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单词 Elected official
1. Elected officials ought to obey the law .
2. Elected officials can be impeached.
3. Legislators are the elected officials who pass laws or amend existing ones in order to remedy problems or to promote certain activities.
4. His lengthy memos to elected officials and bureaucrats contain scathing denunciations of both past and present government practices.
5. Yet now, commanded to appear before elected officials, he had to explain himself,() give an accounting of his views.
6. If an elected official did anything remotely similar, the editorial boards of both daily newspapers would howl for their heads.
7. The second is the desire by some elected officials to retain control over the pork barrel, through line items.
8. Often elected officials prefer to ignore bad news, so they question the accuracy of the numbers.
9. The military has refused to cede power to elected officials.
10. One more small step away from control by elected officials and toward a government run by the bureaucracy.
11. As recipients of generous campaign contributions, elected officials are unwilling to effectively regulate the firearms industry.
12. Instead, the governor would require simply that elected officials disclose fully and completely all contributions to their campaigns.
13. The mayor is an elected official.
14. Let's challenge every elected official who benefits from these ads to defend this practice or join us in stopping it.
15. The hawks say everything an elected official does is news, and the people should be informed as to his moral character from the day the person announces he is running for office (1).
16. First, their case focused attention upon the ambiguous ethical relationship between campaign contributions and political favours by elected officials.
17. Thanks to bitter memories of dictatorship, the constitution forbids a second consecutive term for any elected official.
18. But citizens should at least get periodic report cards on what their elected officials are doing.
19. Doble pointed to one prime example of poor communication between elected officials and constituents: the health care reform debate.
20. In addition, the legislation is intended to make the Fed more accountable to elected officials by insisting on reforms.
21. Opponents also cite the city government as an example of where elected officials have abdicated their power to the appointed staff.
22. Once they expose the true cost of their subsidies, elected officials often decide that some are inappropriate.
23. What if these citizens were quietly protected, even aided and abetted, by our elected officials?
24. I would love to see the building in adaptive reuse, both personally and as an elected official.
25. That is the right and responsibility of every American and every elected official.
26. Any federal, state or local government or its agencies or elected official that does not support economic growth for our country is an anti-American.
27. It is always dangerous to put faith in one person, be it dictator or elected official, singer or actor.
28. The issues must be treated carefully, or they will be difficult and painful if an elected official has to deal with them.
29. When I told my mom I might write about the piece here she started choosing her words very carefully, like an elected official issuing a public statement after having a mic thrust in their face.
30. College sophomore Dinah spent hours with her friends ranting about a certain high-ranking elected official, who shall remain nameless.
31. "It is one major step in Turkey's very long path of democratization, and in Turkey, the military might has always been stronger than the elected official power, " she said.
32. He sees himself as the elected official who has to go for the popular vote, " Vatanka said."
33. Prior to her congressional service, she was an elected official in state government for 14 years and was recognized as VISTA Volunteer of the Decade 1976-1986.
34. Melissa broke her news to a thrilled Garcia, who reminded her daughter that her status as an elected official allowed her to perform wedding ceremonies.
35. And when you have an evacuation order from a local elected official or a local law enforcement official,(http:///elected official.html) you need to understand what's important to you.
36. The administration says she is not an elected official and is entitled to medical privacy.
37. A candidate who is open about their positions and qualifications is more to be an accountable and responsive elected official.
38. Bill Cohen noted that in appointing him I became the only President ever to ask an elected official of the opposite party to become secretary of defense.
39. Of course, Milk already appears in high-school history textbooks, as a pioneering gay elected official who helped launch one of the key social movements of the '70s.
40. By contrast, someone who has only been an elected official is likely to interpret problems only in a political context.
41. The term lame duck refers to an elected official who has lost an election, or soon will be leaving office, during the period between the election and the date a successor will take over.
42. She went on to spend 20 years as an elected official in Oakland, first as a member of the school board beginning in 1990, and then of the city council in 2002.




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