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单词 otherwise
释义  oth·er·wise /ˈʌðəwaɪz $ ˈʌðər-/ ●●● S1 W2 adverb  1  [sentence adverb]IF used when saying what bad thing will happen if something is not done 否则,要不然 〔指如果不做某事,就会发生不好的事〕 You’ll have to go now, otherwise you’ll miss your bus. 你现在就得走,要不然就赶不上公共汽车了。 Put your coat on, otherwise you’ll get cold. 穿上外套,不然你会着凉的。► see thesaurus at if2  [sentence adverb] used when saying what would have happened or might have happened if something else had not happened 否则,要不然〔指如果某事没有发生,就会发生另一事〕 We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time. 我们在机场耽搁了,否则午饭前就可以到这里了。 They got two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they’d never have been able to afford to go. 他们得到两张去加拿大的免费机票,不然的话他们根本没有钱去。3  say/think/decide etc otherwise to say, think, or decide something different 并非如此说/认为/决定等 The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests otherwise. 政府宣称经济状况在好转,但这份调查显示情况并非如此。 A lot of people think otherwise. 许多人并不这么认为。4  EXCEPTexcept for what has just been mentioned 除此之外;在其他方面 He was tired but otherwise in good health. 他除了累身体很好。[sentence adverb] I could hear the distant noise of traffic. Otherwise all was still. 我能听见远处车流的声音,除此之外,一切都很安静。[+adj/adverb] This spoiled an otherwise excellent piece of work. 这就把本来很出色的一件作品毁掉了。 Their arrival livened up an otherwise dull afternoon. 他们的到来使原本沉闷的午后活跃起来了。5  or otherwise especially British EnglishOPPOSITE/REVERSE used to refer to the opposite of what has just been mentioned 或相反,或其反面 We welcome any comments from viewers, favourable or otherwise. 我们对观众的任何意见,或褒或贬,都表示欢迎。 The truth or otherwise of this diagnosis would be revealed in the future. 这一诊断是否正确将来总会明了。6  otherwise engaged formalBUSY/NOT AVAILABLE busy doing something else 忙于别的事情 I’m afraid I will be otherwise engaged that day. 恐怕那天我要忙别的事情。7  otherwise known as NAME OF A PERSONalso called 又称,也叫 Albert DeSalvo, otherwise known as the Boston Strangler 艾伯特•德萨尔沃,又称“波士顿杀人魔”8  formal in a different way 以其他的[别的]方式 people who smoke or otherwise abuse their bodies 吸烟或以其他方式糟蹋自己身体的人9  it cannot be otherwise/how can it be otherwise? DIFFERENT formal used to say that it is impossible for something to be different from the way it is 不可能是别的/怎么可能会是别的? Life in the military is hard – how can it be otherwise? 军队生活是艰苦的,怎么可能不艰苦呢?Examples from the Corpusotherwise• One third of the doctors believed otherwise.• Similarly, an increase in the supply of money will have real output effects whether it is anticipated or otherwise.• The police stressed that Straskow would be considered innocent until proved otherwise.• The situation was very serious indeed, even if the government tried to pretend otherwise.• But try to persuade him otherwise.• It is equally vital that both should be mentioned, otherwise a client, particularly a buyer, could be seriously misled.• An inspection of the building revealed faults that might otherwise have been overlooked.• I'm glad you told me about the show being cancelled. Otherwise I'd have travelled all the way to Glasgow for nothing.• Section references below are to the Companies Act 1985 unless otherwise indicated.• Stir the sauce until it cools, otherwise it will be lumpy.• She did not rant or rave or otherwise make a spectacle of herself.• She must have missed the train, otherwise she'd be here by now.• It can't have been anything important, otherwise she'd have called back.• Unless otherwise specified, all fields have a maximum length of 20 characters, including colons, square brackets, etc.• You should type it; otherwise, they won't be able to read it.oth·er·wise adverbChineseSyllable  happen used saying what will bad Corpus when thing




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