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单词 Peaceful
1. Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 
2. Everyone is free to engage in peaceful political activity.
3. A sad eyes, you become a peaceful tranquil.
4. He could not imagine a more peaceful scene.
5. We had a peaceful afternoon without the children.
6. The hillsides looked very peaceful.
7. The riot began as a peaceful protest.
8. Police opened fire on a peaceful demonstration.
9. Evening in the country is a very peaceful time.
10. The aims of the organization are wholly peaceful.
11. They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute.
12. It's a peaceful solution.
13. A small group of demonstrators staged a peaceful protest outside the UN Headquarters.
14. I have also forgotten once world,[http://] whether a peaceful piece of string sound.
15. I feel quite hopeful that a peaceful solution will be found.
16. It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
17. He has attempted to find a peaceful solution to the Ossetian conflict.
18. On the basis of the five principles for peaceful coexistence there can be reasonable dialogue between any two governments.
19. Love is like a river, peaceful and deep, love is like a secret no one can keep.
20. They called for the peaceful dispersal of the demonstrators.
21. The two countries are negotiating for a peaceful settlement.
22. A peaceful expression settled on her face.
23. The constitution guarantees the right of peaceful protest.
24. It's very peaceful out here in the woods.
25. She fell into a deep and peaceful slumber.
26. The election campaign has been remarkably peaceful, even good-humoured.
27. She repined for a peaceful life.
28. He had a peaceful life.
29. They demanded the right to hold peaceful assemblies.
30. His eyes rested on the peaceful valley below.
1. Everyone is free to engage in peaceful political activity.
2. He could not imagine a more peaceful scene.
3. We had a peaceful afternoon without the children.
4. The hillsides looked very peaceful.
5. The riot began as a peaceful protest.
6. Police opened fire on a peaceful demonstration.
7. Evening in the country is a very peaceful time.
8. The aims of the organization are wholly peaceful.
9. They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute.
10. It's a peaceful solution.
11. A small group of demonstrators staged a peaceful protest outside the UN Headquarters.
12. I feel quite hopeful that a peaceful solution will be found.
13. It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
14. He has attempted to find a peaceful solution to the Ossetian conflict.
15. On the basis of the five principles for peaceful coexistence there can be reasonable dialogue between any two governments.
16. The two countries are negotiating for a peaceful settlement.
17. They all support a peaceful transition.
18. She looked curiously peaceful as she lay there.
19. As everybody knows, Switzerland is a peaceful country.
20. This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation.
21. We were just having a peaceful conversation when my neighbor pushed in without being asked.
22. We should take part in the peaceful uses of atomic energy.
31. The new law will still allow peaceful picketing.
32. Community leaders have renewed calls for a peaceful settlement.
33. They all support a peaceful transition.
34. He achieved his goal by peaceful means.
35. Hopes of a peaceful settlement have dimmed.
36. How peaceful it is in the country now!
37. She looked curiously peaceful as she lay there.
38. Police opened fire on a crowd of peaceful demonstrators.
39. Hopes of a peaceful settlement have been dashed.
40. She lived a very peaceful life.
41. It's so peaceful out here in the country.
42. As everybody knows, Switzerland is a peaceful country.
43. All hopes of a peaceful settlement had now vanished.
44. The two communities enjoyed a period of peaceful coexistence.
44. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
45. This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation.
46. The prospects for a peaceful solution are dim.
47. We've tried peaceful persuasion; what's our next move?
48. Country life isn't always as peaceful as city-dwellers think.
49. Thousands gathered for a peaceful demonstration.
50. Peaceful summer evenings can be spoilt by mosquitoes.
51. There was a large but peaceful demonstration outside the US Embassy.
52. He then set out for Virginia for what he vainly hoped would be a peaceful retirement.
53. She stood at the door observing the peaceful domestic tableau around the fire.
54. Her speech about the need for a peaceful solution to the crisis fell on stony ground.
55. All hopes of a peaceful settlement were destroyed by the bomb.
56. The prospects for the country are fairly evenly balanced between peaceful reform and revolution.
57. There has been a dramatic shift in public opinion towards peaceful negotiations.
58. We hope the factions will be able to settle their differences by peaceful means.
59. Negotiators have reached a dead end in their attempts to find a peaceful solution.
60. A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force.
61. There are fears that this latest move might have closed the door on a peaceful solution.
62. Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.
