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单词 outrageous
释义  out·ra·geous /aʊtˈreɪdʒəs/ ●○○ adjective  1  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSvery shocking and extremely unfair or offensive 骇人的;极不公正的;蛮横的 outrageous prices 骇人的价格 an outrageous attack on his policies 对他政策的蛮横攻击it is outrageous (that) It’s outrageous that the poor should pay such high taxes. 要穷人缴纳如此高的税很过分。2  UNUSUALFUNNYextremely unusual and slightly amusing or shocking 极不寻常的,有点可笑[吓人]的 an outrageous hairstyle 怪里怪气的发型 He says the most outrageous things. 他总是语出惊人。 —outrageously adverbExamples from the Corpusoutrageous• To put a kid like Delia in eight-hour isolation for accepting a cigarette from a friend is bizarre and outrageous.• Last night Borg's lawyer said her demand was outrageous.• They are also eccentric, outrageous, and, at times, totally out of control.• I don't think Kenneth was trying to be outrageous at all.• She accused Sloan of telling outrageous lies.• They showed a scene from Almodovar's outrageous new movie.• The Coen brothers make two kinds of films: big and outrageous or small and outrageous.• Mansell had become the master of the unexpected, the outrageous pass.• The President accused the writer of an outrageous personal attack on his wife.• I've always thought it outrageous that the poor have to pay for tax cuts for the rich.out·ra·geous adjectiveChineseSyllable  and extremely Corpus very offensive unfair or shocking




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