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单词 Drifting
1. The world was drifting to war.
2. The wind is drifting the snow.
3. People kept drifting in and out of the meeting.
4. Is the business drifting towards bankruptcy?
5. A tiny fishing boat was drifting slowly along.
6. Some roads are closed because of drifting.
7. The country seems to be drifting towards war.
8. A fleecy cloud was drifting past.
9. He hasn't decided what to do yet-he's just drifting.
10. The ship was drifting on the ocean.
11. Some roads are closed owing to drifting.
12. He felt himself drifting off to sleep .
13. I was just drifting off when the phone rang.
14. He doesn't want a career, he's just drifting.
15. We seem to be drifting away from the point.
16. Jenni spent the year drifting around Europe.
17. There are some drifting petals in that river.
18. He spent the day drifting aimlessly about the house.
19. The piece of wood was drifting down the river.
20. The boats were drifting farther and farther apart.
21. You've been drifting from job to job without any real commitment.
22. We need to offer young people drifting into crime an alternative set of values.
23. She was just drifting into sleep when the alarm went off.
24. Cool summer dance sounds are drifting from the stereo indoors.
25. I couldn't help drifting off in the middle of that lecture - it was so boring!
26. She tried to concentrate, but found her mind drifting back to Alex.
27. Women began drifting over to the table.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. His thoughts kept drifting back to Zoser.
29. Would a snow fence on the roof stop drifting?
30. There is a general sense that the country and economy alike are drifting.
1. The world was drifting to war.
2. The wind is drifting the snow.
3. People kept drifting in and out of the meeting.
4. Is the business drifting towards bankruptcy?
5. A tiny fishing boat was drifting slowly along.
6. There are some drifting petals in that river.
31. Chopra could sense ghosts drifting around the castle.
32. Walls are painted white drifting to dove gray.
33. Streetlights and shop windows are like stars drifting by.
34. It was drifting through the suburbs of outer Manchester.
35. Twenty-four hours until kick-off and the hyperbole was drifting out of control.
36. She felt dazed and was drifting through life never feeling well, sleepless, anxious and just not coping.
37. If it's drifting on the far side it will be up to the roof.
38. I got it when things started drifting away from us around February time.
39. There are also the dangers of cutting down on food to pay for drink or drifting into excessive drinking due to loneliness.
40. He is thought to have a fractured skull and is drifting in and out of consciousness.
41. It exasperated his grandmother to see this forceful spirit drifting like a rudderless boat, directed neither to work nor to leisure.
42. They made towards it as the first flare hit the sea, continuing to burn, with clouds of smoke drifting upwards.
43. Gradually they started drifting away to the main building to eat and sleep.
44. The sound of singing came drifting up from the quays below.
45. Home too, of the legendary drifting tornadoes which pass across this uninterrupted flatness with the casual offhandedness of a juvenile hustler.
46. The second submarine was being attacked now, but all the time the sound of combat was drifting further away.
47. Next, look up at the blue sky - and notice a small, dark cloud drifting past.
48. But we are now drifting to the next stages of the methodology.
49. Glancing around, she deduced from the sounds drifting from the kitchen that Tara was preparing a meal.
50. A young moon shining on the cascading waters made them appear to be composed of drifting snow.
51. The twentysomethings of the X generation may be more predisposed to quitting a job and drifting.
52. He sat back in the armchair and watched the smoke drifting upwards from his pipe towards the gas lamp.
53. His hands were automatically driving, but his mind was drifting elsewhere.
54. She had gained the opposite bank and was poking about in a great drifting mass of torn grass and brushwood.
55. Her mind was drifting on the waves of her pain.
56. The boat I stole was drifting down the river, not that I cared, with my blouse and shoes in it.
57. We will pay special attention to the underlying social problems in high-crime areas, particularly to prevent young people drifting into crime.
58. Through the haze of sleep, vague details of last night began drifting into her mind.
59. It had begun to snow, and small flakes were drifting down to settle on their eyelashes.
60. Alternatively the capsule might be drifting in the weak gravitational field of intergalactic space.
61. Jean opened the window, and heard the faint sound of the bells drifting across the Old Town.
62. Drifting, feeling the drug, he closed his eyes and gave himself over to the mirrors in his head.
63. He had actually succeeded in drifting forward and downward again, when the voice drew him to a stop once more.
64. It was cool, a slight breeze drifting over her face, calming the heat of her skin.
65. I half wanted him to fall, legs and arms akimbo, flowers drifting down after him.
66. Rose Clayton spends her days drifting on a breezy lake with the warm sun on her back.
67. Another situation where I have been prepared to use a tube stem is for short range drifting.
68. It was a mild night with clouds drifting across the sky and occasionally obscuring the new moon.
69. Rise above the landscape, and experience yourself as the whole sky - with clouds drifting inconsequentially through your vastness.
