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单词 Persistence
1) If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. 
2) My persistence in demanding my rights finally paid off.
3) His persistence gained him victory.
4) Energy and persistence conquer all things.
5) My success is based on persistence, not luck.
6) A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure will turn to glorious success.
7) Although patience and persistence is a painful thing, but it can gradually bring you the benefits.
8) Her persistence paid off when she was offered the job of manager.
9) Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher.
10) Persistence is the common trait of anyone who has had a significant impact on the world.
11) When you want to succeed,(http:///persistence.html) you should use persistence as your good friend.
12) To you unexpected persistence.
13) Give up is completely lost, persistence will have at least a glimmer of hope.
14) Persistence will enable us to succeed, and perseverance of the source is to do not waver in the least, we should take to achieve the necessary means to success.
15) The persistence of a cough in his daughter puzzled him.
16) Although patience and persistence is a painful thing, but it can gradually bring you good.
17) Skill comes only with practice, patience and persistence.
18) He achieved success through dogged persistence.
19) His persistence was rewarded when the car finally started.
20) Most financial analysts have been surprised by the persistence of the recession.
21) By dint of hard work and persistence, she had got the job of manager.
22) 'Why can't I come?' repeated Will with dogged persistence .
23) By sheer persistence, I eventually got her to change her mind.
24) It was her sheer persistence that wore them down in the end.
25) Her persistence paid off and she eventually wore me down.
26) Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its international success.
27) The doctor couldn't explain the persistence of the high temperature.
28) Tell you that I reach the goal of the mystery, I only power is my persistence spirit.
29) Although he's less talented, he won by sheer dogged persistence.
30) Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off.
1) My persistence in demanding my rights finally paid off.
2) Her persistence paid off when she was offered the job of manager.
3) Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher.
4) The persistence of a cough in his daughter puzzled him.
31) His persistence was rewardedwhen they finally agreed to resume discussions.
32) His persistence was finally rewarded when the insurance company agreed to pay for the damage.
33) Because of his persistence, he got a look.
34) She was amazed by the men's persistence.
35) Only sheer dogged persistence will finally get you there.
36) But there are also biological reasons for its persistence.
37) The key, says Andersen, is persistence.
38) It was Stu's persistence that wore me down.
39) Nevertheless, even allowing for all the frailties of palaeontologists, there still remains a remarkable picture of palaeontological persistence.
39) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
40) The official reason for the decision was the persistence of a severe drought, the worst on record.
41) From that moment on, Richard wooed Joan with all the single-minded persistence of a deal to be clinched.
42) They used a power strategy of persistence, pounding away until they won on every point.
43) The key is knowing where to draw the line before persistence leads to annoyance.
44) Be persistent Failure can not live with persistence, so, providing you keep trying, you can not fail.
45) They were rare, complex creatures of overwhelming confidence, persistence and ambition.
46) These were messages which had not been proclaimed before, at least not with such persistence and passion.
47) This theme has a curious persistence, but one does not need a song and dance about it.
48) His persistence finally paid off this year with an award for best actor.
49) The persistence of this balance has placed the two sides in positions in which each is seeking something apparently unattainable.
50) Jim Smyth of the Ulster Workers' Council emphasised and re-emphasised it with particular skill and persistence.
51) The reality is that it takes incredible patience, persistence, stamina and hard work.
52) But we reckoned without the persistence and almost obsessive scheming of Airey Neave.
53) You had to give Anthony top marks for persistence, she thought to herself.
54) In this view, persistence is the rule for political attitudes and behaviors that are learned early.
55) His victory here was a tribute to his quiet persistence in an intriguing struggle in the hot afternoon sunshine.
56) He was a man of exceptional persistence, who confronted his many setbacks with an apparently inexhaustible supply of energy and resourcefulness.
57) They also complete an application essay about their previous experiences, which is used as evidence of qualities like persistence and initiative.
58) Persistence. Perfection. Patience. Power. Prioritize your passion. It keeps you sane. Criss Jami 
59) But Cardiff's persistence was rewarded with an injury-time try by Jeffreys which Rayer converted.
60) They ate outside but the flies, with dogged persistence, spoiled their food.
61) Work is a test of our commitment, determination, persistence and perseverance. Dr T.P.Chia 
62) The significance of rape in the story grows when we find the persistence of assault in the different versions.
63) Successful assembly, requiring persistence but little knowledge, is rewarded with a brief come-to-life scene and a printable certificate.
