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单词 nudist
释义  Related topics: Outdoornud·ist /ˈnjuːdɪst $ ˈnuː-/ noun [countable]  DLONAKEDsomeone who enjoys not wearing any clothes because they believe it is natural and healthy 裸体主义者 SYN naturist —nudism noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusnudist• Inside was rather lengthy letter from a nudist who lives next to Bonaventure cemetery.• A nudist colony of angels exercised their wings in Eastbourne cemetery.• Some fear nudist camps, especially those that draw families with children, serve as magnates for pedophiles.• Inside, a two-page article featured three more photographs showing another five nudists.• The man who lived here would have definite elixir theories about his yoghurts, his knee-bends, his nudist vacations.• Raising nudist children in a non-nudist world poses certain problems, Michelle has discovered.nud·ist nounChineseSyllable  who someone any wearing clothes not Corpus enjoys




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