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单词 Taped
(1) I soon had him taped.
(2) The girl has taped up the presents.
(3) She has got him taped.
(4) He can't fool me-I've got him taped.
(5) The doctor taped up the cut in his hand.
(6) She taped a note to the door.
(7) She has just taped an interview.
(8) Would you mind if I taped this conversation?
(9) His ankle had been taped.
(10) We have taped the interview.
(11) Have you taped the interview?
(12) You can't fool Liz - she's got you taped.
(13) The wires are taped firmly together.
(14) The doctors have taped his swollen ankle up.
(15) He taped a note to the door.
(16) She had taped a note to the fridge door.
(17) Their stories were taped and transcribed verbatim.
(18) The hostage's mouth was taped.
(19) The box was all taped up.
(20) Someone had taped a message on the door.
(21) She found the key taped to the underneath of the table[http:///taped.html], as always.
(22) Anney dabbed the cut with disinfectant and taped a gauze square over it.
(23) I taped the base of the feather onto the velvet.
(24) The envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again.
(25) Private conversations between the two had been taped and sent to a newspaper.
(26) The patient's brain activity is monitored via electrodes taped to the skull.
(27) That's a nasty cut-come on, we'll get it all taped up.
(28) It took me a while to learn the rules of the game but I think I've got them taped now.
(29) The arrangements are rather complicated, but I think I've got it all taped.
(30) It took me a while to learn the job, but I think I've got it taped now.
(1) I soon had him taped.
(2) The girl has taped up the presents.
(3) The doctors have taped his swollen ankle up.
(31) There were two pictures taped to the side of the fridge.
(32) This call has been taped, for the record.
(33) Unless you taped it on your videocassette recorder.
(34) Once I taped an interview with him.
(35) Fully taped seams on the Gore-Tex lining.
(36) Why is this envelope taped to the refrigerator?
(37) And when several events air live simultaneously, some of them have to be taped.
(38) It may, therefore,[http:///taped.html] be expedient on certain occasions to utilise taped material in a more selective manner.
(39) His action was taped by a college technician for Faldo to replay.
(40) Doctors are taped and critiqued as they talk to patients.
(41) The presentation will be accompanied by taped interviews with Avedon.
(42) She builds the story from taped interviews with 200 leading activists.
(43) There is also the taped evidence of an intimate conversation between Princess Diana and James Gilbey.
(44) Within a few days, people who call the number hear taped invitations to leave messages, which are never answered.
(45) There are two different programs, to be danced at different performances, to taped music.
(46) I, on the other hand, had backache and climbed it as though a cattle prod were taped to my spine.
(47) Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, in a taped statement broadcast at the news conference.
(48) One artist concluded his deal by standing on a cardboard box full of notes while Berry taped it up.
(49) Two days later, the taped conversation was in the papers.
(50) Krynauw Otto had his feet and ankles taped up, Teich enjoyed a massage and Lem started to throw the ball around.
(51) It is not known who taped the conversation or how.
(52) Taped sources can be effective, especially for pupils with reading difficulties or visual handicap.
(53) And him always bumming on to Derek about how he'd taped the whole of Brideshead Revisited.
(54) We had a couple of dinner guests the other night and we taped the whole thing.
(55) There, taped to the bottom, was a small plastic bag of amphetamines.
(56) As a precaution, I taped plastic sheeting over both seats, in case he got restless on his perch.
(57) Descending into the cellar of the palace, he taped a speech agreeing to free elections and other liberal measures.
(58) No filing cabinets, no taped phone calls, and no yellowing fax paper.
(59) A sprig of holly with three berries was taped with sticking plaster to the wall over her desk.
(60) Several other infinitely more damaging conversations involving him have been taped over the past few weeks.
(61) It was quite black, as if taped up from inside.
(62) Dot was shown to her bed where a notice was taped with pink sticking plaster to the end rail.
(63) Inspired, I clipped it out of the paper and taped it to my bedroom door.