64) The persistence of the pueblo as a social and economic unit depended on bad roads and bad political education.
65) Taken together they go a long way in explaining the birth and persistence of aesthetic modernism.
66) The transition to democracy and market economies will call for much patience and persistence.
67) Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning. Denis Waitley 
68) Except for the flies that is which had the persistence of pit bull terriers.
69) The persistence of black troubles, and the loss of faith in the old integrationist cause( ), has discredited traditional black leaders.
70) Vision is the parent of motivation. The foundation of courage, and the fuel of persistence. Dr T.P.Chia 
71) She should have become angry with him for his persistence, on cue, but for some reason she didn't.
72) The irony of it is that he has the persistence to get somewhere.
73) It was clear to him that Dan needed to maintain persistence for about ninety minutes of every school day.
74) Opportunity is one important key to success. Preparation, hard work, persistence and sacrifice are the keys to opportunity. Dr T.P.Chia 
75) Alongside stubbornness and negativism, the defiant child has enormous energy and persistence.
76) They liked to pretend it was hard work and persistence.
77) There are no secrets to success: don’t waste time looking for them. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty to those for whom you work, and persistence. Colin Powell 
78) You had to give the woman full marks for persistence.
79) So the persistence of the last male to mate her is rewarded, as he is father to most of the kits.
80) Active children tended to have been active, difficult babies, and passive children withdrawn babies, low in persistence.
81) To gain an understanding of the persistence and excellence of black sportsmen, the analysis has to begin in the eighteenth century.
82) She was swamped by a wave of impotent anger at and violent dislike for the man whose dogged persistence bordered on persecution.
83) He put the phone down and listened to its ringing - its machine persistence.
84) Lucas has advanced certain ingenious theoretical devices to explain the phenomenon of persistence which we shall examine later in this chapter.
85) Indeed[], the inter-war years saw the continued decline of the Liberal Party and the persistence of factionalism.
86) To this day I credit James's persistence in not letting us slip away or fall apart.
87) And Anatole will attack -- with great strength and accuracy and persistence, until his opponent is left eviscerated on the sidewalk.
88) Tact, vigilance and persistence in maintaining high standards are necessary.
89) Labonte spun out as he took the checkered flag, still the winner but battered and bruised by Earnhardt's persistence.
90) Much remains unknown about viral persistence but in general it results from stalemate in the battle between the virus and the body.
91) The great thicknesses of the seams are impressive evidence of the abundance and persistence of the early forests.
92) Thus a balance of forces can result from a weakened infection which induces a weakened immune response, leading to persistence.
93) It was not surprising that the greatest difference occurred On the measure of persistence, drive, and sense of duty.
94) Obtaining the necessary, sometimes expensive, special equipment such as closed circuit television takes time and persistence.
95) Successful people believe and practice the laws of hard work, determination, persistence and perseverance. Dr T.P.Chia 
96) Second, for the fieldworker such studies are extremely demanding in tact, energy, persistence, time and emotional involvement.
97) Secondly, the persistence of a canopy enhances the interception of nutrients from precipitation.
98) The persistence of the image is as unfathomable as the alleged attributes of the people of the Celestial Empire themselves.
99) Learning and success go hand in hand. Successful people are great learners – they have learned how to empower themselves and to defeat difficulties and obstacles with determination, persistence and perseverance.  Dr T.P.Chia 
100) Is it some sort of reference to your own noble persistence in trying to restore our marriage?
101) This stubborn persistence in life is directly due to the complexity of the human body.
102) This group of disturbed children also had a greater persistence of bedwetting.
103) The recent discovery of the persistence of vision, he insisted, has finally undermined the Neo-Classicists.
104) Success is the product of hard work, determination, persistence and perseverance. Dr T.P.Chia 
105) Delicate for a Moulina-Vent, it nevertheless offered fine raspberry flavors and persistence on the palate.
106) Guitarist Rene Thomas plays with equal persistence, if not with his bandmates' invention.
107) The dogged persistence of the police finally paid off when Hooper told them what he knew.
108) I used to ask her with the persistence of a sucking child.
109) Its persistence is evident in Gentleman Jim, one of Raymond Briggs' classic cartoon books written in 1980.
110) This California zinfandel displays intensely fresh, penetrating berry fruit and very good persistence on the palate.
111) And he practiced daily with an obstinate persistence that first worried and then frightened Brother Edward.
