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- the-london-marathon
- the london palladium
- the-london-palladium
- the london philharmonic orchestra
- the-london-philharmonic-orchestra
- the london school of economics
- the-london-school-of-economics
- the london season
- the-london-season
- the london symphony orchestra
- the-london-symphony-orchestra
- the lonely
- the lone ranger
- the-lone-ranger
- the long and short of it
- the long and (the) short of it
- the long and the short of it
- the long arm of
- the long arm of sb
- the long arm of somebody
- the long arm of somebody/something
- the long arm of something
- the long arm of sth
- the long jump
- the long march
- Machine screw
- Resource distribution
- Liquidity ratio
- Vergence
- Self-possession
- Self-command
- Stand firm
- Lose no time
- Aerolite
- Aerogel
- 万死不辞的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 万死不辞;望风而逃的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 万民之主,不阿一人
- 万民之从利也,如水之走下,不以教化堤防之,不能止也
- 万水自发源处入百川,容不得;入江淮河汉,容不得。直流至海,则浩浩恢恢,不知江淮几时入,河汉何处来,兼收而并容之矣。闲杂懊恼,无端谤讟,傥来横逆,加之众人不受,加之贤人不受,加之圣人则了不见其辞色,自有道以处之。故圣人者,疾垢之海也。
- 万法惟心
- 万物之情各求自遂者也,惟圣人之心则欲遂万物而忘自遂。
- 万物之灵
- 万物以节操为高。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 万物发生,皆是流于既溢之余;万物收敛,皆是劳于既极之后。天地一岁一呼吸,而万物随之。
- 万物复苏的意思,万物复苏造句
- 万物安于知足,死于无厌。
- 万物得于心定
- 万物得天地之气以生,有宜温者,有宜微温者,有宜太温者,有宜温而风者,有宜温而湿者,有宜温而燥者,有宜温而时风时湿者。何气所生则宜何气,得之则长养,失之则伤病。气有一毫之爽,万物阴受一毫之病,其宜凉宜寒宜暑无不皆然,飞潜、动植、蠛蠓之物无不皆然。故天地位则万物育,王道平则万民遂。
- 万物得气之先。
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