70. He was drifting along, looking half asleep, hands still over his ears.
71. Just then, the motor failed and the boat began drifting out of control.
72. The former occurs both within the thermals and in the slowly downward drifting cold fluid between the thermals.
73. The fine mist at the edges of the room seemed to be drifting closer, enveloping her in its clinging tendrils.
74. And what really bothers me now is to see our son drifting away from us.
75. A few chuckles and snatches of song could be heard drifting across the sea of sheep, then silence.
76. They were now drifting down river much faster than before.
77. Drifting away from the quivering ion channel, you notice legions of ethanol mol-Figure 2.
78. She shivered at some ill-defined idea, drifting past out of reach, in the foggy recesses of her mind.
79. We felt as if we were driving into the heart of the wilderness, our deadlines drifting further and further away.
80. Stages 1 and 2 are stages of light sleep, just drifting off and being asleep but easily aroused.
81. He had been drifting back and forth between the two ever since.
82. Then, inexplicably, I had been out of work for over a year and my few friends were drifting away.
83. All that week, Catherine lay ill, drifting in and out of consciousness.
84. There's also a fire in Yellowstone now, and smoke drifting across the Grand Teton Park.
85. The subject of the test had to tell the investigator which way the spots were drifting.
86. One theory is that the oil has sunk, and is drifting in globules a few metres below the surface of the water.
87. Above: Drifting slowly up the reef wall, curious fish surround a diver.
87. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
88. They would start coming in late and drifting off early.
89. They fear that the exchange is drifting without strategic direction.
90. He had lain in bed night after night drifting into sleep on a tide of euphoria.
91. This nearly always results in drifting further back without much gain of height and ending up in a worse situation than before.
92. And then, at last, I crossed a high mountain pass to discover smoke drifting across my route.
93. The risk is that we carry on drifting downwards because there is no real impact on those expectations.
94. We traveled from church to church, drifting toward the tip of the peninsula until we reached the port of Pusan.
95. Wallace Ellwood was out to sea, drifting like a rudderless boat.
96. By the end of our conversation the other players were drifting down to dinner.
97. Perhaps we should think about it, instead of drifting on from day to day.
98. Drifting nearby, however, was a sort of transparent inflatable dinghy, low in the water, resembling a cocoon.
99. The ocean floor was the tape slowly and symmetrically drifting away from either side of the ridge.
100. Behind her the enchanted dancers spun on; the focus of the circle was now drifting along a violet-lit corridor.
101. They were those creatures on television, the ones drifting across the stage, women so beautiful nothing could hurt them.
102. Eliot led a strangely unsettled life, drifting from place to place and job to job.
103. Today, two empty boats are drifting home across the hollow fields of fished-out sea.
104. Amelia was still engaged to Sam Chapman, but in fact she had been drifting apart from him for some time.
105. A few thin snow flakes began to fall, drifting silently down out the leaden sky.
106. More and more men were transformed by the mutating power of the great clouds of Chaos magic drifting from the poles.
107. By night, faery lights flicker in the darkness, drifting behind the Everqueen's courtiers and illuminating the revels and feasting.
108. You can always tell when a short story is drifting towards a novel, and that's when it doesn't work.
109. The problem results when acid rainclouds drifting across moorland come into contact with the branches of conifers.
110. People come drifting into the room to see what's up.
111. Couples were drifting down the side streets and back on to the main street toward the cars.
112. There may be some high clouds drifting by during the afternoon.
113. But Ernest said it was Marty who was drifting away.
114. Instead of drifting along the ceiling of the corridor, the smoke moves along as a solid plug.
115. Either of these ways is easy; because your victim is carelessly drifting through another evening of everyday, life.
116. The sudden breeze introduced through the open door disturbed the orbit of the drone and sent the Doctor drifting slowly backwards.
117. It looked as if the caracara would polish off the duck; but our boat drifting nearer made it nervous.http:///drifting.html
118. She wanted to keep moving and soon she was out of the easy swarm of Portobello and drifting through streets of stately serenity.
