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单词 outran
释义  out·ran /aʊtˈræn/ verb  x-refthe past tense of outrun outrun的过去式Examples from the Corpusoutran• The bull outran him and beat him with a club, and when the hobo went down, he stayed down.• The chancery had returned to Carolingian practices, but with an energy which outran its model.• The reason is quite clear - desire outran performance by eleven years.• Chronically underfunded and overspending, development costs always outran returns.• Used to moving fast on jobs, Fitzgerald took to his heels and outran the bees over a couple of hundred yards.• Once again, however, the ability of politicians and economists to conceptualise well outran their inclination to examine and analyse practical implications.• Fleet-footed young men were always arriving to race with her and she always outran them.out·ran verbChineseSyllable  the Corpus past of tense outrun




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