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单词 offer
释义  of·fer1 /ˈɒfə $ ˈɒːfər, ˈɑː-/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  1  [transitive]OFFER to ask someone if they would like to have something, or to hold something out to them so that they can take it 提出,提供,自愿给offer somebody something Can I offer you something to drink? 我给你拿点喝的好吗? They offered him a very good job, but he turned it down. 他们给他提供了一份很好的工作,但他拒绝了。offer something to somebody Maureen lit a cigarette and offered one to Lucy. 莫琳点了一支香烟,又递了一支给露西。 The drama school offers places to students who can show talent. 这所戏剧学校为能展现才华的学生提供学习的机会。 →4  See picture of 见图 offer2  [intransitive, transitive]OFFER to say that you are willing to do something 愿意〔做某事〕 I don’t need any help, but it was nice of you to offer. 我不需要任何帮助,但是我谢谢你的好意。offer to do something My dad has offered to pick us up. 我爸爸表示愿意开车来接我们。 The newspaper offered to apologise for the article. 报社表示愿意为那篇文章道歉。3  [transitive]PROVIDE to provide something that people need or want 提供,给予offer advice/help/support etc Your doctor should be able to offer advice on diet. 你的医生应该能够在饮食方面提出建议。offer an opportunity/chance/possibility The course offers the opportunity to specialize in the final year. 这门课程提供最后一年进行专门研究的机会。 A number of groups offer their services free of charge. 一些团体免费提供服务。 The Centre offers a wide range of sports facilities. 该中心提供各式各样的体育运动设施。offer something to somebody I did what I could to offer comfort to the family. 我尽自己所能为家人提供舒适的生活。4  have something to offer (somebody) to have qualities, opportunities etc that people are likely to want or enjoy 能(为某人)提供某物 Canada has much to offer in terms of location and climate. 从地理位置和气候方面来说,加拿大可提供许多有利条件。 He felt he had nothing to offer her that she wanted. 他觉得自己给不了她想要的。5  [transitive]OFFER to say that you are willing to pay a particular amount of money for something 出〔价〕,开〔价〕offer (somebody) something for something They’ve offered us £75,000 for the house. 他们向我们出价7.5万英镑买这幢房子。 The police are offering a reward for any information. 警方正在悬赏征求线索。6. offer (up) a prayer/sacrifice etc RRto pray to God or give something to God 献上祷告/祭品等7  offer itself formalHAPPEN if an opportunity to do something offers itself, it becomes available to you 〔机会〕出现 I’ll raise the subject when a suitable occasion offers itself. 等有合适的机会,我会把这件事提出来的。8. offer your hand (to somebody) HELLOto hold out your hand in order to shake hands with someone (向某人)伸出手去〔握手〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusoffer• "Do you want me to look after the children next week?" "No, but thanks for offering."• Better Schools signalled the government's intention to offer a further statement on the organisation and content of the 5-16 curriculum.• Chaldon was offered a huge salary to become team manager.• Police are offering a reward for information about the shooting.• She was the kind of teacher who was always ready to offer advice and encouragement.• Sending goods by road offers greater speed and flexibility.• I'd like to offer help if you need it.• The prison now offers inmates the chance to study and take exams.• At a rodeo in Billings, organizers offer literature defending their treatment of livestock to counter animal-rights objections.• Some guy offered me £2,000 for the car. I just laughed and hung up the phone.• She didn't even offer me a cup of tea.• He offered no explanation for his actions.• Watch out ... Bathtime Bear offers no less than 10 different activities.• The booklet offers practical advice to new parents.• Voters were offered real choices, within limits.• The faint hope he had offered shrivelled and died in the heat of the hungry, leaping flames.• The shelter offers some protection from the icy winds.• Unfortunately, they offered the contract to someone else.• In addition to the benefits conferred by Development Zone status, Tadchester has a good deal to offer the industrialist.• I've been offered the job!• Mr Bessen said he plans to offer the same deal again to customers starting Friday.• Why don't you offer them a drink while I finish getting dinner ready?• I offered to help her with the dishes.• The city will offer various leagues and instructional programs.• Can I offer you a ride?offer something to somebody• They are likely to offer the top job to someone from within the company.• Both airlines offer a discount to travelers over 60.offer to do something• It was nice of Amy to offer to babysit this Friday.• At once Theseus came forward and offered to be one of the victims.• She was fired, even though she offered to buy non-toxic dishwashing detergent for the center.• Erlich had offered to help them with anything they might shout for, and he had been turned down.• an offer to help• What was here being offered to her she took with both hands, roused and grateful.