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单词 Long-handled
1. Aunt Tossie put the long-handled gravy spoon back in the napkin-swathed pudding bowl and waited in happy expectation for the sea-kale.
2. A long-handled bath sponge may be used to reach lower legs. Women can also purchase razor extenders to shave their legs.
3. He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it into the toilet and then used it to clean the mirror.
4. She motioned with one hand, pointed to the long-handled candle snuffer which had been in the room since before the candelabra had been electrified.
5. A long-handled, slender, hooked instrument for lifting and holding parts, such as blood vessels, during surgery.
6. A long-handled implement with a row of projecting teeth AT its head, used especially to gATher leaves or to loosen or smooth earth.
7. Long-handled bar spoon(10 inches); some have a muddler on the end of the handle.
8. He opens a tub and, using a long-handled hook, picks up a classic black and brown diamond-patterned rattler.
9. A long-handled implement used to strike a ball , as in croquet and polo.
10. When all the cornmeal is added, begin stirring with a long-handled wooden spoon.
11. Fiery torches of palm fronds light up the night near the Caroline Islands as men in outrigger canoes wait with long-handled nets to scoop flying fish in midair.
12. But the trees were only three or four metres high, so the koalas were well within reach of our long-handled nets.
13. An outdoor game in which the players drive wooden balls through a series of wickets using long-handled mallets.
14. Guided by the resulting video feed, the surgeon wields long-handled tools to excavate the gall bladder from its neighbouring organs before removing it though the slit.
15. Fearful that it would remain entangled in the web, I selected a long-handled broom to assist him escaping the tangled threads.
16. When the metal was thin and malleable, Kartar grabbed a smaller hammer and deftly teased out the shape of the long-handled spoon, pounding its surface to a lustrous, dimpled finish.
17. The driller also operates the drawworks brake using a long-handled lever.
18. Today, oysters are farmed in the bay and harvested by oystermen with long-handled tongs and wooden flats boats.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. Words nevertheless such, the south temple Lin is to stoop from the waist next start to embrace wine son, then long-handled knife Kuo ax to return to walk.
20. The Kai flies in the brutal goose south especially faded of time be rattled, wait until nape a cool, watch long-handled sword ashore own cervix, he the center bottom came out again algidity.




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