63. Both sides are trying to find a peaceful solution .
64. He was lulled by the peaceful sound of the rain.
65. These discussions may well open the door to a peaceful solution.
66. Altogether, it was a delightful town garden, peaceful and secluded.
67. The renewed violence this week hardly augurs well for smooth or peaceful change.
68. The hotel is situated in a peaceful residential neighbourhood .
69. We must have the patience to continue to work until we will find a peaceful solution.
70. What was intended as a peaceful demonstration rapidly degenerated into violence.
71. The previously peaceful demonstration seemed to be getting out of hand.
72. The village lay in a peaceful basin surrounded by hills.
73. Negotiators are looking for a peaceful settlement to the dispute.
74. Nothing disturbs the peaceful current of life in the village.
75. She felt as she always did in these mountains: peaceful, without care, at one with nature .
76. All diplomatic attempts at a peaceful solution to the crisis have been fruitless.
77. His face looked more peaceful in death than it had during his last days.
78. He devoutly hoped that they would reach a peaceful agreement.
79. In the early seventies, Sag Harbor was still a peaceful village.
80. Their hopes of a peaceful solution turned out to be illusory.
81. On the whole the celebrations were remarkably good-humoured and peaceful. Indeed, it seemed almost too good to be true.
82. One of the beauties of living here is that it's so peaceful.
83. The relationship between Scotland and its southern neighbour has not always been peaceful.
84. We were just having a peaceful conversation when my neighbor pushed in without being asked.
85. The time without her in the house had been blissfully peaceful.
86. The countries in Europe have established a peaceful co-existence .
87. Hopes of a peaceful resolution to the conflict were fading.
88. It is to be hoped that TV cameras never intrude on this peaceful place.
89. At least 19 people were killed when soldiers opened fire on a peaceful demonstration.
90. It's peaceful at home when the children are at school.
91. We should take part in the peaceful uses of atomic energy.
92. Peaceful direct action by pressure groups has a powerful effect on public opinion.
93. They emphasised that their equipment was for peaceful and not military purposes.
94. The farmers staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside the headquarters of the organization.
95. She spent a peaceful afternoon by the river, reading a novel.
96. We must try to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.
97. She had, at any rate, provided a peaceful and loving home for Harriet.
98. The negotiations continued in the mistaken belief that a peaceful agreement could be reached.
99. It now seems unlikely that it will be possible to negotiate/reach a peaceful settlement of the conflict.
100. She hoped the different ethnic groups in the area could live together in peaceful co-existence.
101. The demonstration was an assertion of the right to peaceful protest.
102. A fevered diplomatic endgame is now under way to find a peaceful solution to the crisis.
103. News men divulged that the two countries had met together secretly several times before they arrived at the peaceful agreement.
104. Hopes of a peaceful end to the strike are now growing.
105. A peaceful demonstration had been hijacked by anarchists intent on causing trouble.
106. There was a gleam of hope for a peaceful settlement.
107. Most of us are peaceful and decent, but here we go again,[http:///peaceful.html] in our fifth war of this century.
108. Any plans for a peaceful settlement were forestalled by the intervention of the army.
109. The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis.
110. It was a small and peaceful demonstration so I don't know why there was such a big police presence. It was like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
111. That New York City is not a peaceful place to live is the understatement of the year/month/century.
112. Negotiators aren't holding out much hope of a peaceful settlement.
113. Despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful.
114. The elections were conducted in a peaceful and orderly fashion.
115. The President agreed, adding that he hoped for a peaceful solution.
116. Congress has a responsibility to ensure that all peaceful options are exhausted before resort to war.
117. That contact was not always peaceful and agreeable.
118. Everything was dewy and peaceful and quiet.
119. It looked very calm and peaceful.
120. Objective: Promotion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
121. Eyes closed, his strong features were peaceful in repose.
122. Her words dimmed our hopes of a peaceful settlement.
123. Simple life and peaceful mind are very close friends! Mehmet Murat ildan 
124. It was an impassioned, largely peaceful protest.
125. Rational persuasion is thus the foundation of peaceful coexistence.
126. Thousands of fans up and down the country plan one minute's peaceful demonstration to coincide with weekend kickoffs.
127. Protests continue nightly in Vienna and other cities, peaceful affairs now unlike the violent clashes of recent weeks.
128. With a peaceful and stable southern border, Begin felt free to concentrate on his northern front.
129. For several nights afterwards nightmares of violence and death disturbed normally peaceful sleep.
130. They arrested the peaceful marchers, put them in paddy wagons, and charged them with disorderly conduct.
131. Faint noises from outside dwindled into the peaceful black chasm of sleep.
132. Since December 1989 peaceful demonstrations have taken place in the capital, Ulan Bator, in support of political and economic reforms.