119. But the great mass of students were drifting through, as Che or Simeon had done.
120. The party seems to be becoming less radical, and drifting more towards the centre.
121. The boat was drifting into the current, the long poles dipping in the dark water and pushing her away.
122. She tried to think of nothing at all, but found her mind drifting back to that one subject all the time.
123. Once or twice he found himself tugged away on the backwash of voices, drifting here and there.
124. Ricky graduated, but didn't seem to know what to do with his life. He was drifting.
125. Both teams will have driven through drifting snow to play the game.
126. This huge stretch of coastline is dominated by offshore barrier islands built by the surf out of drifting sand.
127. When the Halliday brothers eventually sighted Johnstone, the boat was drifting aimlessly with the tide.
128. At first she could see only a shape drifting before the windows on the first floor.
129. Smoke trailed in long streamers drifting off to the west.
130. The market is likely to continue drifting down and may reach a low point on Friday.
131. I walked at his side as if I were drunk, bumping into him, drifting crazily off.
132. He'd made a good start but now he was faltering, and the focus of attention was drifting slowly away from him.
133. They were singing and yelling, doing rolls while diving, again soaring up, gradually drifting north.
134. Her famine leanness was softened by all the scarlet hair drifting around her.
135. Its feeding technique is also similar: drifting downward through the water, it captures small fish or plankton with its tentacles.
136. Unfortunately for Thacker the wind was offshore and instead of drifting over the island he went the opposite direction out to sea.
137. In the confusion of fighting the fire, the dinghy had gone overboard and was drifting away, trapping the crew.
138. A drifting cloud disappeared against some invisible line and began to emerge in another part of the sky altogether.
139. She fell asleep to the sound of music drifting upwards from the drawing-room.
140. With a slider it is possible to fish a much larger grouping of bulk shot well below the drifting layers of water.
141. The chickens' surviving relatives clucked and scratched in the dirt, oblivious to the drifting feathers.
142. It will also be a rare opportunity to witness the silent magic of six hydrogen balloons drifting away.
143. This exhibition was solid and well produced, the images drifting through concocted tales of the artist's imaginings.
144. Drifting out of an open window, riding over a choppy bassline, comes the distinctive voice of Omar.
145. So I would lie upstairs drifting from pain to the drugs.
146. The flux, the flow, the drifting balance of our days needs a particular kind of patience.
147. Of course,(http:///drifting.html) stories of ex-smokers drifting back to the fold are commonplace.
148. All the town was drifting toward the graveyard.
149. Drifting along the dank canals of Venice.
150. Some are drifting and slow, others jerky and rapid.
151. The boat is drifting broadside on.
152. He is drifting through life.
153. His feeling was confused and drifting, but deep unfathomable.
154. Cold foggy fishy - smelling air came drifting in.
155. The drifting snow has blocked our door.
156. The storm caused severe drifting.
157. We will begin rubber dinghy drifting from here.
158. And let their soft drifting sorrows drop away.
159. Hence the rainforest’s high level of humidity, visible from the observation tower in diaphanous cloudlets drifting over the canopy.
160. Apart from being the best companion anyone could ever hope for, her no-nonsense proof reading stopped me drifting down many narrative cul - de sacs.
161. The American guided missile frigate, the USS Bainbridge is already at the site about 300 miles off the Somali coast where Captain Richard Phillips is being held hostage on a drifting lifeboat.
162. By comparision with manpower, material and financial resources thrown in mine transport equipment in drifting tunnel, points out the economic benefit of applying micro-belt conveyer.
163. As the emerged from her drifting cloud of gun smoke with the water churned to foam beneath her bow, her flags colour, she presented a more majestic spectacle than Stockholmers had ever seen before.
164. From the ballroom beneath, muffled and suffocating chords were drifting up on hot waves of air.
165. Existing algorithms can not strike a good balance between robustness to data noise and sensitivity to concept drifting.
166. Place drifting wind and, chinese bookman is not had almost do not follow meretricious drink make merry, write Shi Manai.
167. It has been shown by experimentation that a single Chinese tamarisk or rose willow on the Gobi is like a brave soldier that can block 2,500 cubic meters of drifting sand a year.
168. The ship was found after drifting on the ocean for six months.
169. Some people enjoy that kind of life, drifting from pillar to post.
170. I thought the US system is slowly drifting from a gov't regulated capitalism to wealthy elites regulated government, or a oligarchy, as they call it.
171. Mist was drifting through the pine - clad crags , it would soon be evening.
172. The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was another warm period after postglacial epoch. The research results indicated that drifting sands were fixed in sandy land during the MWP in eastern China.
