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单词 omnivorous
释义  Related topics: Animalsom·niv·o·rous /ɒmˈnɪvərəs $ ɑːm-/ adjective  1. HBAan animal that is omnivorous eats both meat and plants 〔动物〕杂食性的,肉草兼食的 → carnivorous, herbivorous2  INTERESTED formal interested in everything, especially in all books 对什么都感兴趣的;〔尤指〕什么书都看的 an omnivorous reader 兴趣广泛的读者Examples from the Corpusomnivorous• Yet saw-fly larvae are actually pretty omnivorous.• Learning becomes even more important in the feeding of so omnivorous an animal as the rat.• The omnivorous black rat consumes seeds, flowers and fruits, and many small animals.• All were white caucasians on an ad libitum omnivorous diet.• Most fruit-eaters require other kinds of food as supplements, and they tend to be generally more omnivorous in their habits.• Most of all, I loved her omnivorous passion for me.• What the opportunist had neglected to consider in his scheme was the omniscient, omnipotent, omnivorous Presence.• an omnivorous reporterOrigin omnivorous (1600-1700) Latin omnivorus, from omni- ( → OMNI-) + -vorus “eating”om·niv·o·rous adjectiveChineseSyllable  an animal Corpus both eats meat is and plants omnivorous that




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