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单词 organism
释义  Related topics: Biologyor·gan·is·m /ˈɔːɡənɪzəm $ ˈɔːr-/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  LIVING/ALIVEan animal, plant, human, or any other living thing 生物,有机体 All living organisms have to adapt to changes in environmental conditions. 一切生物都要适应环境条件的变化。 Genes operate together in determining the characteristics of an individual organism. 基因的共同作用决定生物个体的特性。2  SYSTEMa system made up of parts that are dependent on each other 有机组织[体系] A society is essentially an organism. 从本质上来说,社会是一个有机的整体。Examples from the Corpusorganism• Questions about life are conventionally questions about organisms.• A network, or society, of very simpleminded decision-making centers like these formed an organism that exhibited remarkable agility and adaptability.• Art is not a machine, he wrote, and it is not an organism.• Ecologies and organisms have always been grown.• Food poisoning is caused by a bacterial organism.• The human body is a very complex organism.• Genetic engineers manipulate living organisms such as cells or bacteria to create products which fight disease.• In this respect they share a property of living organisms.• Obviously, organisms that form beliefs based on accurate perceptions of the environment will survive better than organisms that form inaccurate beliefs.• From the start, resistant organisms have appeared.individual organism• The rivalry between individual organism and group of organisms for the vehicle role, being a real rivalry, can be settled.• That is, Gaian homeostasis originates in the local activity of individual organisms.• By 1841, he had very probably worked out, also, his later theory of individual organism generation: pangenesis.• The population dynamics emerges from the interactions among the individual organisms.• Because the individual organisms vary, some are bound to be better able to survive in particular circumstances than others.• As it happens the outcome, in my view, is a decisive victory for the individual organism.• In this case expression of the character evidently depends on the gene dosage present in the individual organism.• This is because it is second nature for them to pose their questions at the level of the individual organism.or·gan·is·m nounChineseSyllable  plant, an animal, or other human, Corpus living any thing




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