133. It also greatly improved blood circulation which in turn helps to induce peaceful, deep, relaxing sleep.
134. If a demonstration is peaceful it tends to get far less coverage than if there is violence.
135. The rural scene was so peaceful and indifferent to my predicament.
136. The most beautiful face is always the face of the peaceful mind! Mehmet Murat ildan 
137. One proposed change would return to the police the power to ban peaceful demonstrations,[http:///peaceful.html] while another would sharply limit privacy rights.
138. This has caused some concern as peaceful demonstrators may be prevented from marching because of the threat posed by a potentially disruptive counter-demonstration.
139. As many as 400,000 people participated in a peaceful demonstration in Srinagar on Feb. 23.
140. Villagers are proud and fortunate to be living here in this peaceful little village, surrounded by beautiful countryside.
141. Converted to an Elizabethan great house following the dissolution of the Monasteries, the abbey has a peaceful atmosphere.
142. Borne forward in a haze of peaceful pleasure, we were above and beyond everyone and everything.
143. Some of the inland villages stood still in time and were quiet and peaceful respites from the glamour of the coastal resorts.
144. The more peaceful you are, the more beautiful your face becomes; the more violent you are, the uglier your face becomes! Mehmet Murat ildan 
145. We had a fairly peaceful time, but Clarisa and Janir argued a lot, and she was a cranky visitor.
146. Judy, an elegant woman in her early 40s with a peaceful demeanour, bids us sit down in the verandah.
147. Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means. Ronald Reagan 
148. Towards this end, agreements were signed on fishing, trade, environmental protection and the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
149. The UN's good offices will be necessary in finding a peaceful solution to the crisis.
150. She stirred, a slight frown creasing her forehead, but her face relaxed again, and became peaceful.
151. He had led the team that developed the Soviet Union's atomic bomb and had begun seeking peaceful applications of nuclear power.
152. I love it here - it's so quiet and peaceful near the ocean.
153. The waterways are incredibly peaceful with a wealth of wildlife and some incredibly beautiful scenery.
154. The aim of the ethnographic papers is to understand violent and peaceful behaviour in different societies.
155. At a global level, do you Dream of a more peaceful world?
156. Landscapes are peaceful and unscarred, animals roam free, children never grow up and work is virtually non-existent.
157. That is the logic of peaceful coexistence, that is the historical logic of Stalinism. 8.
158. That final dependence may be experienced as distressing or peaceful, but it is not socially problematic.
159. During the 1970s, with two power stations in relatively peaceful operation, the Board consolidated its position on the Somerset coast.
160. In most of these countries, the advances came in the form of free elections or a peaceful transfer of power.
161. She looked very peaceful, and I was quite unafraid, interested to know what had happened.
162. He was looking at a peaceful family group, differing in only one respect from the scenes he knew.
163. The rugged mountains and hills form an impressive backdrop, and inland peaceful villages look out across orange and lemon groves.
164. What am I, crazy, barging in on strangers trying to have a peaceful meal?
164. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
165. The most charming place - so peaceful - still just a tiny fishing village really.
166. Most of us were peaceful and decent, but here we go again, in our fifth war of this century.
167. Camouflaged anti-aircraft batteries atop almost every hill belied the peaceful appearance of these islands.
168. During practice the beginner should try to keep his mind calm and peaceful.
169. Belief provides spiritual warmth, comfort and easiness. If you are a religious believer, you tend to feel more peaceful, satisfying and happy. Dr T.P.Chia 
170. The team s only work on the ground is in the relatively peaceful breakaway states of Somaliland and Puntland.
171. Together, Minnig and Cipriani carry the hopes for a peaceful resolution of the hostage crisis here.
172. Gao Ma lay with a peaceful, happy smile on his face.
173. These attractive tetras make a good, peaceful community fish if the aquarium has dense vegetation with open water for swimming.
174. Traditionally it is a peaceful event, without confrontation between police and what they describe as the hippy convoy.
175. All attempts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict have now been abandoned.
176. If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace. Thich Nhat Hanh 
177. The Dorfwirt is a distinctive hotel with carved wooden balconies, and the peaceful atmosphere is totally in keeping with this relaxing resort.
178. Blacks knew that every peaceful march and favorable court decision was being answered with acts of officially sanctioned violence.
