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单词 on
释义  Related topics: Food, Telephone, telegraph, Television & radioon1 /ɒn $ ɑːn, ɒːn/ ●●● S1 W1 preposition  1  ON/ON TOP OFon a surface 在表面上 a) touching a surface or being supported by a surface 在…上面〔表示接触或由某一表面支撑着〕 Leave your things on the table over there. 把你的东西放在那边的桌子上。 People were sunbathing on the grass. 人们在草地上晒日光浴。 The little girl was sitting on her father’s shoulders. 小女孩坐在她爸爸的肩上。 b) used to say that someone or something moves so that they are then touching or supported by a surface 〔经移动后〕在…上 snow falling on the mountainsides 落在山坡上的雪 He threw himself on the bed. 他一头倒在床上。2  supporting your body 支撑住身体 used to say what part of someone’s body is touching the ground or another surface and supporting their weight 由…支撑,由…支持 She was on her feet in no time. 她立刻站了起来。 He was on his hands and knees searching for something. 他趴在地上找东西。 Can you stand on your head? 你会倒立吗?3  part hit/touched 某部分被打到/碰到 used to say what part of someone or something is hit or touched 到…上;在…上 I wanted to punch him on the nose. 我真想一拳打到他鼻子上。 Matt kissed her on the cheek. 马特亲吻了她的脸颊。4  written/shown 写在/出现在 used to say where something is written or shown 写在…上;出现在…上 There’s a diagram on page 25. 第25页上有个图表。 He wrote his phone number on a piece of paper. 他把自己的电话号码写在一张纸上。5  CONNECTED WITHSUPPORT/HOLD UPattached 依附的 attached to or hanging from something 附在…上;挂在…上 She hung her coat on a hook. 她把外套挂在衣钩上。 Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times. 任何时候都要用皮带把狗拴住。6  place 地方 in a particular place 在〔某地〕 The town is right on the border. 这个城镇就在边境上。 Is there a water supply on the island? 岛上有供水吗? He grew up on a ranch in California. 他在加利福尼亚的一个牧场里长大。 a store on Fifth Avenue 第五大道上的一家商店7  DIRECTIONposition 位置 in a particular position in relation to something else 〔与其他事物相比〕在〔某位置〕 You’ll see the school on your left. 你会看到学校在你的左边。 They live on the opposite side of the town. 他们住在镇子的另一头。8  looking/pointing 看向/指向 looking or pointing towards something or someone 对着,朝〔某物或某人〕 His eyes were on the stranger standing in the doorway. 他的眼睛看着站在门口的那个陌生人。 She trained her binoculars on the house. 她把望远镜对准了那幢房子。9  TIME/AT A PARTICULAR TIMEday/date 日子/日期 during a particular day 在〔某一天〕 They’ll be here on Tuesday. 星期二他们要到这里来。 I was born on July 1st. 我生于7月1日。 We’ll see you on Christmas Eve. 我们圣诞夜来看你。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Do not use on before ‘this’, ‘last’, or ‘next’ and a day of the week. 星期几之前如果有this,last或next不要用onThe school reopened last Tuesday (NOT 不说 on last Tuesday).学校上周二复课。n GrammarDon’t use on before ‘this’, ‘last’, or ‘next’ and a day of the week. You say: 星期几之前如果有this,last或next不要用onTerm starts this Monday. It was my birthday last Friday. ✗Don’t say: on this Monday | on last Friday10  EFFECT/INFLUENCEaffecting/relating to 对…造成影响/和…有关系 affecting or relating to someone or something 对… a tax on cigarettes 香烟税 his influence on young people 他对青年人的影响 There will be new restrictions on the sale of weapons. 对武器买卖将有新的限制。 What effect will these changes have on the tourist industry? 这些变化会给旅游业带来什么影响?11  about 关于ABOUT about a particular subject 关于…,有关… Do you have any books on India? 你有关于印度的书吗? You can get information on local services by calling this number. 你可以打这个电话获取有关当地公共事业机构的信息。 an international conference on global warming 有关全球气候变暖的国际会议► see thesaurus at about12  orders/advice 命令/建议 as a result of someone’s order, request, or advice 根据,按照〔某人的命令、要求或建议〕 He was killed on the King’s orders. 他被国王下令处死。 I accepted the offer on the advice of my lawyer. 