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单词 CSE
释义  CSE /ˌsiː es ˈiː/ noun [countable, uncountable]  (Certificate of Secondary Education) an examination in a range of subjects that was done by students in schools in England and Wales before 1988, usually at the age of 15 or 16 〔1988年之前英格兰和威尔士的〕中等教育证书考试 → GCSEExamples from the CorpusCSE• The increase has been slight at A level, but considerable at O level and CSE, as Figure 11.1 shows.• Therefore there were numerous double-entries for both O level and CSE, a procedure that was expensive and confusing.• I've got four CSEs and I spent a year on day release, learning about making wreaths and business management.• Gary, 26, left school with just four CSEs and began working as an engineer.• Greer's CSE Mathematics Book 1 was first published in 1978 - it is now into its fifth reprint.• The introduction of the CSE was, however, an important step in the direction of freeing schools from this thrall.• The CSE boards were not university dominated.CSE nounChinese  a examination Corpus an of in done subjects was that range




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