(64) Resnikoff recalled how one House regular taped a statement for a public service announcement plugging the program on radio stations.
(65) Introductions to taped pieces and live shots have to set up the material properly and are usually written under great pressure.
(66) By contract, he can't reveal how he did on the taped show.
(67) Primo briefly has a clear view of the menu, written on paper plates taped to the quilted-tin wall.
(68) During a candlelight vigil, the names of the victims were written on placards and taped to the side of a building.
(68) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(69) I was leaning for concealment against a light pole, my cotton jacket crumpling the paper messages taped to its base.
(70) It should have been taped for a campaign training film; it was too perfect.
(71) The great range of taped music currently available adds today's modern sounds and brings another dimension to the class.
(72) There, experts taped an interview with him that may later be used in court.
(73) The book contains previously unpublished material, including extracts from diaries, letters and taped interviews.
(74) There was a dartboard above the phone with a picture of Thatcher taped over it.
(75) The flyer about the rally is taped to the wall behind the counter.
(76) Kylie's voice - backed up by a sophisticated set of taped effects in case of emergency - had silenced many of her critics.
(77) Outside the patio, survivors and families check lists taped to the walls of the government center.
(78) Wilkins came out of the game to get his knee taped up.
(79) On the way, I noticed that the rehearsal room was taped up with police seals.
(80) A bodyguard taped their conversations, escaped abroad, then leaked excerpts to the opposition.
(81) Taped to the wall above the mantelpiece was a large-scale map of Moon Beach.
(82) Those fanatics who taped John Peel sessions were disturbed by the album's lack of clarity.
(83) Her feet are blistered and taped up, and she is wearing shoes with the toes cut out to relieve the pressure.
(84) All the images are either taped directly to the walls or hung on bulldog clips.
(85) To start with it can replace taped announcements at railway stations, airports, etc.
(86) He lifted it carefully and got no dial tone then saw the plungers were taped down.
(87) John and Alice Martin said in a news conference Monday that they had taped the conversation and given the tape to McDermott.
(88) Jim McDermott, D-Wash., after he was implicated in the leaking of a taped telephone conversation, Rep.
(89) So the Martins taped the discussion, using the tape recorder they happened to keep in the car for this purpose.
(90) More detailed instructions will be found taped on the walls over the appliances concerned.
(91) A chap called Herbert Brough of Macclesfield had the fishing for these fish taped and made some outstanding catches there.
(92) Hand pinch pleat A hand pinch pleat heading, producing sharp, crisp pleats, is far superior to a taped version.
(93) We weren't taped up this time, but we were blindfolded.
(94) Occasionally - leaving any ethical questions aside - taped evidence can help to settle a point in dispute.
(95) They've got this taped up so well I can't get it open.
(96) The apparatus included a car that kept rolling in circles, an enormous block of ice and taped Chopin piano music.
(97) His first story will be a reflection on his past Olympic accomplishments, taped before he left Thursday for Atlanta.
(98) Later,[] Fornek reported on his efforts to question Gingrich about the taped conversation that was picked up on a police scanner.
(99) But it was taped under the lowest shelf where the videos were stored.
(100) I slit along the seam of the cardboard wrapper where it had been taped over.
(101) Taken together, the taped conversations reveal a president seemingly consumed with the details of illegal plots against his enemies.
(102) The two catheters were taped together and passed through the nose into the stomach.
(103) Like actor / playwright Anna Deveare Smith, he taped the interviews, and so the characters speak in their own words.
(104) They will be Medau trained in Medau Movement and taught to accompany their classes with percussion and some taped music.
(105) Taped testimony will be heard in full at the opening of the trial.
(106) He packed up to 1,500 nails in each bomb, which he taped into sports holdalls.
(107) Six episodes of the show have been taped, and the actors have been signed for six more.
(108) I see that she taped a program with Rabbi.
(109) The scraped escapee taped the grapes into various shapes.
(110) Carefully taped pieces of glass served as a windowpane.
