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单词 Truthful
1 Are you being completely truthful with me?
2 You and I must be truthful with each other.
3 I don't think you are being entirely truthful.
4 He was not always truthful.
5 They were less than truthful about their part in the crime.
6 To be quite truthful with you, I'm not very keen on this colour.
7 We've all learnt to be fairly truthful about our personal lives.
8 Gwen adjured him to be truthful.
9 Most religions teach you to be truthful and self-disciplined.
10 He is very truthful — he never lies.
11 The trader was truthful and without deceit.
12 Let's have some plain, truthful answers.
13 She could not give him a truthful answer.
14 Are you being quite truthful with me?
15 His book, while truthful, is wanting in excitement.
16 The public has a right to expect truthful answers from politicians.
17 As I try to be truthful, I expect everyone else to be truthful.
18 You can count on him for a truthful report of the accident.
19 She was completely truthful about her involvement in the affair.
20 To be quite truthful with you, Betty, I never really liked the man.
21 I think she is a truthful and moral person.
22 Not everyone believes the government is being truthful.
23 As a child she was obedient and truthful.
24 We can win for them by being truthful.
25 I hope we can be truthful with each other.
26 I must be truthful in my films.
27 What would a truthful man say?
28 Lucy's normally an extremely truthful little girl.
29 I have only one question to ask you, and I want a truthful answer.
30 The judge made it clear that he thought the complainant was the truthful witness and that the case should continue.
1 Are you being completely truthful with me?
2 You and I must be truthful with each other.
3 I don't think you are being entirely truthful.
4 He was not always truthful.
5 They were less than truthful about their part in the crime.
6 To be quite truthful with you, I'm not very keen on this colour.
7 We've all learnt to be fairly truthful about our personal lives.
8 The trader was truthful and without deceit.
31 If we are truthful we may admit that we find the ideas of the virgin birth or the resurrection incredulous.
32 You've got to be truthful, like in a court of law.
33 Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. George Orwell 
34 He has clearly not been truthful about the nature of their relationship.
35 And he, to be truthful to himself, had been relieved that he was not alone.
36 It would then have to find out whether people were any more truthful when answering commercial questionnaires than political ones.
37 He has studied the details of their forms and physiognomy and renders them in a manner both truthful and original.
38 So you and I must be truthful with each other: no secrets.
39 As a result, spoken discourse comes to be regarded as more honest and truthful.
40 In fairness to Robert, I must record that this sounded truthful.
41 What is believed is not necessarily right and truthful. What is legalized is not necessarily fair and just. Dr T.P.Chia 
42 Our citizens have a right to expect truthful reports from their government.
43 Be truthful Maggie - is 29 years too wide a gap to bridge?
44 I believe in a free Press,( ) with rights to freedom of expression and to report that which is truthful.
45 Is it possible to make our market system tell a more truthful story to families?
46 As a writer, your sovereign responsibility is to produce real food by making truthful representations.
47 Nor, conversely, does it aspire to art-pop status, because its aim is to be truthful to its mediocre soul.
48 And yet parents press children to be truthful, admonishing against wild stories and silly lies.
49 It is unlikely that a truthful account of conditions in the prison will ever be seen.
50 Well, to be strictly truthful, camp had already been made for us by some hi-tech realtors.
51 I've always been truthful with him about my other boyfriends.
52 At the time it seemed more truthful to make a break; then at least the position was defined.
53 Justice Department officials who reviewed his statement found it to be truthful.
54 To receive truthful answers from respondents is an expectation upon which all interviews are based.
55 Are you really being truthful, Grandmamma ?
56 The smile of a philanthropist may be truthful.
57 Autobiography is often less truthful than biography.
58 That statement is probably the most truthful statement in the whole movie. It is the type of statement that people use to keep themselves busy working away to pay bills.
59 The Declarant shall exercise deliberation in making a truthful declaration. Except for the situations under Article 12 of the ...
60 If the information they're giving is valuable and truthful like with "Watergate" or "the Pentagram Papers", and their motive don't matter.
61 Whether it can transfer capital successfully and reflect economic situation of a country correctly depend on whether investors can access truthful information or not.
62 For calculating stress of bns body structure, a thin-walled eccentric beam element witch accords with demands is introduced in this paper. The eccentricity existing in truthful structure.
63 Ruth is always truthful and anything she says will be accredited.
64 When applicants were warned in advance that fake responses could be detected on a pre-employment test, they provided responses that were more truthful.
65 A truthful witness saves lives , but a false witness is deceitful.
66 He almost says crave, and isn't certain which is more truthful.
67 Mulla Nasrudin said: You are a friend, so I must be truthful and frank.
68 To be truthful we got a bit of telling off from the gaffer at half time.
69 'We all want to be truthful, but there is such a thing as tact,' says Wayne Wilson, a retired financial executive in Seattle.
70 I trusted her because she was always truthful. I was too trustful.
71 Pearlasked him if he had proof that Mohammed’s confession was truthful; Gonzalesclaimed to have corroborating evidence but wouldn’t share it.
72 Are you really being truthful, Grandmamma? Really and truly truthful?
73 These books, while informative, are not necessarily truthful by our standards.
74 Be truthful, and you don't have to worry about the real surfacing and spoiling your chances.
75 A truthful witness does not deceive , but a false witness pours out lies.
76 Be honest and truthful with your employees at all times; don't sugarcoat the truth in an attempt to soften the blow of difficult news.
77 Under cross-examination, it is easy to lose your train of thought and not fully understand the question and possibly give testimony that is not accurate or truthful.
78 But although they had faith in the words of him whom they knew to be truthful, the ignorance that as yet occupied their minds so enveloped their faith in darkness that they were almost dumfounded.




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