112) Neo-elitists such as Bachrach and Wright share with traditional elite theoreticians a concern to demonstrate the real persistence of elites in modern society.
113) The persistence with which they fly down their victims is quite distinct from the desultory mutual robbery of immature gulls.
114) Mouth-filling tannins, excellent persistence on the palate.
115) Will persistence carve out a way to success?
116) Thanks to her persistence, the Green seedling Project continues.
117) Patience, Persistence and perspiration an unbeatable combination for success.
118) The display is based on the persistence of vision.
119) This gives cache persistence across an operating system restart.
120) Plant cover has been observed to influence pesticide persistence.
121) Persistence and courage are the most womanly no less than the most manly qualitiesMargaret Fuller.
122) Strontium aluminate long persistence phosphors were prepared through homogeneous precipitation method.
123) They can each attest to my hard work ethic and persistence.
124) That the constant droppings wear away a stone is not for their force but persistence spirit.
125) Yet Mr Nugent is right to emphasise the persistence of the expansionist strand in American history.
126) It can make mine resource exploiture and diggings development make for persistence development healthiness road.
127) In this paper, the persistence and exponential decay characteristics of wavelet coefficient are analyzed, a model parameter initialization method is proposed.
128) This is one reason why students of the Rosicrucian Teachings are urged to perform the daily exercise of concentration, regularly and with persistence.
129) If you need a full-blown persistence layer and/or managed object support,() you will likely need to use something like openJPA.
130) Because the EJB container manages entity beans with container-managed persistence (CMP), the container automatically services all persistent storage access.
131) In general, if the application is working with file names, persistence formats, or symbolic information that is not displayed to the user, results of string operations should not vary by culture.
132) Due to their uniqueness and persistence, fingerprints are used as basis of personal identity.
133) For this, you use the service element already introduced in the persistence bundle's Blueprint descriptor.
134) Epstein - Barr virus ( EBV ) is a human herpesvirus that establishes a life - long persistence in the host.
135) This particular update service includes activities for address standardization, matching to determine whether the input record is unique or already exists, aggregation, and persistence.
136) The mapmaking requires courage, planning, patience, persistence, and a spirit of adventure.
137) Persistence of iatrogenic atrial septal defect after pulmonary vein isolation - an underestimated risk?
138) This lookup is unambiguous because OSGi applications are isolated and Blether defines only a single persistence unit.
139) There are nine character traits including knowledge, facility, enterprising, sincerity, aggressivity, persistence, objectivity(), altruism and activation influencing Chinese Language.
140) It is characterised by self-consciousness, persistence and massiveness, and has the functions of instruction , guidance, regulation and radiation .
141) Photopolymer is a new material for holographic storage; it has a number of compelling properties such as high diffraction efficiency, relatively simple fabrication process, and long persistence.
142) So, with his knowledge of Robinson, the method to save his persistence and perseverance in the island, the twenty-seventh year life a miracle.
143) For his competence , creativeness, and persistence, he is respected by everyone who knows him.
144) If say oneself know English, that deceives people, colloquial flooey is gotten very, total meeting blames an environment, it is interest and persistence actually, I think a society really.
145) Their persistence and ongoing rise indicate a firm basis in underlying tightness in supply.
146) The patient re - habilited after physical cooling, bedside persistence haemodialysis, hormone application and so on.
147) Object persistence is an object - oriented , language - specific, transparent data storage and retrieval model used in computer programming.
148) Moreover, we analyze the persistence of multi - asset portfolio which follows a RV - VAR process.
149) The first real step toward motion pictures were the result of experiments in the persistence of vision .
150) Pesticide persistence beyond the critical period for control leads to residue problems.
151) The mechanism(s) by which this extreme genetic and antigenic diversity is stably maintained are unclear, but are fundamental to understanding viral persistence and pathobiology.
152) Autoimmunity to CD4 T-cells may account for the persistence of the CD4 T-cell lymphopenia in such cases.
153) Election campaigns use "a new direction" as a synonym for improvement. Persistence is rarely rewarded, and what one legislature or president decrees, a successor cavalierly repeals.
154) However, the persistence of Japanese intervention will make for a bumpy ride down to 105.
155) In the case of the Blether persistence JAR, the conversion is straightforward and so it is not necessary to use the tool.
156) At the same time, this service uses the lightweight persistence service as server-side data access method, thus the lightweight character is kept, which satisfied the mobile client's requirement.