我按律师的建议接受了这个条件。13  eat/drink 吃/喝 used to talk about what someone usually eats or drinks 吃…;喝… They live mainly on beans, lentils, and rice. 他们主要食用豆类、小扁豆和米饭。 Is your baby on solid food yet? 你的宝宝开始吃固体食物了吗?14  TTTRAVELtransport 运输 a) in or into a bus, train, plane etc 乘坐,上〔公共汽车、火车、飞机等〕 OPP off Did you manage to sleep on the plane? 你在飞机上睡着了吗? Tommy should be on the six o’clock train. 汤米应该乘坐6点钟的那班火车。 She got on the first bus that came along. 第一辆公共汽车来了,她就上去了。 b) riding something 骑在…上 a statue of the King on horseback 国王骑着马的雕像 I’ll probably come on my bike. 我很可能骑自行车来。15  DFmoney 钱 receiving money for a job or as a regular payment 挣…钱,工资为… He’s on quite a good salary now. 他现在工资相当高了。 She must be on at least £50,000 a year. 她肯定一年至少挣五万英镑。 the difficulties faced by families on low incomes 低收入家庭面临的困难16  fuel 燃料 using a particular type of fuel or power 以…为燃料,用…作动力 Most buses run on diesel. 大多数公共汽车都以柴油作燃料。 Does it work on mains electricity? 它是靠电力供应系统来运转吗?17  MDmedicine/drugs 药/毒品 taking a particular drug or medicine regularly 〔经常性地〕服用 OPP off Are you still on antibiotics? 你还在服用抗生素吗? The doctor put her on Prozac. 医生让她服用“百忧解”。 A lot of these kids are on heroin by the age of 12. 这些孩子中有许多12岁就开始吸食海洛因了。18. what’s somebody on? spoken used to say that someone is behaving in a very strange way, as if they are taking an illegal drug 某人吃错什么药了? 某人吸了什么毒了?〔用于表示某人的举止十分异常,好像吸食了毒品似的〕19  using equipment 使用设备 using a machine or piece of equipment 用〔机器或设备〕 He’s been on the computer all afternoon. 他一下午都在用电脑。 Is Rachel still on the phone? 雷切尔还在打电话吗?20  musical instruments 乐器 playing a musical instrument 用〔某种乐器〕 He played a short piece on the piano. 他用钢琴弹奏了一首短曲。 The album features Rick Wakeman on keyboards. 这张专辑收录的是里克•威克曼演奏的键盘音乐。21  TCTAMTradio/television 广播/电视 being broadcast by radio or television 在〔广播或电视〕上 What’s on TV tonight? 今晚电视里播什么节目? Did you hear that programme on the radio last night? 昨晚的那个广播节目你听了吗?22  recorded 录制的 used to say in what form information is stored or music, films etc are recorded 以…方式存储[录制] The movie is now available on video and DVD. 现在可以买到这部电影的录像带和数字影碟。 I always keep a backup copy on disk. 我总是在磁盘上留个备份。23  TRAVELactivity/journey 活动/旅行 taking part in an activity or travelling somewhere 在〔活动或旅行〕中 She’s on a course all this week. 本周她一直都在上一门课程。 I met him on vacation in Canada. 我在加拿大度假时遇见了他。 My girlfriend is often away on business trips. 我的女朋友经常出差。24  SSODSincluded 包括在内的 included in a group or team of people or in a list 在〔群体或团队〕中;在〔名单〕上 Are you still on the management committee? 你还在管理委员会吗? Mr Edwards is no longer on the staff here. 爱德华兹先生不再是这里的员工了。 Whose team are you on? 你属于谁的球队? There was no steak on the menu. 菜单上没有牛排。 What’s the next item on the agenda? 议事日程的下一项是什么内容?25  when STH happens 某事发生时 formalIMMEDIATELY as soon as someone has done something or as soon as something has happened 在…的时候,当…时 Couples are presented with a bottle of wine on their arrival at the hotel. 凡夫妇到宾馆将获赠一瓶葡萄酒。 All patients are examined on admission to the hospital. 所有病人入院时都要体检。on doing something What was your reaction on seeing him? 看到他时你有什么反应?26  compared with STH 与某物相比COMPARE compared with another person or thing 和〔另一人或物〕相比 This essay is a definite improvement on your last one. 这篇文章比起你的上一篇显然大有进步。 Sales are 10% up on last year. 销售额比去年增加了10%。27  carrying STH 携带某物 informalHAVE if you have something on you, you have it in your pocket, your bag etc 在…身上 I don’t have any money on me. 我身上一点钱都没带。28  PAY 支付be on somebody spokenPAY FOR used to say who is going to pay for something 由某人付钱 The drinks are on me! 