173. They lose interest and start drifting away in ones and twos.
174. There is nothing worse than trying to relax and eat a special meal only to find clouds of cigarette smoke drifting over you.
175. Appplied to process or weld large - area production, as PVC water bed, drifting raft, children swimming pool.
176. It is a woman's voice, but it sounds as though it comes drifting toward us across some vast and unbridgeable distance.
177. The jade lotus has yet sat by grant ugg boots in front of drifting the Ping, the path reserves the left arm of peeping out ego ugg boots too peeps out and lilac cloud-built and green cactus.
177. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
178. Taking a working way of scanning line after line and the words drifting from down to top as an example, provided the flow chart and assemble language source program, made the detailed note as well.
179. The bitter fleabane in the wind is a typical drifting plant.
180. At last she saw a big river, and the man who had tried to keep her from being carried off was drifting down it—such are the topsy-turvydoms of faery glamour—in a cockleshell.
181. The confirmation letters of product requirements have been revises and the operating department has organized relevant departments to conduct initial-stage drifting management.
182. Limited information is always better than aimless drifting or operating completely in the dark.
183. The time for stargazing – drifting away from immediate reality – is over.
184. It's almost time for dinner - tempus fugit, how time flies - and the scents drifting up towards him are tantalising, even for someone who doesn't need to eat.
185. The three subtle smiles , drifting in the air towards each other like gossamer, became interwoven.
186. The court affidavit describes in hard-core detail how the other victim remembers drifting in and out of consciousness as Warren sexually assaulted her.
187. Viewers and creative verve are drifting steadily from broadcast to cable networks.
188. For 70 million years, India has been drifting slowly northwards and ploughing its way into Asia.
189. The pictures' narratives become vicissitudinous and distant, while the figures therein seem floating and drifting in the ocean of time, dispossessed of temporal order or even physical direction.
190. A stand of magnificent ghost gums with pallid white trunks and drifting thin leaves.
191. Our happy hours share each other happily sad, we embark together flower of the opening life, the concomitance laugh heartily with warm, launches the intention for me, you are also drifting?
192. Both are already drifting away from the suburbs, the baby boomers because they want smaller homes and more accessible amenities, and the millenials to rebel against their cul-de-sac upbringing.
193. So I sawed off two thick rollers from one end, pierced them for wheels, and then of a joist which I had found drifting on the river in the summer I made an axletree, and on this I rolled my boat out.
194. After drifting lower at a sleepy pace for most of the day, the Dow Jones industrial average abruptly lurched into a hair-raising sky dive in the final hour of trading.
195. The sociologists Barbara Schneider and David Stevenson have astutely described recent cohorts as “drifting dreamers” with “high ambitions, but no clear life plan for reaching them.”
196. A salient finding was that 74% of drifting FAD -associated skipjack had empty stomachs at the moment of capture compared with only 13% for those fished from free schools.
197. The bear first hit the headlines last April, when fishermen spotted it drifting into the Gulf of Riga on a floating chunk of ice. The animal disappeared in fog and was feared drowned.
198. The distribution of coal and evaporite in geohistory suggests a geotectonic hypothesis of relatively fixed continents and oceans rather than a drifting model.
199. He was drifting and it was a period in his vulnerable to recruitment.
200. This site has an interactive interface, with all kinds of guitars before drifting away from the screen.
201. These gas plumes could conceivably have been liberated by mud volcanoes, were the initially warm mud to contain methane-producing microbes drifting in a previously unobservable underground lake.
202. It is now drifting in a remote area called the Nares Strait between Greenland and Canada.
203. Without a regular dividend payment, PPG shares have been drifting lower for some time, and lack a catalyst to send them higher.
204. Ice age data show that back in the 1970s and 1980s, old ice drifting into the Beaufort Sea would generally survive the summer melt season.
205. Back - office operations are drifting off to places where costs are lower, such as Glasgow or Bangalore.
206. She was drifting mentally, unable to say to herself what to do.
207. And he kept drifting about to find Becky and lacerate her with the performance.
208. The basic theory of the axial drifting of the cylinder on a welding roller bed is introduced in the paper.
209. In parts of England hundreds of motorists were forced to abandon their vehicles, as black ice and drifting snow turned the roads into slippery toboggan runs.
210. They can arise simply while watching snow slowly drifting down, or seeing the sun rising behind a mountain, or watching a shaft of light falling into a room in a mysteriously moving way.
211. For the skipjack amounts taken under drifting FADs reached even as high as 72% of all catches.
212. The Canadian, named locally as Jupi Nakoolak, was discovered drifting in the Arctic sea after he had embarked on a hunting expedition with his 67-year-old uncle.