(111) The kidnapped girl's hands were tied and her mouth taped with adhesive plaster.
(112) They taped off the garage and have now put a padlock on it.
(113) This month, however, she taped a message to British forces to mark the 25th anniversary of the Falklands War with Argentina(), as well as being interviewed by the BBC.
(114) The hotel manager scotch taped a note to the guest's door.
(115) I didn't have a family...I was the boy with the taped up glasses, with the clothes that were three sizes too big, and with the hair that would never brush down.
(116) Just then, he saw the video picture which taped by Scofield and Lincoln through TV with all the colleagues.
(117) Using silver tape, they taped all the doors and windows shut.
(118) Ms. Cohen is among four loyal JetBlue customers who appear in the video clips, which Firstborn taped on JetBlue aircraft and in the JetBlue terminal at Kennedy International Airport.
(119) Jackson taped an interview Friday with Magic Johnson, a part-owner of the team, that was shown at halftime on TV.
(120) Radial lead coil, single or multi–layer winding on ferrite core, coating by epoxy resin. Products can be taped or packed in viny bangs .
(121) An ancient magazine photograph of some dark-haired movie star was taped to the wall beside the bed, the skin tone gone magenta.
(122) In 1988, the log, with the moth still taped by the entry, was in the Naval Surface Warfare Center Computer Museum at Dahlgren, Virginia.
(123) His mouth was taped, his hands and feet bound with curtain cord.
(124) MethodPrimary confluent retinal mixed cell culture were taped to a rotary platform at 37℃.
(125) Three CBS cameramen were on site to shoot and edit taped reports.
(126) I hit a rogue so hard with mongoose bite that my taped staff fell apart.
(127) Zina: I'm leaving him a message 2 taped to my computer screen.
(128) Axial lead coil, single or multi–layer winding on ferrite core, coating by epoxy resin. Products can be taped or packed in viny bangs.
(129) Why did she issue a taped message, under the nom de guerre Tania , announcing she had joined the SLA?
(130) You can see that the variac has the PFC and the line filters taped to it...
(131) If you've taped the meeting, be sure to spot-check the tape.
(132) A cross-eyed picture of each actress in the category – Portman, Annette Bening, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lawrence and Michelle Williams – was taped to an Oscar statuette.
(133) Once a plasmid is snipped open, a foreign piece of DNA, cut by the same enzyme scissors, can be taped, end to end, into the plasmid using another enzyme(), DNA ligase.
(134) Then all major imperfections are caulked, joints taped, and flashing is applied at all intersecting surfaces.
(135) Now that the mic stand and cable are secure, and the cable is taped down, plug the mic cable output into the appropriate mixer or audio interface channel.
(136) Alcazar enters the ring with his hands taped past the wrists and braces on his elbows.
(137) Her last performance, a PBS special scheduled air in February, was taped just six weeks ago.
(138) He keeps them in a large garage in the San Fernando Valley, down the road from the NBC studios in Burbank, California, where "The Tonight Show" is taped.
(139) A Chechen Mujahedeen Terrorist video taped the gruesome execution of 6 Russian soldiers.
(140) When i first visit her home,[] i saw immediately that she had the same Purina Cat Chow ad taped to her refrigerator that i have taped on mine.
(141) The researchers taped shoppers attempting to reach the tie rack while negotiating an entrance during busy times.
(142) C-Note carefully pulls his pant leg down to conceal several plastic bags of peroxide that are taped to this leg.
(143) The suit is accompanied by a line from Milk's taped premonition, partly quoted in the film, that he might be assassinated and his exhortation that gays come out of the closet.
(144) Felicity's introspective taped monologues to Sally, her teacher and mentor back in California (played by an uncredited Janeane Garafalo), have been cut.
(145) On my mom's 80th birthday, our family gave personal testimonies that we taped and made into a DVD.
(146) Anney dabbed the cut with disinfectant and taped a gauze square it.




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