饮料我请客! Each table will get a bottle of champagne on the house (=paid for by the restaurant, hotel etc). 每桌都将得到一瓶本店奉送的香槟。29  telephone number 电话号码 used to say what number you should use in order to telephone someone 打…电话号码 SYN American English at You can contact me on this number. 你可以打这个电话号码和我联系。30  causing SB problems 给某人带来麻烦BREAK used when something bad happens to you, for example when something you are using suddenly stops working, or someone you have a relationship with suddenly leaves you 〔不好的事发生〕在…身上 Suddenly the telephone went dead on me. 我的电话突然断了。 Dorothy’s first husband walked out on her. 多罗西的第一任丈夫抛下她走了。Examples from the Corpuson• a book on 19th century English Literature• Did you make these graphs on a computer?• Didn't Jim grow up on a farm?• a book on China• Aren't you coming here on Christmas Day?• Did you call dad on Father's Day?• Finding parking on Main Street is impossible.• Dinner's on me tonight.• Granddad lives on meat and potatoes.• Don't put your feet on my desk!• a lecture on Native American customs and folklore• Are you doing anything special on Saturday night?• Did you see that programme on South Africa last night?• Four bottles of wine were standing on the shelf.• Harry's the guy sitting on the sofa there.• Hal's on the swim team and the basketball team.• El Paso is located on the U.S.-Mexico border.• Could you give some advice on what to wear?• Do you have any ideas on where to eat tonight?• Could you stop by the store on your way home?on doing something• On hearing the news of the air attack most foreigners headed for the border.Related topics: Theatreon2 ●●● S1 W1 adjective, adverb [not before noun]  1  CONTINUE/NOT STOPcontinuing 继续 used to say that someone continues to do something or something continues to happen, without stopping 继续的[地],不停的[地] We decided to play on even though it was snowing. 尽管下雪了,我们仍决定继续比赛。 He went on and on (=talked for a very long time) about his job all evening. 他一晚上都在不停地讲他的工作。2  FORWARDfurther 进一步 if you move, walk etc on, you move forward or further towards something 继续往前的[地],再向前的[地] If you walk on a little, you can see the coast. 再往前走一点,你就会看见海岸了。 We drove on towards Manchester. 我们继续朝曼彻斯特驶去。3  BEFOREAFTERlater 以后 later than or after a particular time 之后,以后 Now, 40 years on, this is one of the most successful theatres in the country. 40年以后的今天,这家剧院成了国内最为成功的剧院之一。 From that moment on I never believed a word she said. 从那一刻起,我不再相信她说的任何一句话。4  DCCwearing STH 穿戴某物WEAR CLOTHES if you have something on, you are wearing it 穿[戴]上 All he had on was a pair of tattered shorts. 他只穿了一条破短裤。 Put your coat on. It’s freezing outside. 穿上大衣吧,外面冷极了。5  attached 附着的 used to say that something is attached to something else, especially when it is in the correct position 覆盖;附着〔尤在正确的位置上〕 OPP off Is the cover on properly? 盖子盖好了吗? Remember to put the lid back on. 记得把盖子盖回去。6  written 书写的 used to say that something is written somewhere 写着的 He was wearing a badge with his name on. 他佩戴着一枚证章,上面有他的姓名。7  TTENTERtransport 运输 in or into a bus, train etc 登上〔公共汽车、火车等〕 OPP off The train stopped and two people got on. 火车停下来,有两个人上去了。8  ON/SWITCHED ONlight/machine 灯/机器 if a machine, light etc is on, it is operating 〔机器、灯等〕运作的,开着的 OPP off Who left all the lights on? 是谁把灯都开着的? The TV’s on, but nobody seems to be watching it. 电视开着,但好像没人在看。 He sat down at the desk and switched on the computer. 他坐到书桌前,打开了电脑。9  TCBTELEVISION/RADIObeing broadcast 正在播放的 if a radio or television programme etc is on, it is being broadcast 〔广播或电视节目〕正在播出的 What time is ‘Star Trek’ on? 