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单词 fasten
释义 Word family  noun fastener verb fasten ≠ unfasten  fas·ten /ˈfɑːsən $ ˈfæ-/ ●●○ verb  1  clothes/bag etc 衣服/袋子等 (also fasten up) a) [transitive]FASTEN/DO UP to join together the two sides of a coat, shirt, bag etc so that it is closed 扣牢;系牢,缚紧;把〔拉链〕拉好 SYN do up OPP unfasten ‘I’m going now, ’ she said, fastening her coat. “现在我要走了。”她一边说,一边扣上大衣。 Fasten your seat belt. 请系好安全带。 b) [intransitive]FASTEN/DO UP to become joined together with buttons, hooks etc 被扣牢;被钩住;被系牢;被钉牢 SYN do up I was so fat that my skirt wouldn’t fasten. 我胖得裙子都扣不上了。 RegisterIn everyday British English, people usually say do up rather than fasten: 在日常英国英语中,人们一般说do up,而不说fastenDo up your jacket – it’s cold. 把外套扣上——天很冷。 →5  See picture of buckle 扣腰带, tie 系牢, zip 拉拉链 ...2  window/gate etc 窗/门等 [intransitive, transitive] to firmly close a window, gate etc so that it will not open, or to become firmly closed (使)〔窗、门等〕关住 OPP unfasten Make sure all the windows are securely fastened before you leave. 离开前要确保所有的窗子都已关严。3  attach STH to STH 把某物固定在某物上 [transitive]ATTACH to attach something firmly to another object or surface 使牢固,使固定fasten something with something Fasten the edges of the cloth together with pins. 用大头针把布料的边角固定住。fasten something to something They fastened the rope to a tree. 他们把绳子绑在树上。4  hold STH tightly 牢牢握住某物 [intransitive, transitive]HOLD to hold something firmly with your hands, legs, arms, or teeth 握住;抓牢;咬住fasten something around/round something She fastened her arms around his neck. 她紧紧搂住他的脖子。fasten around/round A strong hand fastened round her wrist. 一只有力的手牢牢抓住了她的手腕。fasten on/onto Their long claws allow them to fasten onto the rocks and hold firm. 它们可以凭借长长的爪子牢牢地抓住岩石。5  fasten your eyes/gaze on somebody/something LOOK ATto look at someone or something for a long time 眼睛盯着某人/某物 He rose, his eyes still fastened on the piece of paper. 他站起身,眼睛仍盯着那张纸。6  fasten your attention on somebody/something ATTENTIONto think a lot about one particular thing or person 集中注意力于某人/某物;认真地考虑某人/某物 He was working quietly, all his attention fastened on the task. 他静静地干着活,注意力全都集中在工作上。7 fasten on/upon something phrasal verb ATTENTIONto give particular attention to something because you think it is important or interesting 盯住〔某物〕不放,把注意力放在〔某物〕上 My mother fastened on the word ‘unsafe’. 我母亲就盯着“不安全”这几个字。8 fasten onto somebody/something (also fasten on to somebody/something) phrasal verb a) to give particular attention to something because you think it is important or interesting 盯住〔某人/某物〕不放,把注意力放在〔某人/某物〕上b) FOLLOWto follow someone and stay with them, especially when they do not want you to 缠住〔某人〕,纠缠〔某人〕 SYN latch onto somebody The dog seemed lost and fastened onto us. 那条狗似乎迷了路,老跟着我们。n GrammarFasten belongs to a group of verbs where the same noun can be the subject of the verb or its object. • You can say: You fasten the dress at the back. In this sentence, ‘the dress’ is the object of fasten.• You can say: The dress fastens at the back. In this sentence, ‘the dress’ is the subject of fasten.n THESAURUSfasten to join together the two sides of a piece of clothing, bag, belt etcHe fastened the necklace behind her neck.attach to fasten something firmly to another object or surface, using screws, nails, tape, glue etcThe boards were attached with screws.The prisoner was attached to the wall with chains.join to connect or fasten things togetherJoin the pieces using a strong glueglue to join things together using glueGlue the fabric to the white card.tape to fasten something using tapeThe students’ name cards were taped to the table.staple to fasten something using staples (=a small piece of wire that is pressed through paper using a special machine)Don’t staple your résumé to your cover letter.clip to fasten things together using a clip (=a small metal object)A photo was clipped to the letter.tie to fasten a tie, shoelaces etc by making a knotDon’t forget to tie your shoelaces!do something up especially British English to fasten a piece of clothing or the buttons etc on itThe teacher doesn’t have time to do up every child’s coat.Let me do it up for you.button (up) to fasten a shirt, coat etc with buttonsHis shirt was buttoned right to the (up) to fasten a piece of clothing, a bag etc with a zipZip up your jacket, it’s cold.buckle (up) to fasten a seat belt, belt, shoe etc that has a buckle (=small metal object that fits through a hole in a strap)The little girl struggled to buckle her shoes.unfasten/untie/undo/unbutton/unzip to open something that is fastenedDo not unfasten your seat belt until the car has stopped completely.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfasten• The top pair never fastens, are known as dress buttons.• Forward seat belts each comprised a two-piece lap strap, fastened by a buckle, and an inertial reel diagonal shoulder strap.• Ella fastened her blouse with shaking fingers.• She fastened her broad hat beneath her chin.• Maggie fastened her eyes on him and tried to get control of her temper and her very stupidly lingering disappointment.• Turns out that as a state we smoke less, fasten seat belts more and are actually thinner.• He fastened the bracelet for her.• Christine fastened the brooch to her dress.• Apart from fastening the cuttings together, the lead strip acts as a weight to hold the bunch down.• But despite their different backgrounds, all the men meticulously fasten their seat belts before each journey.• The nails used to fasten tiles and slates should be of copper or aluminium composition.• Snowflake ornaments and tiny red ribbons were fastened to the Christmas tree.• Make sure the wires are properly fastened to the unit.• Passengers should keep their seat belts fastened until the warning light is extinguished.• Divers fasten weights around their waists to help them stay under water.• The chains were fastened with steel locks.• Many children's shoes now fasten with Velcro.• With the strap fastened, you should not be able to get the bike helmet off.• Fasten your coat - it's cold outside.• Please fasten your seat belts.fasten on/onto• What on earth was she now what trend or fad was she fastening on?• But by the spring of 1978 the war was over, and Snyder had fastened on a new cause: the homeless.• These will be fastened on and above them a platform.• An eddy of chill air swirled into the carriage, fastening on his knuckles.• There are sections of Hazlitt's critical work which fasten on more general issues.• A pounce, the cheetah's jaws fasten on the gazelle's throat, and it is quickly throttled to death.• Then he fastened on the particular problem of coffee.Origin fasten Old English fæstnian; related to → FAST2fas·ten verb →n GRAMMAR1 →REGISTER1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus sides together coat, a two join of shirt, to the




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