157) The persistence context is responsible for synchronizing the managed object state with the entity state stored in the database.
158) The event is in a normalized form that enables the WebSphere Sensor Events server to perform several common services on the event, such as persistence and filtering.
159) I think his achievements on his career were obtained by his hardworking, persistence,(sentence dictionary) liberality and wisdom.
160) From Prato discovered "persistence of vision" to the Bridge screen production of "Animal projector" and the film industry today to "Avatar" are related to the development of technology .
161) The prepackaged sample demonstrates the auxiliary mode whereby a separate simple servlet instantiates a persistence unit and is deployed alongside JESTServlet in the same web archive.
162) The results showed: though the persistence of alfalfa was poor, the product was better than the key forage white clover there. Therefore, it was concluded that alfalfa had productive potential.
163) Linear LED dynamic display system based on linetype array, which is the effect of persistence of vision, is manufactured.
164) Researchers at Duke University claim it explains the persistence of the human appendix.
165) Ruby red color with violaceous hues. It has cherry, pepper and soft cacao aromas. Elegant, round palate with good body and persistence.
166) Transparent data persistence: mobl has language constructs to define data models using entity declarations.
167) With the motherly love and persistence, the mother succeeded in turning the problem boy into a straight man.
168) It was a thankfully brief affair that ended – with typical persistence from the then Times reporter – with him negotiating the return of his armoured car and most of his equipment.
169) This square has become a global symbol of peaceful persistence.
170) In China, the persistence of an undervalued currency has over the years effectively subsidised exports.
171) Future research should focus on the analysis of ultra-high frequency data, volatility persistence, unconditional fat -tail distribution, and high dimensional system.
172) Persistence framework is used not only in load-balancing systems but also in simulation checkpointing and restart, and it is an important layer in parallel discrete event simulation (PDES) engine.
173) Copy Mode briefly extends the boot time to gain some of the RAM-run speed of Default Mode and the persistence of a pure Mount Mode.
174) JPA prescribes that object relationships be decorated with persistence qualities.
175) Diligence doesn't mean stretching beyond our limits . It means displaying unremitting persistence.
176) Finishes well with crisp acidity and good persistence of flavour.
177) This notion of run-time scope as a strict set of mutually referable classes is captured in JPA 1.0 as a persistence unit.
178) Those services are DynaCache, memory to memory session replication, core groups, Web services caching, and stateful session bean persistence.
179) Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Germaine Greer, and many others hammered home their ideas with a persistence that aroused and intrigued many of the brightest and most able women in the country.
180) His industry and persistence suggest that he was an ant in a previous incarnation.
181) Her staidness and persistence the ground was the primary explanation of hardworking in my life's dictionary.
182) With persistence and care, your colony will develop a hive mind and tend to its moss "garden, " creating a self-regulating ecosystem with you as its god.
183) Flaming enthusiasm, backed horse sense and persistence , is the quality that most frequently makes for success.
184) Succeed comes from persistence and indefatigability, only people who always is trying one's best can achieve succeed.
185) Palate and, persistence and, In perfect balance with its alcohol, the acidity adds, and freshness.
186) Have a plan, follow it with persistence, and enjoy being where you sincerely choose to be.
187) Soon a dark wall of trees—red spruce, balsam fir, beech, hemlock—surrounds you, and there's a sudden stony persistence.
188) It's because the JPA specification imposes a group-like behavior on the managed instances of a persistence context.
189) Back off - pushy persistence will not get you to first base.
189) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
190) To others the situation seemed intolerable, but with persistence she worried through.
191) While long-term persistence in the lungs has been shown, this may not completely account for strictly extrapulmonary TB, which represent up to 15% of reactiation cases.
192) EMF provides persistence, a very efficient reflective generic object manipulation API, and a change-notification framework.
193) The study of load characteristic showed that:the mostly characteristic are resistance and capacitance. The problem of arc persistence burning can be settled by importing the discharge current.
194) The Buddha tasted Awakening by developing conviction, persistence, mindfulness, concentration and discernment.
195) Review the way he has experienced, Big Tree only made a short word: Persistence.
196) The nail polish of this brand, having long persistence and bright color, is many girls'favorite.
197) Persistence of the herbicide in the mud was irrespective of formulation.
198) "Right now I am working on finishing JPA support with container-managed persistence," he told me when I sat down to talk to him just before Thanksgiving.