• Labour is offering to people who are presently enjoying the benefits of compulsory competitive tendering a promise to scrap it.• The chest that was now ash, gray, cold windblown memory, an offering to progress, to assimilation.• Occasional workshops are offered to review developments.• Inside, mariachis offer to sing songs about the mustachioed bandit turned saint or the modern-day outlaws.offer ... services• Oftel argues that the move to a single private agency would prevent several private companies offering rival emergency services.• Actresses are also creeping on to the catwalk, offering their services in exchange for a couple of outfits.• It also offered other services, including credit repair.• They can offer services such as tax advice, financial planning services and executorship.• Will I now, in a white-hot rage, offer my services to the Allies?• When Dean heard this he at once offered his services with the Hudson.offer (somebody) something for something• Someone offered me $300 for the bike.• Robin is offering a reward for the return of her necklace.Related topics: Tradeoffer2 ●●● S2 W1 noun [countable]  1  OFFERa statement saying that you are willing to do something for someone or give them something 〔愿为某人做某事或愿给某人某物的〕提议;提供offer of I can’t turn down the offer of a free trip to Milan! 我怎能拒绝免费去米兰旅行的机会!offer to do something His offer to resign will be accepted. 他的辞职请求会被接受。2  OFFERan amount of money that you are willing to pay for something 出价,开价,报价 Will you accept their offer? 你会接受他们的开价吗?make (somebody) an offer (for/on something) (=offer a particular amount of money for something) (为某事物)向(某人)开价[报价] Within 20 minutes they were prepared to make us an offer. 不出20分钟,他们就准备好给我们一个价格了。 The company made an offer of $5 million for the site. 这家公司出价500万美元购买这个地块。a generous/good offer ‘I’ll be interested if Newcastle make me a good offer, ’ said the 25-year-old striker. “如果纽卡斯尔队出个好价钱给我的话,那我会有兴趣的。”这名25岁的前锋说。be open to offers (=be ready to consider people’s offers and lower your original price) 愿意考虑还价 We’re asking £2,500, but we’re open to offers. 我们要价2,500英镑,但是可以商议。 → o.n.o.3  BBTCOSTa reduction of the price of something in a shop for a short time 〔商店的〕特价,减价,削价 → discount All special offers advertised in this brochure are subject to availability. 这本小册子上宣传的所有特价商品售完即止。offer on There’s a free offer on orders over £45. 订购金额超过45英镑可获得一件免费赠品。 To take advantage of this offer (=buy something at the reduced price), complete the attached forms. 填写所附表格,即可享受优惠价格。4  on offer a) BBavailable to be bought, chosen, or used 可买到的,供使用的,提供的 Activities on offer include sailing, rowing, and canoeing. 提供的活动项目包括帆船、划艇和独木舟。 I was impressed with the designs on offer. 我对所提供的设计印象深刻。 b) British EnglishBBTCHEAP for sale for a short time at a cheaper price than usual 〔短期〕削价[特价]出售的 Lean minced beef is on offer this week. 本周特价出售瘦牛肉糜。5. under offer British English if a house that is for sale is under offer, someone has offered to buy it for a particular price 〔房屋〕已有买主出价的 COLLOCATIONSverbsaccept an offer (=say yes to it) 接受提议[报价]Are you going to accept their offer? 你会接受他们的报价吗?take up an offer/take somebody up on their offer British English (=accept someone's offer) 接受(某人的)提议[报价]I might take him up on his offer. 也许我会接受他的提议。turn down/refuse/reject/decline an offer (=say no to it) 拒绝提议[报价]She declined the offer of a lift. 她拒绝了让她搭车的好意。get/receive an offer 获得机会He received the offer of a place at Cambridge University. 他被剑桥大学录取。withdraw an offer 收回提议[报价]They suddenly withdrew their offer at the last minute. 他们在最后一刻突然撤回聘用通知。ADJECTIVES/NOUN + offera job offer 工作机会I still did not have a formal job offer. 我依然没有获得任何正式的工作机会。a kind/generous offer 好意/盛情We are grateful for your kind offer. 我们十分感谢你的好意。nThey were surprised by his generous offer to let them stay at his place.phrasesan offer of help/support/friendship etc 提供帮助/给予支持/表示友谊等Any offers of help would be appreciated. 对于任何帮助,我们都不胜感激。I appreciate your offer (=I am grateful for it – used especially when politely refusing someone's offer) 感谢你的好意〔尤用于婉拒他人帮助〕I appreciate your offer, but I don’t need any help. 感谢你的好意,不过我不需要帮忙。Examples from the Corpusoffer• He retired from the Navy in 1979 to accept an offer to be president of the Citadel military college in South Carolina.• Pan Am accepted an offer to sell its African and Asian routes.• It was an offer which many women of good family in the area would have been delighted to accept.• Candidates offering a range of subjects, rather than all Maths/Science subjects are more likely to receive offers for certain courses.• How could you refuse such a fantastic offer?• I'll sell the car if I get a good offer.• The management offer involves a lump sum payment of £300 and a pay rise of about £8 a week from next July.• Our offer pack contains three of these hangers.