COMMERCE if a business or shop overstocks, or overstocks a part or product, it has more in stock than it needs for production or more than it is likely to sellThe shop overstocked in the period before Christmas. —overstock /ˈəʊvəstɒkˈoʊvərstɑːk/ noun [countable, uncountable]The company publishes garden and art books and resells other publishers’ overstock. —overstocking noun [uncountable]The new order processing system cuts costs by avoiding overproduction and overstocking.→ See Verb tableo·ver·stock verbChineseSyllable   Business than is Corpus to something obtain needed of more




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