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单词 oil rig
释义  Related topics: Gas, coal, oilˈoil rig (also oil platform) noun [countable]  TPGa large structure on the land or in the sea, which has equipment for getting oil from under the ground 〔用于陆上或海底采油的〕石油钻台[塔];油井设备 →4  See picture of 见图 ENERGYExamples from the Corpusoil rig• Passing an oil rig and numerous naval vessels, we moored alongside a jetty on the estuary leading up to the town.• It is rumoured that an oil rig is to be set up on the local water meadows.• Balder is a semi-submersible crane barge designed for work in constructing oil rig platforms.• Joseph Oncale charges that his male supervisors and a male co-worker harassed him while he was working at a Louisiana oil rig.• Francis McFarlane, 44, has not worked since he witnessed the oil rig blaze which killed 164 workers in July 1988.From Longman Business Dictionaryoil rigˈoil rig noun [countable] a large structure with equipment for getting oil from under the sea bottom or under the groundˈoil rig nounChineseSyllable  the a on Business or large structure land Corpus




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