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单词 conclusion
释义 Word family  noun conclusion adjective concluding conclusive ≠ inconclusive verb conclude adverb conclusively ≠ inconclusively  con·clu·sion /kənˈkluːʒən/ ●●○ S3 W2 AWL noun  1  [countable]DECIDE something you decide after considering all the information you have 结论 → conclude These are the report’s main conclusions. 这些就是这篇报告的主要结论。conclusion (that) I soon came to the conclusion that she was lying. 我很快就得出了她在撒谎的结论。 It is still too early to reach a conclusion on this point. 在这一点上作出结论还为时过早。 There are perhaps two main conclusions to be drawn from the above discussion. 从以上的讨论也许可以得出两个主要的结论。 All the evidence pointed to the conclusion that he was guilty. 所有证据都表明他是有罪的。 It’s important not to jump to conclusions. 决不要贸然下结论。 The police came to the inescapable conclusion that the children had been murdered. 警方得出了无法回避的结论: 这些儿童被谋杀了。2  [countable] formalEND the end or final part of something 结尾,末尾 SYN endconclusion of At the conclusion of the meeting, little progress had been made. 会议开到最后,没有取得多少进展。3  in conclusion FINISH DOING somethingused in a piece of writing or a speech to show that you are about to finish what you are saying 最后〔用于文章或讲话的末尾,表示即将结束〕 SYN finally In conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today. 最后,我想说我今天很开心。n GrammarYou say: In conclusion, education reinforces democracy. ✗Don’t say: As a conclusion ... | As conclusion ...4  [uncountable]AGREE the final arrangement of an agreement, a business deal etc 〔条约、贸易协定等的〕缔结,签订conclusion of the conclusion of a peace treaty 和平条约的签订5  be a foregone conclusion CERTAINLY/DEFINITELYto be certain to happen, even though it has not yet officially happened 是明摆着的结果 The outcome of the battle was a foregone conclusion. 战斗的结果早在预料之中。n COLLOCATIONSverbscome to/arrive at/reach a conclusion (=decide something)I eventually came to the conclusion that I wanted to study law.draw a conclusion (=decide something from what you learn or see)We tried not to draw any conclusions too early in the investigation.jump to/leap to conclusions (=decide something is true without knowing all the facts, especially when you are wrong)Everyone jumped to the conclusion that we would get married.lead to/point to a conclusion (=make you decide that something is true)All the data led to only one a conclusion (=suggest that something is true)The evidence supports the conclusion that his death was an accident.adjectivesan obvious conclusionAll her symptoms led to the obvious conclusion – she was pregnant.the wrong conclusionReporters saw the couple together and leapt to the wrong conclusion.the right/correct conclusionI am sure that you came to the right conclusion.the opposite conclusionA lot of scientific evidence supports the opposite conclusion.the inescapable/inevitable conclusion (=one that is very obvious, although you may not like it)The inescapable conclusion was that the country needed a change of leadership.the logical conclusion (=one that makes sense when you think about it carefully)The logical conclusion is that short commercials are just as effective as longer ones.a firm conclusion (=definite decision)At the end of the day, no firm conclusion had been reached.a surprising/startling conclusionAfter years of research, he reached a startling conclusion.a hasty conclusion (=one that you reach too quickly, so that you are probably wrong)Researchers must beware of drawing hasty conclusions. THESAURUSconclusion something you decide after considering all the information you have 〔综合所有信息得出的〕结论Doctors failed to reach a conclusion on the exact cause of death. 医生未能就确切的死因得出结论。The report’s main conclusion was that global warming was a serious threat. 这篇报告的主要结论是,全球变暖是一个严重的威胁。findings the information that someone has discovered as a result of their study, work etc 〔调查、研究等的〕结果,结论Surveys conducted in other countries reported similar findings. 在其他国家进行的调查也得出了同样的结果。result the answers that are provided by a scientific study or test 〔科学研究或化验得出的〕结果Have you had the result of your blood test yet? 你的验血结果拿到了吗?Examples from the Corpusconclusion• The talks are aimed at bringing the dispute to a conclusion.• He or she is aware that logically derived conclusions have a validity independent of factual truth.• Introducing the changes has been a long process, and it's still nowhere near its conclusion.• Therefore, a tribunal or inferior court acts ultravires if it reaches its conclusion on a basis erroneous under the general law.• Consciousness, without any further necessary conclusions, is the only fact of which consciousness can be absolutely certain.• Once she'd met Janice and come to some conclusion, then she would know what she had to do next.• At the conclusion of the book, the reader is still not certain whether Markham is guilty or not.• At the conclusion of the trial, the jury returned with a verdict of guilty.• I thought about this and came to the conclusion that it seemed a very good philosophy.• That was the conclusion of a General Accounting Office report in 1992 on fraud in the health care system.• The conclusion, ergo sum, is not entailed.• However, several caveats need to be attached to this conclusion.• There was complete silence in the room as the play came to its tragic conclusion.inescapable conclusion• For those with limited experience of overseas Test matches, especially in the subcontinent, this is the inescapable conclusion.• Is the inescapable conclusion, therefore, that the régime finds itself between the devil and the deep blue sea?• The inescapable conclusion was that people were continually managing to think it up for themselves.conclusion of• Lucy was given a standing ovation at the conclusion of her speech.Origin conclusion (1300-1400) French Latin conclusio, from concludere; → CONCLUDEcon·clu·sion noun →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus all after decide considering you something




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