《星际迷航》什么时候播出?10  HAPPENevents 事件 if an event is on, it has been arranged and is happening or will happen 正在[将要]发生的 OPP off The transport union has confirmed that the strike is definitely on. 运输工会已证实肯定会举行罢工。 I’d avoid the city centre – there’s some kind of procession on. 我要避开市中心,那里在举行什么游行。 Is the party still on tonight or have they cancelled it? 今晚的派对照常举行,还是已经取消了? 11  APTperforming/speaking 表演/演讲 performing or speaking in public 表演;演讲 You’re on in two minutes. 两分钟以后你上。12  working 在工作 if you are on at a particular time, you are doing your job at that time 工作,上班 I’m not on again until two o'clock tomorrow. 我要到明天下午两点钟才上班。13  have something on informalBUSY/HAVE A LOT TO DO if you have something on, there is something that you must do 有事要干 I haven’t got anything on tomorrow, so I could see you then. 明天我没什么事,可以来看你。 We’ve got a lot on at the moment. 我们现在有很多事要干。14  on and off  (also off and on)REGULAR for short periods but not regularly over a long period of time 断断续续地,间歇地 He’s been smoking for ten years now, on and off. 到现在,他断断续续地吸烟有十年了。15  be/go/keep on at somebody informalASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something to keep complaining to someone or asking someone to do something, especially when this annoys them 不停地对某人发牢骚;不断地要某人做某事 I’ve been on at him to fix that cupboard for weeks now. 我已催了他好几个星期叫他修那个柜子。 I wish you wouldn’t go on at me the whole time! 我希望你别没完没了地对我发牢骚!16  be/go/keep on about something British English informalTALK TO somebody to keep talking about something, in a way that is boring or annoying 〔令人生厌地〕不断谈论某事物 He’s always going on about money. 他老是不停地说钱啊钱的。 I don’t know what you’re on about! 我不知道你在唠叨些什么!17  be not on British English spokenACCEPT if something is not on, it is not acceptable or reasonable 〔某事〕不行,不能接受,不合理 I’m sorry, what you’re suggesting is just not on! 很抱歉,你提出的事无法接受!18  be on for something spoken to be ready or willing to do something that someone has suggested 准备做某事;愿意做某事 Right, how many of you are on for a drink after work? 好,你们有几个人愿意下班后去喝一杯?19  you’re on spoken used to tell someone that you accept a bet or an invitation to compete against them 赌就赌,我接受 ‘I bet you £20 he won’t turn up.’ ‘You’re on!’ “我跟你赌20英镑,他不会露面的。”“赌就赌!” → ontoExamples from the Corpuson• You should visit Chicago while the festival is on.• OK, who left the lights on?• Rick was standing there with nothing on.• I sent Dan on ahead to find us seats at the theater.• Put your shoes on, and let's go.• There's a good comedy on at eight.• I usually get on at Irving Street.• As far as we know, the game is still on for tomorrow.• Let's go on. I want to get home before it gets dark.• You're on in two minutes.on and on• I could go on and on but you already got more than you probably wanted out of this answer.• I hope, I really hope, that this will not drag on and on and on.• I went on and on at her: draw me, draw me, draw me, Mummy!• It goes on and on that way for two solid months, like a sixty-day trance-like a contact high.• She goes on and on and on.• The high blue summer weather goes on and on and by mid-afternoon it's hot up here under the leads.• The war may well just go on and on.• Yet the pump runs on and on, its noise now a constant accompaniment to their once-quiet lives.Origin on1 Old Englishon1 preposition →10-19 →20-30 →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2on2 adjective →10-19LDOCE OnlineChinese  being a supported surface touching by surface or Corpus a




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