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单词 odds
释义  Related topics: Gambling, Horsesodds /ɒdz $ ɑːdz/ ●●○ S3 AWL noun [plural]  1  PROBABILITY 可能性the odds how likely it is that something will or will not happen 〔事物发生的〕可能性 The odds are (=it is likely) that he will commit the same crime again. 他可能还会犯同样的罪行。the odds of You can narrow the odds of a nasty accident happening in your home by being more safety-conscious. 增强安全意识可以减少家中发生意外危险的可能性。the odds against The odds against a plane crash are around a million to one. 发生空难的可能性仅有约百万分之一。 I’m afraid that the odds are heavily against her winning (=it is not likely). 恐怕她获胜的可能性很小。 What are the odds (=how likely is it) that they will mess up? 他们失败的可能性有多大? a new company that has beaten the odds and succeeded (=it was not likely to succeed, but it did) 战胜逆境而取得成功的一家新公司2  difficulties 困难PROBLEM difficulties which make a good result seem very unlikely 困难,不利条件 The hospital’s director has been battling against the odds to improve patient care. 这位医院院长一直在克服困难,努力提高病人护理服务质量。 The soldiers’ job was to hold on despite impossible odds. 这些士兵的任务是排除万难,坚守下去。3  be at odds a) DISAGREEto disagree 意见不一致,有分歧nbe at odds with Briggs found himself at odds with his colleagues. 布里格斯发现自己与同事们意见不合。be at odds over/on The two politicians were at odds over what was the truth. 两位政治家在何为事实真相的问题上产生了分歧。 b) DIFFERENTif two statements, descriptions, actions etc are at odds with each other, they are different although they should be the same 〔说法、描述、行为等〕不一致be at odds with Mark’s account of what happened is at odds with Dan’s. 马克对所发生情况的说法和丹的说法不一样。 She gave him a sweet smile, totally at odds with the look of dislike in her eyes. 她给了他一个甜甜的微笑,这和她眼中的不悦完全不符。4  horse racing etc 赛马等DGGDSH the numbers that show how much money you will win if you bet on the winner of a horse race or other competition 投注赔率 The odds are 6–1. 赔率是6比1。odds of At odds of 10–1 he bet a hundred pounds. 他以10比1的赔率押了100英镑。(at) long/short odds (=high or low numbers, that show a high or low risk of losing) (以)高/低赔率 Everyone was surprised when Desert Zone won the race, at very long odds. 高赔率的“沙漠地带”竟然在赛马中获胜,人人都感到意外。lay/offer (somebody) odds British English They are laying odds of 8–1 that the Conservatives will win the next election. 他们为保守党在下次大选中获胜开出8比1的赔率。5  it makes no odds British English spokenUNIMPORTANT used to say that what someone does or what happens is not important 无关紧要,没多大关系 Pay me now or later – it makes no odds. 现在付给我或者晚点再付都没关系。6  pay over the odds British English informalTOO/TOO MUCH to pay a higher price than is usual or reasonable 花高价 Most residents live in tiny apartments and pay over the odds for them too. 大部分居民居住在狭小的公寓里,还要支付高额房租。 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: difficulties which make a good result seem very unlikely 困难,不利条件adjectivesenormous/considerable/incredible odds 巨大的/相当大的/难以置信的困难He survived a night in the cold water against incredible odds. 他克服了难以置信的困难,在冰冷的水中挺过了一夜。great odds (=a lot of difficulties) 困难重重We must hope that, despite great odds, we can achieve a peaceful settlement. 我们必须坚信,虽然困难重重,但我们一定能达成和平协议。impossible/overwhelming odds (=making success seem extremely unlikely) 难以克服的困难They face impossible odds simply trying to get an education. 单是为了能获得教育,他们就面临着难以克服的困难。nThey face overwhelming odds in their struggle to preserve the park.verbsbeat/overcome/defy the odds (=succeed despite great difficulties) 克服重重困难The baby, born sixteen weeks too early, defied the odds and is celebrating her first birthday. 这个早产16周的婴儿竟然存活下来,现在迎来一岁生日。battle/struggle against the odds (=work hard despite great difficulties) 排除万难nThe Coastguard was battling against the odds to keep the oil spill from reaching the shore.phrasesagainst all odds (=despite something seeming very unlikely) 尽管困难重重Against all odds, he recovered from his illness. 尽管病情凶险,他还是恢复了健康。the odds are stacked against somebody (=there are a lot of difficulties that may prevent someone’s success) 某人处于非常不利的境地nThey may be able to build a life for themselves, but the odds are stacked against them.Examples from the Corpusodds• Against all odds, he believed in himself.• Assad overcame great odds to become commander of the air force.• We applaud this kind of person when they climb mountains, cross deserts, sail oceans and survive against incredible odds.• So why not tell the bank I have a $ 2 million asset and enhance the odds of my landing that loan?• If you are male, the odds are about 1 in 12 of being colourblind.• The odds, in the short term anyway, favoured them.• The odds against being killed in a plane crash are very high.• The odds in favour of a win for the Russian team are around 10 to 1.• The odds against such a coincidence are unimaginably great but they are not incalculably great.• The odds against them were overwhelming.• The odds of being infected from a contaminated needle are 1 in 300, Gerberding said.lay/offer (somebody) odds• Digges argued that the Watch was way off, as was the island, and offered to lay odds on the bet.From Longman Business Dictionaryoddsodds /ɒdzɑːdz/ noun [plural]1the odds how likely it is that something will happenThe odds of us achieving our sales targets are very poor.The odds are (=it is likely that) selling will continue.2difficulties that make a good result seem very unlikelyThe small company overcame enormous odds to become a success.Successful entrepreneurs have a will to succeed against all odds (=even when there are great difficulties).3be at odds (with somebody) if two people or groups are at odds, they disagree about something or they often disagree about thingsThe head cook and head porter are constantly at odds.4be at odds (with something) if two statements, descriptions, actions etc are at odds with each other, they are different although they should be the sameSometimes trade union negotiators set targets which are at odds with the targets set by management.5pay/charge over the odds British EnglishCOMMERCE informal to pay or charge a higher price than is usual or reasonableAre supermarket customers paying over the odds for fruit and vegetables?odds noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  something Business that is it likely how or Corpus will will




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