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单词 option
释义 Word family  noun option adjective optional verb opt coopt adverb optionally  Related topics: Computers, Business basics, Finance, Collegeop·tion /ˈɒpʃən $ ˈɑːp-/ ●●● S1 W2 AWL noun  1  choice 选择 [countable]CHOOSE a choice you can make in a particular situation 选择;可选择的东西 → optional There are a number of options available. 有多种选择。 He had two options. 他有两种选择。 This was not the only option open to him. 这并非是他的唯一选择。option for a range of options for cutting costs 一系列可降低成本的选择方案one/another option is to do something Another option is to rent somewhere for six months. 另一个选择是在哪里租六个月。option of doing something She had the option of staying for an extra year. 她可以选择再逗留一年。 Teenage mothers often have no option but to (=have no other choice except to) live with their parents. 少女妈妈往往别无选择,只能与父母同住。2  keep/leave your options open DECIDEto wait before making a decision 暂不作决定,留有选择余地 I’m keeping all my options open for the moment. 目前我暂时不作任何决定。3  computers 计算机 [countable]TD one of the possible choices you can make when using computer software 〔使用计算机程序时的〕选项,选择 Select an option from the main menu. 从主菜单上选一项。 a list of options 一列选项4  easy option  (also soft option British English)EASY the choice which will be the least difficult, least strict, or need the least effort, which someone might choose because they are lazy 容易[轻松]的选择 Is community service just a soft option for criminals? 社区服务是否只是罪犯的一个轻松的选择?5  right to buy/sell 购买/出售的权利 [countable]BBBF formal the right to buy or sell something in the future 〔将来的〕买卖选择权利option on The government has agreed to buy 20 planes, with an option on a further 10. 政府已同意购买20架飞机,并拥有再买10架的选择权。 Connor now owns 302,000 shares and options. 康纳现在拥有302,000份股份和期权。6  at school/university 在学校/大学 [countable] British EnglishSEC one of the subjects that you can choose to study at school for an examination, or as part of a course at a college or university 选修课 advice on choosing your options 对选择选修课的建议7. STH additional 附加的某物 [countable]ADD something that is offered in addition to the standard equipment when you buy something new, especially a car 〔购买新设备,尤其是汽车时提供的〕附件,配件8  first option FIRSTthe chance to buy or get something before anyone else 优先权first option on They’ve agreed to give us the first option on their apartment. 他们同意给予我们那套房子的优先购买权。n COLLOCATIONSverbshave an optionAt the moment, children have the option of leaving school at 16.In a situation like this, you have two options.give/offer somebody an optionSome employees were given the option of retiring early.Buyers will usually be offered the option of paying in instalments.choose an optionFewer women are choosing the option of motherhood.go for an option (=choose an option)Which option do you think they'll go for?take (up) an option (=choose an option )America was persuaded not to take up the option of military action. look at an option (=consider an option)You have to look at every option as your business develops.limit your options (=limit what you can choose to do)If you don’t go to college, it may limit your options.adjectivesa good/better optionRenting a house may be a better option than attractive option (=one that sounds or is good)If time is short, taking the car to northern France is an attractive option.a realistic/real/serious option (=something that you can really choose to do)I wanted to start my own business but financially it was never a realistic option.a viable/practical option (=something you can choose that will be successful)Surgery may be a viable option when all else fails.a popular optionIndependent sixth-form colleges are becoming a popular option.a cheap optionWe urgently need to find a cheaper option than oil or gas.a safe option (=one that involves no risk)A special savings account can be a safe option.somebody’s preferred option formal (=the option someone likes best)The new scheme appears to be the airport management’s preferred easy option (also a soft option British English) (=a choice which is not difficult, or which needs the least effort)For most people, divorce is never an easy option.phrasesan option is open/available to somebody (=a particular choice is available to someone)Giving a prison sentence is only one of the options open to the judge.keep/leave your options open (=to not limit what you can choose to do later)Studying a broad range of subjects helps to keep your options open.have no/little option but to do something (=have no other choice than to do something)I had no option but to fire him.a range of optionsThe council is considering a range of options for improving the city’s transport system.Examples from the Corpusoption• Leather seats are an option on the Toyota Camry.• Joining the military seemed like the best option at the time.• Working full-time may not be your best option.• Where these materials have to be cleaned methylene chloride is the only chemical option once items are soiled.• The Corrado also has a multi-function computer, while the Calibra has a no-cost option of metallic paint.• Murray pocketed $ 2,971, including options, and Kennedy won merchandise and $ 200 in options money.• I haven't signed any contracts yet - I want to keep my options open.• These people have no option but to take low paid unattractive work.• As for replacement fuels, many people do not like to contemplate the nuclear option.• He pointed out that a design could be drawn using one option and knitted using another.• Our only option now is to contact the police.• What other options do I have?• Press "P" to select the print option.• Among the options now under consideration, White House officials said, were a restoration of those earlier restrictions.• If the invitation says black tie optional, take the option.• He basically has two options: he can have the surgery, or he can give up playing football.have no option but to• Without the advantage of mobile clearinghouse personnel, the majority of clearinghouses have no option but to adopt this method.• Meanwhile farmers have no option but to fork out the ever-increasing premiums that insurers are demanding.• The discount houses have no option but to repay.• Smaller outfits with regional services or niche products will naturally have no option but to go for a cheaper solution.• The club now have no option but to dispense with his services.• The fact is that we have no option but to raise salaries.• We have no option but to modernise.• We have no option but to see it as movement from left to right.option on• After two years with the firm, employees are given an option on 100 shares of stock.From Longman Business Dictionaryoptionop‧tion /ˈɒpʃənˈɑːp-/ noun [countable]1a choice between two or more possible things, for example productsChoosing between the available options in mobile phones is very confusing.2something that is offered in addition to the standard equipment when you buy something, especially a carPassenger airbags are available as standard or as an option on all of its cars.3COMPUTING one of the possible choices you can make when using a computer programthe split-screen option4FINANCE (also option to purchase) when an organization buys something, the possibility that it will buy more lateroption for/onThe Spanish air force is due to take 87 of the aircraft, with an option for a further 16.Shanghai Aviation agreed to buy 26 MD-80s and took options on 15 others.5FINANCE the right to buy or sell shares, bonds, currencies, or COMMODITIES (=oil, metals, farm products etc) at a particular price within a particular period of time or on a particular date in the futureOptions allow an investor to bet on moves in large amounts of currencies using relatively small stakes.Each crude-oil options contract entitles its holder to buy or sell the equivalent of 1,000 barrels of oil at a predetermined price.The stock price fell and the option expired (=came to the end of the period of time when it could be used). → American option → call option → covered option → currency option → double option → European option → index option → in-the-money option → out-of-the-money option → put and call option → put option → share option → stock-index option → stock option → traded optionOrigin option (1500-1600) French Latin optio “free choice”op·tion noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business you a in make can a particular Corpus choice situation




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