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单词 osier
释义  Related topics: Plantso·si·er /ˈəʊziə, ˈəʊʒə $ ˈoʊziər, ˈoʊʒər/ noun [countable]  HBPa willow tree whose branches are used for making baskets 杞柳〔枝条可编筐篮〕Examples from the Corpusosier• Big osier ones, flat, that you could crook over your arm or set on the ground.• From the hides, shimmering water meadows, fingered spits islands, orange-tinged osiers and countless bobbing birds lay exposed to view.• Two osier baskets each: one for red tomatoes and one for green.o·si·er nounChineseSyllable  willow whose baskets tree for are branches a Corpus used making




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