199) Using the comparison principle, the positivity and the boundedness of the solution for the model were obtained and the uniform persistence of this system in given initial conditions was verified.
200) Well begun is half done, only persistence can make our dreams become a reality.
201) And that's exactly the kind of persistence that file attributes tend to have.
202) The performance of the stock stye open-ended funds has not relative persistence persistence and absolute persistence on the whole.
203) Your ability to express yourself or to give to the world around you will grow with your persistence in doing whatever that thing is you do.
204) Hitting the right balance between these two types of leadership takes political astuteness and frequently persistence.
205) We always complain the coxcombry and realism of the age, without realizing the importance of persistence.
206) The main layers of the application are a database, a persistence framework, a database access object, and user interface (UI) controller and view layers.
207) Develop confidence and persistence through mastery of Personal Management Technology ( PMT ).
208) Tangram, Alzato, SPOPS, and more are all valid, capable solutions to the problem of persistence in Perl, yet all share one common factor -- they store some sort of map, or schema, somewhere.
209) As to the "one to one perspective" it tells something about industry relevance, the divisibility of the target resources, management costs, synergies persistence and transaction uncertainty.
210) A woman from the Dalit or formerly Untouchable castes , she is admired for her courage and persistence but also feared for her vengefulness.
211) At the same time, inconsequence of the insufficient export growth and consumption demand and government investment lacking persistence, Chinese economy will be at a standstill.
212) Dali was famous for his surrealist works, including The Persistence of Memory, The Face of Mae West, The Metamorphosis of Narcissus and The Temptation of St. Anthony.
213) App Engine for Java seeks to take the worry out of writing a persistence layer for scalable Web applications, but how well does it achieve that aim?
214) Foods usually provide a good milieu for the persistence of viruses.
215) Additionally, more and more data is being marked-up using XML; this puts pressure on database companies to add XML storage, persistence, and query capabilities to their products.
216) Those that have appeared so far are my Top Ten Exhibits in the case for the persistence of our voyeuristic fixation on the not-quite-extinct dinosaur, Society Rex.
217) A day in a bluebell wood, for its sheer assertion of life and the persistence of a delicate thing, is worth two weeks anywhere else.
218) While long-term persistence in the lungs has been shown, this may not completely account for strictly extrapulmonary TB, which represent up to 15% of reactivation cases.
219) These discrete images will be perceived and interpreted as an integrated three-dimensional image due to eye persistence.
220) The Hindu rate of economic growth was in large part thanks for the persistence of the Nehruian policies under Ghanian dynasty.
221) Saturn square Pluto can indicate self-will and persistence to the point of ruthlessness.
222) Similar partition-based persistence solutions often require that a special column be added to the database schema to identify the partition identifier.
223) The distinct moral characters of this period are persistence and dauntlessness, unity and struggle, democracy and love, equality, enterprising spirit, courage, selfishness and honesty.
224) He also persisted in his factualism , and the demand, creativeness and interest of the public had become the main source of his right opinion as well as the power source of his truth persistence.
225) A similar example of using annotations to convey metainformation is the sets of annotations defined for use with Hibernate and EJB3 for expressing persistence requirements in POJOs (see Resources).
226) As a counterexample, Brown mentions a project using three persistence solutions: Spring, EJB and Hibernate.
227) Such explosives are xenobiotic compounds, being toxic to biological systems, and their recalcitrance leads to persistence in the environment.
228) JDO's pure object-oriented approach and simplicity-by-design lend it a faster ramp-up time than the other two persistence technologies.
229) There are several changes you must make to the Blether persistence service.
230) For more complex navigation, the Java Persistence Query Language also supports path expressions that can navigate using multiple single valued relationship fields, such as (Listing 18).
231) These person's tempers which make sale are again good, and still have persistence heart very much, no matter how you scold, how refuse to listen to, they be still arduously telephone dozen come over.
232) But only one reminds me of the courage and persistence it takes to stay the course in the Shadowland.
233) Persistence of vision causes visual impressions to continue upon the retina for a brief time.
234) Success is the result of perfection, hand work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence.
235) Effects of microorganism and environmental factors on persistence of acetochlor in soils were studied by bioassay using Echinochloa crusgalli.
236) It may take sacrifice, surrender of thought, accountability and persistence.
237) She'd find him with persistence, as long as he hadn't any new tricks up his sleeve.




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