179. But, as Jill Abraham found out, it didn't cost a fortune to create this peaceful setting.
180. Age-old enemies have accepted that compromise is the only peaceful way forward.
181. Every April, hordes of noisy invaders descend upon this otherwise peaceful town of 60, 000 and proceed to spread destruction.
182. We can do this by presenting societies whose ideological construction of human nature and behaviour is such as to favour peaceful coexistence.
183. The spiritual resources of patients can do a great deal to help in their recovery or bring about a peaceful death.
184. The military activity was in stark contrast to the peaceful appearance of the islands.
185. In the film, the peaceful life of a monk is contrasted with the violent life of a murderer.
186. The Cam always looks so peaceful, especially so on a winter's day with no punts or rowing boats in sight.
187. In more peaceful times he had assisted many of the ladies of the cantonment in childbirth.
188. More and more people are swapping their suburban house for a peaceful rural haven.
189. Do not disturb this sleep unless there are other indications that the child is not sleeping a peaceful, healing sleep.
190. This is the first genuine attempt to reach a peaceful settlement to the dispute.
191. Emperor Tetras are a quiet, peaceful fish and not as delicate as is sometimes thought.
192. Racial violence began again when law enforcement officers brutalized peaceful civil rights protestors.
193. Nixon contends that we are heading into a period of peaceful coexistence in the world.
194. Even the most peaceful place is full of strife,[] with any weakness among its inhabitants at once exploited.
195. Second, unification shall be achieved through peaceful means, and not through use of force against one another.
196. University students have so far heeded the call, staging peaceful protests nationwide.
197. Their attempt to settle the dispute by peaceful negotiations proved fruitless.
198. But the sharp decline in peasant disturbances in the pre-war years pointed to peaceful development.
199. Although fairly peaceful, it will eat small fish like your Neons and Glowlights.
200. It is quiet and peaceful there at night and we took Sam to buy candles.
201. Your choice of peaceful music to harmonize your inner state of relaxation.
202. Instead the focus is repeatedly turned toward establishing wifely submission as the guarantee of a rewarding, peaceful marriage.
203. In our old age we have found a more or less peaceful form of co-existence.
204. But people like Shakiri do not believe there can be a peaceful solution to the crisis.
205. Episcopal elections were not always peaceful, especially if tension arose between influential families or groups.
206. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. Malcolm X 
207. They also work against a high value being placed upon the creation of peaceful everyday relationships.
208. I walked down the first fairway in a relaxed and peaceful mood, despite my early departure from my bed.
209. Support the type of thinking that leads you to feeling good, peaceful & happy. Allan Lokos 
210. Be conscious of the fact that this is a tranquil and a peaceful place and that it belongs to you.
211. There are few aquarium fish which are so uniformly peaceful and easily-maintained as the rasboras.
212. Easily Accessible: The surrounding countryside is very gentle and peaceful.
213. This Marine and his unit were on duty on a peaceful border as part of the War on Drugs.
214. Tranquility is a choice. So is anxiety. The entire world around us may be in turmoil. But if we want to be peaceful within, we can. RVM 
215. It should have been peaceful, a haven of bright birdsong and softly rustling leaves.
216. A couple of years ago these lanes were far from peaceful when a flash flood swept through the area.
217. The protestors were peaceful, and the police decided not to interfere.
218. Many people think excitement is happiness.... But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace. Thich Nhat Hanh 
219. It was as if the blood had been drained from her, leaving no strength, but it wasn't a peaceful emptiness.
220. The talks dragged on, with no apparent hope of achieving a peaceful solution.
221. The U.S. hopes for a peaceful end to the conflict.
222. The violence against peaceful demonstrators by police was downplayed, while violence against police was played up.
223. What is needed are peaceful campaigns aimed at the whaling communities via public demonstrations.
224. Tell the King that Mohamed Srifi's only crime seems to have been the expression of his peaceful political views.
224. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
225. North and South Korea signed an accord calling for peaceful coexistence.
226. They erected barricades to block traffic, but these were removed following peaceful negotiations with police.
227. This was hailed as historic at the time - as a giant contribution towards a peaceful settlement of the Middle East.
228. Freedom of expression and of the press, and freedom of peaceful assembly, of association and of movement were all guaranteed.
229. A dog can bite you but you must not bite the dog! Your every movement in life must be peaceful; otherwise you lose your ethical superiority! Nonviolent civil disobedience is a genius; no power can beat it; use it when necessary! Mehmet Murat ildan 
230. No one had expected anything more than a passing peaceful demonstration.
231. As if their silent company were charged With peaceful admonitions for the heart Of all-beholding Man, earth's thoughtful lord.
