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单词 outdated
释义 Word family  noun date adjective dated outdated verb date predate  out·dat·ed /ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd◂/ adjective  1  OLD-FASHIONEDif something is outdated, it is no longer considered useful or effective, because something more modern exists 过时的,陈旧的,不合潮流的 → old-fashioned outdated teaching methods 不合时宜的教学方法 a factory with outdated equipment 设备陈旧的工厂 His writing style is now boring and outdated. 他的写作风格如今已显得乏味而过时了。► see thesaurus at old-fashioned2  PGCFINISH/COME TO AN ENDoutdated information is not recent and may no longer be correct 〔信息〕过时的 This estimate was made on the basis of outdated figures. 这一估价是根据过时的数据算出来的。Examples from the Corpusoutdated• After having introduced the outdated 1973 valuations, at some stage it would have a nationwide revaluation.• teaching methods that were hopelessly outdated• The image of the civil service as a male, middle class bastion is now outdated.• It is an outdated and inefficient system, which is not appropriate for this type of work.• The ferries were safe but too often they were outdated and uncomfortable.• Which outdated drugs are still used?• outdated equipment• It is hard to run a business with outdated equipment.• Times were not good, we had basically clung to outdated ideas and we were on the verge of closing.• Outdated laws and regulations are failing to keep crime on the Internet in check.• Delegation was essentially a means of attempting to adjust planning machinery to an outdated local government system.• Prescriptivists are seen as blind adherents to outdated norms of formal usage.• an outdated passport• He explained that union membership was an outdated rule.• a rebel army, equipped only with outdated Russian weapons• Outdated textbooks, decrepit buildings, overcrowded classrooms - the list of problems is long and growing.out·dat·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  it if outdated, is is Corpus something no




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