• Since the story ran in local papers, the family has received several offers of help.• This time the offer is believed to have been advanced to £5m.• Should people take advantage of this offer?offer to do something• He gets out of bed, offers to dress first, then leave, before Ishmael gets up.• She seemed relieved when he turned down her offer to come live with them.• Substantial rewards were on offer to turn the rioters in to authorities.• What does Lacanian psychoanalysis offer to feminist psychologists?• She was the soul of unselfishness, as her ready offer to vacate her bedroom had shown yet again.• She refused the porter's offer to crack open the bottle, and settled herself for a long wait.• A few of the offers to made during the first trading session have already been publicised.a generous/good offer• At the very least he could have telephoned and explained that he'd been made a better offer.• But they made a good offer.• With such a generous offer, it is easy to overlook the small print.• A resolution passed by the Democrat-controlled House 27 votes to 13 advises Exxon to renegotiate and come up with a better offer.take advantage ... offer• During an air-fare war, you may get the cheapest fare by taking advantage of this offer.• Several organizations and individuals have taken advantage of the offer.• If you would be interested in taking advantage of this offer contact.• Should people take advantage of this offer?• Your are strongly advised to take advantage of this offer for your benefit and security.• Be prepared to take advantage of offers that come your way, especially if they concern a friend or relative.• Customers needed to receive catalogs in sufficient time to take advantage of these offers.• To take advantage of this offer please complete the attached forms.From Longman Business Dictionaryofferof‧fer1 /ˈɒfəˈɒːfər, ˈɑː-/ verb [transitive]1to say that you are willing to give someone something, or to give them itoffer somebody somethingThey offered him a very good job, but he turned it down.offer something to somebodyThe magazine offered discounts to advertisers.2to say that you are willing to pay a particular amount of money for somethingoffer (somebody) something for somethingThey’ve offered us $200,000 for the house.3FINANCEto make an investment available for saleThe company offered about 18 million shares to investors on the Tokyo Stock Exchange at 6,800 yen each.4to provide a product or serviceIt offers six credit cards with varying rates.5if a product or service offers particular advantages or features, it has those features or advantagesDifferent software packages offer different features.→ See Verb tableofferoffer2 noun [countable]1a statement that you are willing to give someone something or do something for themoffer ofBefore the offers of early retirement, the company had about 8,000 employees.offer to do somethingTheir offer to buy the building was accepted.They approached him with the new job offer and, within hours, he accepted the post.2FINANCEan amount of money that you are willing to pay for somethingmake (somebody) an offer (for something)The company made an offer of $5 million for the site.The company declined (=refused) the $1-a-share offer because it wanted $3 a share. → firm offer → general offer → initial offer → initial public offer → mandatory general offer → open offer → self-tender offer → settlement offer → share exchange offer → share offer → takeover offer → tender offer → unsolicited offer3be open to offers to be ready to consider different offers of money or other things people are willing to give youWe have no definite plans to sell but we are certainly open to offers.4on offerCOMMERCE available to be bought or usedIt’s still a seller’s market because of the shortage of property on offer.5on offerCOMMERCE British English available for a short time at a reduced priceSYN AmE on saleOlive oil is on offer this week.This wine is currently on special offer at £3.29.6 (also special offer)COMMERCE a reduction in the price of something for a short timeTake advantage of our ‘buy six for the price of five’ offer.The ferry company is running a special offer: a day trip to France for only £7.7be under offer British EnglishPROPERTY if property that is for sale is under offer, someone has offered an amount of money for itWe can confirm the club is under offer, but that’s as much as we can say at this stage.8MARKETING a free product or service → free offer → special offer → trial offerOrigin offer1 (1200-1300) Old French offrir, from Latin offerre, from ferre “to carry”of·fer1 verboffer2 noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  would if they someone like to ask Business Corpus




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