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单词 sorceress
释义  Related topics: Magicsor·cer·ess /ˈsɔːsərɪs $ ˈsɔːr-/ noun [countable]  ROMa woman in stories who uses magic and receives help from evil forces 〔故事中的〕女巫,女术士,女魔法师 → witchExamples from the Corpussorceress• Her painting protects her, as magic does a sorceress, but it also endangers her.• I imagined a sorceress inside performing her rites behind the window, with a red kerchief.• In the civilized countries I believe there are no witches left, nor wizards, nor sorceresses, nor magicians.• It was dead, shrivelled, blown to dust, exactly as the sorceress had said it would be, centuries earlier.• The second time he did so, he was caught by the sorceress, who threatened to punish him for his thievery.• She began climbing, until she too reached the sorceress Zenaida's hideaway in the clouds.• So the sorceress wanted Rapunzel more than her parents did, or so it seems.sor·cer·ess nounChineseSyllable  magic receives uses woman a help Corpus and who in stories




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