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单词 operative
释义 Word family  noun operation cooperation operative cooperative operator adjective operational operative cooperative ≠ uncooperative verb operate cooperate adverb operationally cooperatively  Related topics: Hospitalop·e·ra·tive1 /ˈɒpərətɪv $ ˈɑːpərə-, ˈɑːpəreɪ-/ adjective  1  WORKING/NOT BROKENworking and able to be used 运作中的,工作着的;可使用的 OPP inoperative Only one runway is operative. 只有一条跑道可以使用。 the steps to be taken before the scheme can become operative 这项计划实施之前需要采取的步骤 → operational(1)2  the operative word REPEATused when you repeat a word from a previous sentence to draw attention to its importance 最重要的词,关键词〔用于重复前一句中的某个词,使人注意其重要性〕 The new system offers fast solutions. Fast being the operative word. 这一新体系能够提供快速起效的解决方案。“快速”是关键词。3  MHrelating to a medical operation 与医疗手术有关的 patients undergoing operative procedures 正在接受手术的病人Examples from the Corpusoperative• Old trading restrictions are no longer operative.• The three major operative factors are as follows: 1.• Her message was that the data favour operative intervention.• On those terms, which in fact became operative, the father agreed to pay £1 a week.• I was madly - and that's the operative word - head over heels in lust.• Edgy is the operative word here.• The operative word is amateur, and I do not mean it pejoratively.• The word liberty is the operative word.become operative• The local authority contend the correct date is when the demand for payment was served or when it became operative.• Without the soul in first gear with the Boss, brakes are difficult to apply and take longer to become operative.• In fact the powers did not become operative during the lifetime of the commission.• To become operative, however, the Accord required ratification by each provincial legislature by June 23,1990.• Most basic of all are lexical units which become operative in minimal, or neutral, contexts.• These new rules are still evolving and are becoming operative in some parts of the economy more quickly than in others.• They became operative on, and the registration process started from that date.• On those terms, which in fact became operative, the father agreed to pay £1 a week.operative procedures• Feedback of information has been shown to change operative procedures in some non-randomised studies but not all.• Brief details of the operative procedures they undergo are provided.Related topics: Employment, Governmentoperative2 noun [countable]  1  BEWORKERa worker, especially a factory worker – used in business 〔尤指工厂的〕工人,技工〔商业用语〕 the company’s overseas operatives 这家公司的海外工人2  PGSPYsomeone who does work that is secret in some way, especially for a government organization 〔尤指为政府部门服务的〕特工,特务,间谍,密探CIA/FBI/intelligence etc operatives 中央情报局/联邦调查局/情报机构等的特工Examples from the Corpusoperative• a CIA operative• Payment on this basis is related to hours of attendance and does not encourage operatives to increase their productivity.• They want to use a customised version to help their overseas operatives communicate home and browse without blowing their cover.• Sometimes professional political operatives come in for a chat, Warlick said.• factory workers and similar operatives• The former system involved the operative having to attach more than 20 bands at a time to hold a mould in position.• Then the operatives are more likely to make mistakes when set-ups are constantly changing, and that leads to increased wastage.• Management may need to provide encouragement and at worst assistance to operatives in the completion of time sheets.• Some companies routinely bring in undercover operatives every six to 12 months, Kimmons said.CIA/FBI/intelligence etc operatives• Seven received lesser jail terms and three defendants, all intelligence operatives, were acquitted.• Students leafleted public gatherings, covered walls with anti-government graffiti and distributed phony news articles written by CIA operatives.• Covered by the confusion and noise of maneuvers, CIA operatives would stash weapons and equipment.• He joined Rakovsky's select team of young Intelligence operatives.From Longman Business Dictionaryoperativeop‧e‧ra‧tive1 /ˈɒpərətɪvˈɑːpərə-, ˈɑːpəreɪ-/ adjective working or able to be usedWhen does the plant become operative?If the bond is currently trading below par, its operative life is likely to be the number of years to maturity.operativeoperative2 noun [countable]JOBSMANUFACTURING a worker, especially one who works in a factorya machine operativethe recruitment and training of skilled operativesop·e·ra·tive1 adjectiveoperative2 nounChineseSyllable  and able used Corpus Business be to working




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