232. There was some-thing peaceful about it, something firm and orderly; it gave him some small authority over his own life.
233. Many people feel so pressured by the expectations of others that it causes them to be frustrated, miserable and confused about what they should do. But there is a way to live a simple, joy-filled, peaceful life, and the key is learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the traditions or expectations of man. Joyce Meyer 
234. The blissfully peaceful hotels we have selected are all on Mahe Island and well situated for the beautiful beaches.
235. Instinctively we knew that terrible things were going to happen in our elderly aunts peaceful living room.
236. Teheran says its nuclear program is purely peaceful.
237. Hypothermia. Also rumoured to be peaceful.
238. Zheng He was very peaceful , peaceable expeditions.
239. Blue adjustable neon lamp, peaceful and comfortable, quite design.
240. Zionism always stood for peaceful coexistence with other people native to the land.
241. I have only requested the League of Nations , taking into account justice and peaceful resolution.
242. We go across to the island every summer, it's so peaceful there.
243. Petting your dog or watching your fish swim around can make you feel very peaceful.
244. China's peaceful rising should follow this road and impel regionalization of East Asia.
245. They have bombed the Jordanian embassy -- the symbol of a peaceful Arab country.
246. A peaceful talk should be arranged prior to any saber rattling.
247. Enjoy a peaceful night sleep under Twilight Sea Turtle's starry night sky.
248. The barons made war upon him, and never again did he see a peaceful day.
249. The enemy at Tatung submitted to peaceful reorganization on May 1.
250. Kinshasa has started enjoying a peaceful climate, and money has been flowing in.
251. Hemigrammus family of tetras comes in different colors. They are peaceful, hardy shoal fish.
252. The IAEA has stated that it wants Iran to prove its nuclear intentions are peaceful.
253. By keeping physical intactness, it is possible to have a composed , tranquil and peaceful heart.
254. Yesterday Lynmouth was a peaceful holiday resort. Today it is a ruin.
254. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
255. Utilization of atomic energy for peaceful purposes is still in swaddling clothes.
256. I stood again on the - remembered terrace, and looked once more at the peaceful old country house.
257. Second has resentment, use a peaceful silken robe to armour, after borrowing, also avoid meeting.
258. This global perspective motivates us for a better, more peaceful for all the world's inhabitants.
259. Along this line, Prophet Muhammad delivered his message outside Arabia through peaceful means.
260. This normalization can carry us toward a diversified and peaceful world.
261. Ben and Leigh took me to the peaceful Nara Inlet for the night.
262. An unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills formed a peaceful setting.
263. In 1997, a student flash flood turned a peaceful canyon into a raging torrent of deadly whitewater.
264. The peaceful facade of Wisteria Lane had recently been shattered.
265. Direct waveform transmits complement that makes AWG 2005 perfect the digital memory oscillograph of peaceful gram company.
266. In fact, Yuren was not a peaceful Mikado but a chief offender.
267. A murder will occur this weekend in the peaceful seaside town of Langley, Washington.
268. It was a stress reliever, a peaceful place, and something that came very easy for him.
269. China will ablide by the peaceful diplomatic policy of self - independence unswervingly.
270. The everlasting is mankind the perpetual motion of the peaceful happiness.
271. He's a peaceable and placid person and likes to lead a peaceful life.
272. Warmness is the most peaceful and quietest part in one's heart.
273. Compared with quiet and peaceful country life, urban life is noisy and unpeaceful.
274. An unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills afforded a peaceful setting.
275. These embroideries permitted Annabel and Midge to play their game in the luxury of peaceful consciences.
276. The earthquake may be remembered as a milestone in that peaceful evolution.
277. They also signed Fulangxisike Elson , increased preceding performance's intensity, but peaceful roentgen Lu reinforcement their wings.
278. It is our solemn duty and obligation to defend the peaceful status quoin the Taiwan Strait.
279. Swiss people live very peaceful life, they enjoy their life together with the nature.
280. How do the fixed position of general peaceful hot line and direction plan?
281. Even though the Egyptians were warlike, they found time for peaceful games.
282. Pollack said the movie emphasized peaceful alternatives to nations killing each other./peaceful.html
283. The magnificent grounds are irresistibly perfect a peaceful stroll, hand in hand with a loved one.
284. Halle : Wow , It'sounds like such a peaceful time.
285. Although the Egyptians were warlike, they found times for peaceful games.




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