213. The Pheonix bird is idealized by glaring colours in a vortical drifting world.
214. Snowflakes in the air curtain formed snow, drifting slowly, the whiteMontreal.
215. The drifting baselines in chromatography affect the veracity of analysis gready.
216. CONCLUSION The magnetic pro-drug prepared by chemical method showed high stability and good redispersion and also owned high drifting coefficient and loading capability.
217. He was drifting and it was a period in his life vulnerable to recruitment.
218. The Associated Press said the drifting ice island from the Petermann glacier could threaten oil platforms and shipping.
219. " I don't know, " returned Carrie, still illogically drifting and finding nothing at which to catch.
220. An Atlantic walrus calf finds safety on its mother's back while drifting on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.
221. In five minutes we were the, and drifting with the most startling rapidity round the headland.
222. It was an omnivorous grazer , sweeping up drifting fish , jellyfish and dead carrion as well as plants .
223. A tentative analysis of the mechanism of mantle circulation flow, continent drifting and earthquake origin is first clearly made, giving a simple mechanics-based explanation of the nature.
224. And as manufacturing jobs and semiskilled office positions disappear, much of this vast, nonprofessional middle class is drifting downward.
225. The little steam ferryboat was about a mile below the village, drifting with the current.
226. The notes, written on yellow foolscap, contain an assortment of limericks and anecdotes, drifting into seeming nonsense.
227. Looking outside, the snowflakes are drifting in the air frigidly, I felt my heart starts aching again.
228. In meditation practice, you might experience a muddy, semiconscious, drifting state, like having a hood over your head: a dreamy dullness.
229. This team is in search of elusive bearded seals, an affectionate and playful seal species that spends nearly all its life either in the water or drifting on Artic ice floes .
230. Possibilites of the capture of high speed motion target realized by step-by-step method and multi-targets recognition tracking achieved by drifting off its tracking zero point were proposed.
231. It is half past six. The morning glory falls onto the waves of this grand river, drifting and shattered. How many dreamers are rising at this moment, as flowers blooming through every second!
232. And they found planet - like objects drifting alone in the darkness of interstellar space.
233. I also aspire to the same catkin , as filled the snow drifting in the wind's no one I have never been to a place.
234. This beautiful, now deserted castle, is slowly drifting into dilapidation in Sicily .
235. It was bitter winter weather, but I had been too full of passion to feel cold, and I walked through the quiet streets, with the snow drifting in my face, and a desperate hopefulness in my heart.
236. Please tied the air jacket well and fastened the motorcycle safety helmet before drifting, and don't loosen or unship them in the way.
237. The atomic cloud was still drifting across the skies of the planet.
238. I seem to be hearing its sounds of dancing, seeing its movingly eyes while snowflakes were lightly drifting in the air.
239. It indicates that, the computing result with decaying model is same as that of present schuler formula, and its mean error is smaller than that of drifting model in most normal conditions.
240. His hair was drifting about his shoulders like dirty snow.
241. The conditions of geology and geography are complex, snowslide and drifting snow occur frequently, so this place becomes one of the most serious snow disaster area in Xinjiang.
242. This is a powerful spinning rod designed for drifting bait or bait imitators as well as casting spoons and spinners in rivers for Chinook salmon.
243. For the hints of unknown perfumes are drifting mockingly across your face(http:///drifting.html), disclosing something of the secret gardens and delights.
244. Its unstable knowledge being drifting away or even getting lost implies a legitimate basis and the discourse right for seeking its point of return again.
245. A migrant worker was drifting town from town, in search of work.
246. The following day, STO gapped down and spent the next five weeks drifting lower.
247. Then population drifting, change of Land - relationship and tenancy forms are following.
248. Burgess can display old photographs of the desert that show in a relatively short time -- over a few decades -- patches of Saguaro drifting over the Tucson basin.
249. The hibernatorial ambitions of Soapy were not of the highest. In them were no considerations of Mediterranean cruises, of soporific Southern skies or drifting in the Vesuvian Bay.
250. A long guitar solo came drifting over from the tape player at the next table.
251. Sometimes it might be frightening, like when the big snake thing attacked and started petrifying all the muggles, or if there were dementors drifting round while you were sleeping.
252. Limited information is a always better than aimless drifting or operating completely in the dark.
253. Figures of the same order of magnitude were obtained for yellowfin , with proportions respectively reaching 49% caught on drifting FADs and 7% from free schools.




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